From George Washington to Major General Stirling, 28 December 1777
To Major General Stirling
Head Quarters [Valley Forge]
28th December 1777. 5 OClock
My Lord—
When you shall have received certain intelligence of the Enemys retiring to Philadelphia—it will be expedient to march your Division and the different parties that were detached to join you with all convenient speed back to Camp—that they may as soon as possible be refreshed and provide for their Winter Shelter—this was intended to have been mentioned in this mornings Letter—but was omitted1—I am—Your Lordships most obedt Servt
Go: Washington
The Parties mentd above are those from the difft Brigades.
LS, in John Laurens’s writing, NNPM. The postscript is in GW’s writing.
1. This is probably a mistaken reference to the preceding letter from GW to Stirling of this date. GW wrote that letter in response to Stirling’s letter of this date which, according to the postscript, could not have been sent to GW until after one o’clock in the afternoon. The preceding letter to Stirling must therefore have been written in the afternoon. See also Stirling’s letter to GW of 29 December.