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Results 26731-26740 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
My Son in Law Doctr. Thomas Ewell & my Daughter are making a Visit to Boston, and I have charged them not to leave that Neighbourhood without paying their respects to you & Mrs. Adams— I rejoice to hear as I have lately done, that you continue to enjoy health & I hope happiness—and am with the / most perfect respect & esteem / Dr sir Yr Obed Servt. MHi : Adams-Hull Collection.
Not being able to hear of any one here who understood the Portuguese Language—I have endeavoured myself to find out what was the object of the writer of the Letter you sent me. It seems to be to induce you to enter into an alliance with England against France: and to propose to all the Nations “of Asia, Africa, Europe and America” to make common cause against her—to forbid all commerce or...
Mr Gales’s notice of the publication in the Aurora relative to Mr Foster was precisely what it ought to have been. It was undoubtedly proper to prevent such a statment going to the nation as a fact, & the mode of contradicting, being without a compromitment of the govt., the true one. I will endeavor to be with you in the course of the ensuing week. I expect to be able to wear my boot in that...
16 August 1811, White Sulphur Springs. “On my way to this place, I call’d on Mr Gooch … to get a pair or a Ram of your broad Tail Sheep; understanding that he had the disposal of them, he inform’d me that he could part with none without your orders, but that he had no doubt, but you would spare me one or both as you were geting a stock of two other breeds, that you liked much better; that he...
I thank you for the contents of your basket and was just about writing to you when your boy came. I find I shall not have strength enough to ride as far as your house: but I should be very glad if you could meet me at the Double branches in the road, the day after tomorrow (Sunday) and that you may not have to wait, I will be sure to be there before 11. aclock. I have had some measures made...
We have purchased of M r Thomas Jefferson the whole of his present Crop of Wheat at the Poplar Forest to be delivered in the Black Water Mills as soon as one Waggon can conveniently haul it—the price to be within two shillings of that of Richmond ; to be fixed at any time within forty days from this time; and payable in a Bill on Richmond at 60 days from the 5 th of September next— Witness...
Some time since, your Mama and I received two letters from you at once—the first to your Mama was dated 18th. January, and the other to me 5th: February—I was glad to see that you had taken pains to write them as well as you could and that your hand-writing was improved.—I intreat you my Dear Son, to pay constant attention to your hand-writing—It is now more than four years since you first...
Among the papers herewith inclosed are letters from the Govt. at Santa fee, and among these one to the French Minister at Washington inclosing another to the Minister of Foreign relations at Paris. In opening the general packet addressed to the Executive, that for Serrurier was so involved as to be opened unintenti[on]ally at the same time. The more important one for Paris escaped this...
I have just crossed the Sound in much better Health than when I left this place. You will perceive, in the concluding Paragraph of my letter to my Brother of the 21st. ultimo, that it was not my intention to cross the Atlantic very soon. Some Murmurs that have reached me have induced serious thoughts however of making the Voyage from this place; and further consideration, to take England in my...
15 August 1811, Cantonment Washington, Mississippi Territory. “I was ordered to Fort Pickering by Genl. Hampton and took command of that Post on the 1st. August 1810. and remained in comd. until the 1st. July 1811 When I was ordered to this place by Colo. Purdy. The paymaster has refused me double rations which has been alowed to every other officer who commanded there before me.” Asks JM to...