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Results 2671-2680 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
To Governor Dinwiddie Honble Sir, [Fort Loudoun] Octob. 9th 1757. As I wrote to your Honor fully by Jenkins; have little more to add, than the affair hinted at in my last, on the conduct of the Majistrates here, which (from what I can collect) appears to me to be of a most extraordinary nature and whose substance is, or nearly, as follows. vizt From what the court of Enquiry, upon the...
Inclosed is a Copy of Sir William Johnson’s Letter delivered to me by the Person who conducted the Cherokees to this City by which you will perceive that they are upon an important Errand and should not be delayed one moment. I desire that you will be so good as to mention the Day and Hour they arrive with you, This Province chearfully bears the Expenses of their Journey to Winchester. I make...
As we are well assured You take pleasure in distinguishing Merit where ever it is found. We beg leave to recommend to Your notice a Person not altogether unworthy of it[.] If we may Judge from the diligence & Fidelity he has shewn in a low Station we may still expect he will support his Characture in a higher where he will meet with frequenter Opportunities to exert himself & do Justice to Our...
Your Favor was transmitted to me by Mr Beverly Robinson, by which I received great Pleasure, as I may judge by it, that you are perfectly well; A Circumstance that gives me no small satisfaction, having had no Acct of you for a considerable Time, particularly as I think your Welfare will contribute to that of your Country. I am extreamly glad to find your poor Inhabitants enjoy that calm under...
I had the pleasure to receive a letter from you by Mr Fairfax, to whome I shall shew every civility in my power. Mr Hall continues extremely deserving of any favour that may have been shewen him, I have it only in my power to assist Mr Fairfax with my Advice, which is to Continue with the Army & persue the necessary Steps towards obtaining a Commission soon, which is that of serving as...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; also letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I was pleased to hear of your safe arrival by a short agreeable Letter from Exeter, which I had the pleasure of receiving about a Month ago. The small but violent Party continues the same political Systems here expecting, I suppose, to be supported by Power and Influence at Home, where you will have...
After a very Plesant journey we arrived here the 12th instt, and had the good fortune to find the Packet here, since which I have spent my time very agreeabelly with those Gentn you where so kind to introduce me to by Letter, and found those very servicable at Philadelphia. A Packett from Falmouth arrived Yesterday with certain Accots that the Duke of Cumberland was forced to a Battle with the...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society My last to you by the Carolina Captain Duncan, contained the second Copy of a Bill of Exchange for £100. which I hope is come safe to hand. You have now inclosed the first Copy of one other Bill for £100. (which will make the fourth Hundred remitted you since you left Philadelphia) the Receipt of which you will please to own by the first Vessel...
Yours of the 3d by Jenkins I rec’d as Capt. Hogg is to be here Soon I Shall talk with him Abt the ranging Co[mpan]ys tho’ I fear he will not be able to raise the men, If they Should be rais’d they are to have 12d. ⅌ day no recruiting money or Cloaths & are to be rais’d protempore, So they are rais’d in Augusta, write me if you think it absolutely necessarie to have Such a compay if rais’d they...
Articles of Agreement indented made & Agreed upon this Twenty first day of October in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred & fifty Seven, Between William Ramsay of the County of Fairfax of the One part & the honble Robert Dinwiddie Esquire his Majestys Lieutenant Governor & Commander in Chief of the Colony & Dominion of Virginia for & in behalf of the Said Colony & Dominion of the...