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Results 26741-26750 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
15 August 1811, Barcelona. “When I had the honor to receive the appointmt. of Consul of the UStates at Barna no doubt I was consider’d properly qualified, and I have the satisfaction to enclose a document in confirmation thereof.” Does so because he has seen a duplicate of a letter in the hands of Mr. Thorndike, signed by Robert Smith and dated 27 Feb. 1811, revoking his consular commission...
Upon honor, now, Rush! You cannot be serious in calling me, mad, to my Face! I learned a proper Answer to you, in Bedlam in England. In one of the Visits I made to that Hospital, I took a few Turns in the Area, where Some of the most harmless of the patients are permitted to walk. One of them a decent looking Man joined me, and conversed very Sensibly but with much animation for Some time: but...
The Letter which you did me the Honor to write to me on the 10th Inst. I received yesterday, together with those which it covered. I have now the pleasure to return Mr. Adams’s (Letter) de cyphered: with the other I can as yet do nothing. I will make an effort before the departure of your next Mail to find out generally its objects; but I am by no means confident that I shall be able to do...
I write from a place which I visit occasionally, near the New London of this state, 90. miles from Monticello , and where I have not the means of examining whether I have let pass the annual period pass over of saying ‘all’s well’ and ‘how d’ye do’? your letter of came in due time. I had learned by the newspapers the afflicting event it announced, had felt it as your friend, and as the friend...
He who forwarded you the Small Seed box through me Could not, indeed, believe that Such an introduction to you, would be more troublesome than the invoice agreeable. I hope, whoever, that the Subject on which I now take the liberty of entertaining you with, being in behalf of the country will carry My excuse with it. I am not acquainted, in your State , with any one So well delighted with...
Your favor of the 10th. enclosing a Letter from Lt. Voorhis was received this morning. That officer was with me yesterday—he appears to be a good man and bears his sentence like a good christian: he has merit and in case of war may still be useful. At the time of leaving the city for Harper’s ferry the business & state of the office did not admit of my absence for so long a time as a visit to...
13 August 1811. “Stephen Vail of Butler County purchased of the united states some years ago 380 09/100 acres of Land and made full payment for the same the 11th. August 1806 as per receipt on which land he had layed out a small town sold the Lotts and gave his Obligations to make deeds in a Certain time.” Since Stephen Vail’s decease it has been impossible to make out deeds for purchasers of...
Two days ago I received your letter of Aug. 2. & have to observe, in answer thereto, that in compliance with M r Mazzei’s request, I remitted to him by one of U.S. Ships bound up the Mediterranean a bill purchased of M r Rutherfoord on London Jan. 1807. I sent some time after a duplicate by another national Vessel, & I enclosed a triplicate to my friend M
Your having passed the usual time of year for of remiting the hire’s of M rs Daingerfields & my Negroes has Caused her with me to make application to you for the last years hire as well as the balance for the time before, Our wants has compelled this measure or I should not have Call on you untill about the first of january Next & hope sir you will make the deposit as soon of as Convenient in...
J’ai reçu la lettre dont vous m’avez honnoré le 2 Courant , par laquélle vous paraissez desirer l’adresse de M r Pauly , ami de M r de Beauvois . La voici telle qu’il me l’a donnée. M r L is Abraham Pauly , at Calfpasture Staunton