Army Promotion, [28 October 1783]
Army Promotion1
[Princeton, New Jersey, October 28, 1783]
In pursuance of an Act of Congress of the 30th. day of September 1783.2
Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton is to take rank as Colonel by brevet in the Armies of the United States of America.
Given under my hand at Princeton the 28th. Day of October 1783.
Elias Boudinot Presidt.
B: Lincoln.
DS, RG 233, Records of the Committee on Pensions, 14th Congress, National Archives.
1. For an account of H’s services and retention in the Army, see “Petition to the New York Legislature,” February 4, 1784, and the two letters he wrote to George Washington on March 1, 1782.
2. The congressional resolution reads as follows: “Resolved, that the Secretary at War issue to all Officers in the Army under the rank of Major General who hold the same rank now that they held in the year 1777, a brevet Commission, one grade higher than their present rank having respect to their seniority” ( , XXV, 632).