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Results 26751-26780 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The expectation of your visiting Washington had prevented my returning the letter contained in...
Letter not found : to Anne Louise DuBarry, 15 May 1796. In DuBarry’s letter to GW of 28 July, she...
I have recd. your favor of yesterday inclosing a Gazette with a new Petition or Address to the...
I have recd. the Letter, which You did me the honor to write me, the 18th. of this month, with a...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society We received yours of the 18th and observe the Contents. We...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the Honours of yours, without Date, relating to the Ship...
AL (draft): Library of Congress We had the honor of receiving in due time your Letters of the...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society Mr. Dorsius of Charlestown South Carolina is a Gentleman we...
I had, this morning, the Honour of your Letter of the Seventeenth of June, and have read over,...
The letter which you were pleased to write to me from Philadelphia the 11th of this instt came...
L (draft) or copy: American Philosophical Society Le grand nombre d’affaires dont je suis chargé,...
Je crois, Monsieur, que Monsieur Paul Jones doit etre actuellement à Copenhague, ou sur son...
From the annexed Certificate from Major General Gates under whose command Major Debouchet...
J. Madison presents his best respects to Mr. DuBourg, and inclose a note for $198.15. the balance...
Mr. Madison’s compliments to Mr. Dubourg. In discharge of the acct. lately forwarded, he has the...
§ To William Dubourg. 5 July 1806, Washington. “James Madison presents his respects to Mr....
§ To William Dubourg. 26 January 1806, Washington. “Regretting the omission which has suspended...
I have duly recd. your favor of the 19th. instant. It affords me very great plea sure to learn...
Your Letter of the 5th by your Br[other] is Received[.] by him I forward you 800 Dollars, would...
I have had the honor to receive your two books upon Hydrolicks which you were so polite as to...
I have received your favor of the 16th of January, announcing your promotion, and soliciting my...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress On reading over again, and reconsidering your Papers, it...
I have received your Letter of the 2d of April—and reflecting on its Contents, I cannot but say...
Two copies: Library of Congress I received the Letter you wrote me on the 9th. Inst. desiring me...
[ Philadelphia, June 22, 1792. On October 22, 1792, Ducher wrote to Hamilton : “J’ai reçu votre...
Copy: Library of Congress The Person who proposes to have the honour of presenting this to your...
Immediately on the receipt of your favor of July 25. informing me that you had forwarded to me by...
This letter will be delivered you by Mr. Volney, my friend, [and a] countryman of old France. He...
I am very much pleased with the visit you have made us, and particularly that it has happened...
Your favour of the 4th Instant by Capt. De Goy was handed me the 11th. I was then on my march for...