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Results 26721-26730 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Mr. Morris having lately offered me the appointment of Receiver of Continental taxes for this state, I wish to collect as much and as accurate information as possible of the situation of its money-concerns. It will be among other things of great importance that I should form an idea of the money brought into the state and carried out of it; and with a view to this I take the liberty to request...
How it Happens that I still am in Paris, I Hardly Can Myself Conceive and What is More Surprising, there are two frigates Going, Neither of Which Will Carry Your friend to America. Don’t think However, dear Hamilton, I Am So Much Alterd as to Be Kept Here By pleasure or private Affairs. But in the present Circumstances the American Ministers Have insisted Upon My Remaining some time longer at...
I yesterday received your Letter of the seventeenth of June and am very happy to find you have determined to accept the office I had the Pleasure of offering to you. I enclose the commission, Instructions &ca. together with a Bond for Performance of the Duties which I must request you to fill up, execute with some sufficient Surety and transmit. The complaint you make of the System of...
Let us see what will be the consequences of not authorising the Fœderal Government to regulate the trade of these states. Besides the want of revenue and of power, besides the immediate risk to our independence, the danger of all the future evils of a precarious union, besides the deficiency of a wholesome concert and provident superintendence to advance the general prosperity of trade, the...
We was Hond. with your favor of the 23 Ult but two or three days ago, it is impossible for us to give you an exact account of the Money laid out in this State. Flour is almost the only Article purchased in it. Sometimes a little Beef. In the Course of the year we may purchase 15,000 Barrels of Flour, which will Amt. to about 60.000 Dolrs., the greatest part of which we draw Bills for, and is...
I inclose you the Copy of my circular Letter to the several States of the twenty fifth of July 1781. The Answers I have received have been very few and very short of the Objects so that I have not been able to Act as I wished for want of necessary Information. I must beg you to take the most speedy and effectual Means in your Power to enable me to form a proper Judgment on such of the Subjects...
I have this moment received your letter of the 2d. instant and as the post will set out on its return in half an hour I have little more than time to acknowlege the receipt of it. I shall tomorrow morning commence a journey to Poughkepsie, where the Legislature are assembled; and I will endeavour by every step in my power to second your views; though I am sorry to add without very sanguine...
I have the honor to inclose Your Excellency the copy of a warrant from The Honorable Robert Morris Esqr. Superintendant of the Finances of the United States; by which you will perceive that agreeable to the resolution of Congress of the 2d. of November last, he has appointed me Receiver of the Continental Taxes for this state. I am therefore to request that the Legislature will be pleased to...
I have found it necessary to draw Bills on Mr. Swanwick in favor of different People and payable at various Periods. These are Bills of Exchange in the common Form and must be negotiated by Indorsements. You will always receive them in like Manner with my other Notes or Bank Notes and remit them which you can do without cutting them as they will be paid only to the Indorsee. I am Sir your most...
The Senate again resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, to take into Consideration the State of the Nation; and after some considerable Time spent therein, the President resumed the Chair, and Mr. Ten Broeck from the said Committee, delivered in a Report; which he read in his Place, and delivered in at the Table, where it was again read, considered by Paragraphs, and agreed to....