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Results 26731-26760 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
by this time you have Recd. all Communication from your Worthy Ministers at foriegn Courts & you must of Course be Convinced that your Experimental Embargo has Not that Intended Effect that you & your French & Democratic renagades Expected— how Wonderfull is the Disappointment to your advocates in N York— many of your friends Cried out what an excelent thing was the Embargo.—Greate Wisdom in...
26732General Orders, 28 May 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Adj. Gen. Alexander Scammell’s orderly book entry for this date includes the following additional general orders: “A Corporal & six men from the 1st Maryland Briga[d]e to be sent to the Qr Mr Genl’s store on Fatigue daily till further orders” (orderly book, 22 Dec. 1778–26 June 1779, DNA : RG 93, Orderly Books, 1775–1783, vol. 28).
I have received your two letters of yesterdays date; if you think the intelligence of the evacuation of Kings bridge and the intermediate posts between that and New York, may be depended upon—it will be proper to order A respectable detachment of horse to move down that way—in order to make more particular inquiries and discoveries of what is going forward—the officer commanding this party...
The only apology I have to offer for obtruding the within paper, is, that, the author has particularly requested me, to present it to you, in the hope & expectation it will be sanctioned, with your Signature. I have the honor to be with all Possible respect, Your most obedient humble Servt ALS , DLC:GW . The enclosure has not been identified. Uriah Forrest, a congressman from Maryland, was...
Your favor of Oct. 29. was recieved in due time, and I am very thankful for the extract of mr Stone’s letter on the subject of Alexander. the apparition of such a man on a throne is one of the phaenomena which will distinguish the present epoch so remarkeable in the history of man. but he must have an Herculean task to devise and establish the means of securing freedom & happiness to those who...
26736[Diary entry: 26 February 1775] (Washington Papers)
26. Wind pretty fresh from the Northwest and a little cold towards Noon.
I see by your favour of May 10th that we must all grow Old—but you have not yet experienced one tenth part of the Infirmitys of Old Age—I am very glad your Physician promises you, that all will be well In your Researches do you find any Evidence of Persecutions of Quakers Anabaptists Witches or any–other Sectary’s amongst your Primitive Dutch Settle’rs in New–york—or amongst the cortier...
Since I came to this City, if I recollect rightly, you asked me if I now had, or could put up, a quantity of Herrings next season, for Sale. Having revolved the matter in my mind, I wish in turn to be informed, if there is any responsible character who would enter into a contract for a number, to be delivered next Season? What number of Barrls he would contract for?—and at what price; to be...
Part of the information required by the President has been communicated in the extracts from General Harrison’s letter to the Secretary of War. Mr. Parker now has the honor to make an extract from the letter of the Secretary to the Genl. of July 14h. “Of the militia you are authorized to take what in your judgment will be necessary—Such of the Kentuckey militia as are in readin[es]s, would be...
This will be presented to you, by Mr. J. T. Shepherd whom I most cheerfully recommend to your favorable consideration—as a young Gentleman of considerable merit; both in relation to his literary acquirements and his exemplary moral deportment. Should the Visitors of the University, at the head of whom, you are placed; contemplate the appointment of a Tutor to aid those who are not well...
I thank you for the perusal of the Bill, For establishing rules and articles for the Government of the Armies of the United States— I think the 24th. article not sufficiently explicit—It furnishes the superior officer with an opportunity of punishing an inferior without redress, the arresting officer being the sole judge of what speaches are reproachful, and what gestures are provoking—He may...
I was much disappointed in finding this morning that you were gone; for I had understood that you did not set off till to morrow. There were three points only on which I wished your decision. 1st. Revenue cutters . How many new armed ones shall be provided, one, two, or three? & what shall be their forces? the greatest which is allowed which will be about 130 tons 12 guns (sixes) & 70 men?, or...
I have received your favor of Jan. 22. by post that by Capt. Anderson being not yet arrived. In your account you have omitted freight and commission, and I was not merchant enough to know how much they should be. I have therefore by guess inclosed you a bank post note for seventy dollars, which if too little shall be corrected. Observe that by an arrangement between the bank and Treasury, any...
26744[Diary entry: 18 December 1771] (Washington Papers)
18. Went to Doeg Run & carried the Dogs with me who found & run a Deer to the Water.
I found it necessary, in order to get money for alleviating my distress, to sell Bills which I knew were to be negociated thro’ New York. The remittances coming in too slowly, induced my assent to a plan for bringing out the Specie. This was the money which I lately wrote to you about. I am &ca DLC : Papers of George Washington.
Cheesman has at length arrived and I have rec d my Trunk in much better order than I expected. The People here are much cooler than they were last Week. The Embargo begins to be felt by many who have been the most noisy and turbulent. Speculation mingles itself in every political Operation and many Merchants have already made a noble Spec. of the Embargo by raising their Prices: but the...
26747[Diary entry: 12 July 1769] (Washington Papers)
12. Wind being in the same place—the day was also clear & pleast.
Le Havre, 7 Nov. 1785 . Though they were informed that Limozin’s vessel would sail 15 Oct., her departure was scheduled from the beginning for 30 Oct. The delay has consumed all their funds, and they cannot pay their hotel bill. Barclay has already helped them to some extent, but they must again reluctantly apply to him and to TJ for additional loans. RC ( MHi ); 4 p.; endorsed: “Danl. &...
Je continue avec délices la lecture de votre admirable Ouvrage; et j’y ai trouvé dans le livre onzieme la raison qui vous a empêché d’exprimer au treizieme une conclusion. L’Impôt territorial, ou pour mieux parler, la Constitution domaniale à partage de Revenus , êtant, comme vous me l’avez marqué il y a quelque tems, repoussée par l’opinion de vos Etats du Nord, qui cependant sont sur tous...
I am honoured with your favor of the 3d. and thank you for the information it contained. None of the vessels mentioned in it will suit me, unless that of Mr. Taylor of Norfolk should be longer receiving it’s orders than we ought to expect. However this sometimes happens and I do not therefore give up the possibility that she may be here late enough to carry me. Indeed I begin to be anxious now...
Providence, May 17, 1791. “I was honored, by the last Post, with your circular Letter of the 14th of April, on the Subject of a Statement of the Monies received, and Expenses paid, by the Officers of the Revenue in this District, for the Four quarters in the Year 1790; but as a Year will not be compleated with us until the 21st of June next, I beg leave respectfully to suggest the propriety of...
60  grs = 1. drachm 8  drachms   = 1. oz 480. grs = 1. oz 16  oz. = 1. pint 2880  480   7680  = 1 pint 3840  11520  = 1
26753General Orders, 22 October 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the day tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Huntington[,] Lieutenant Colonel Commandant Hubley[,] Lieutenant Colonel Whiting[,] Major Wallbridge[,] Brigade Major Moore. Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
I have the honor to transmit You the herewith inclosed Copy of a declaration of this Court explaining the present state of its relations with that of Sweden, which was communicated to me by the Imperial Ministry the 13 Ult. As our intercourse with England through Sweden is now at an end, I have no means of writing You but by way of France or Holland, from whence opportunities to the United...
I am sorry to be obliged to give you so much Trouble with the Horses lately impressed for operating against Portsmouth. That plan being now discontinued we have thought that (Economy and Respect to the rights of our Citizens required a restitution of all the Horses to their Owners. But as they may have fallen off or been injured we wish that the whole should be valued by you as they were when...
The goblets received of Letellier are in one of the small packages mentioned in my last. one of the others I am told contains a Map from M r Robertson of Orleans .—the remaining two are paper packages, one of them appearing to contain books. RC ( ViHi ); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson esq r ”; endorsed by TJ as received 16 Sept. 1810 and so recorded in SJL
I have to acknowledge your favs. of the 18th 19th and 20th Instants. I inclose you the Commissions for Colo. Henleys Regt which be pleased to deliver to Capt. Trescot the commanding Officer. I laid yours of the 20th before the Commissary General who in Vindication of his department wrote me a letter of the 25th and sent me a Copy of Mr Flints letter to you of the 30th October and Copy of Mr...
Your Excellency’s Letter of the 23d last, I received Last night. I received Likewise one from Governor Trumbull to which I made the Answer Of which I send you here a copy. I Wish that the 2d Division may be numerous enough to oblige us to extend as far as New-haven. Mr Meyers, nephew of Mr Gerard is gone on the 26th with the Duplicates of our Dispatches, I hope he will have got clear. Major...
je vis dans L’incertitude que mes Remerciemens Reiterés vous soient parvenus, Monsieur, je crois bien que vous ne doutés pas de ma Reconnoissance mais vous pouvés être incertain du Resultat de vos bons soins et j’en suis affligée. sachés donc au moins par mr. Livingston que jai sauvé La pluspart de vos plans , que jai une petite forest de chênes et de noyers, plus de Tulipiers que ne...
I have yours of the 3d from peekskill and as I think you are more usefully employed there than you could be here, I desire that you may remain till Genl Mifflin thinks proper to call you down. He is at present at philadelphia. I approve of your having appointed an Officer and a proper Number of Men to tend King’s Ferry. Mr Mease the Cloathier General, who is now here, will give directions in...