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Results 2671-2680 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have for some time past had it in contemplation to take my pen & devote its impressions to your service, but that noted thief, Procrastination must answer for my negligence, & supply an excuse where I have not the hardiness to offer one. It often happens that the best friendships have the fewest documents to prove their existence; as a well-kindled fire, such an one as now warms your...
You will percieve by mr Garret’s note that your signature is required to the inclosed copy of Kosciuzko’s will which accordingly I request; and it may be necessary to express a doubt whether a scroll instead of a real seal will be recieved out of this state. it will be safest to add a seal of wax or wafer. The literary board has decided that the monies allowed to the different counties for the...
I am out of health and am advised to take a sea voyage. Capt. Lee informs me that Govt. will send dispatches to France and England probably every few weeks in the approaching summer. If I could be imployed as the bearer of dispatches and thereby avoid expence and regain my health I should be very thankful. You are sensible that republicans have every difficulty to encounter here, and no member...
I have received your letter of the fifth instant, and approve the intention which it expresses of coming to this place relative to your journey. You will be pleased to signify to Captain Littlefield that his request of a furlough is granted— With Gr— ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
I am happy to find by a New York paper, that the Result of the late Inquiry into your official Conduct is perfectly consistant with the Expectations of your Friends. It is there represented as being voluminous, and in a variety of Respects interesting. Be so good as to send me a copy. I wrote to you lately a confidential Letter, under Cover to the President. My Dispatches to Mr Randolph were...
LS : Yale University Library; copy: Library of Congress I have lately received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 7th of May last, relating to the Loss of the Brigantine, Fair Play . I had before made the Application desired, and obtained an Order to the Governor of Guadaloupe for making the Compensation. I hope therefore that the Business is effected; but if any...
2677June 25. 1770. Boston. (Adams Papers)
Blowers . In the Reign of Richard the 2d. or Henry 6th. you may find Precedents for any Thing. This Observation was echoed from some Tory, who applyed it to a late Quotation of the House of Representatives. It is true, Richard 2d. and H. 6. were weak and worthless Princes, and their Parliaments were bold and resolute, but weak Princes may arise hereafter, and then there will be need of daring...
[ Penobscot, District of Maine, September 20, 1790. On November 13, 1790, Hamilton wrote to David Sewall : “The day before yesterday a letter from the Collector of Penobscot of the 20th. of September … came to hand.” Letter not found. ] Sewall was judge for the District of Maine.
I arrived here the last Night & this morning had the honor of congratulating Monsr le Compte de rochambeau, and monsieur le chevalier de Terney on their Safe arrival in this harbour. The Fleet consists of Seven sail of the line—the duke de Burgogne of 80 Guns. le Neptune and le Conquerant of 74—le Jazon L’Eville—L’Ardent and Le Provence of 64—le Fantasque Hospital Ship of 64—mounts 40 Guns—two...
I have the honor of enclosing to you the Prospectus of a Work which I am publishing On Artillery, before it is circulated and inserted in the News Papers. Should the Contents answer the purpose which I contemplated, when it was begun, which is to be useful to the United States, my Satisfaction will be compleat. To have your name at the head of my Subscribers will be a propitious omen, which...