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Results 26701-26730 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
LS : American Philosophical Society I have had the Honor already to apply for a Commission of War as explain’d in the obligation here annex’d. My ship being Just ready to be launch’d, I hope you will be pleas’d to transmit it immediately after the Receipt of this; directed to the Care of Mr. Penet. Could my services prove in any line acceptable both to you and the Public, Please to Command,...
Your letter of the 9 th was 19. days in it’s passage to me, being received yesterday evening only. and now that I have recieved it, I wish that I could answer it more to your satisfaction. I must explain to you my situation. when I retired from office at Washington my intimacy with my successor being well known, I became the center of application from all quarters by those who wished...
§ From the Marqués de Someruelos. 7 September 1805 . By the schooner Rose , Capt. [ illegible ] Bolton, received on 8 July JM ’s letter of 11 June with a copy of another written to the marqués de Casa Yrujo, both relating to JM ’s complaint about the seizure of the frigate Huntress , which is said to have been by a Spanish privateer, while the Huntress was carrying munitions to the...
The Secretary of War has Determined to appoint immediately two Cadets to each regiment, and he has directed me to request from the several Commandants a special recommendation of two young gentlemen for the purpose. You have nominated different persons, from time to time, as cadets severally: but [it is now wished that you should make a selection of two whom you prefer.] The Secretary of War...
Of my recruits that have been Landed to day, at Boston, there are 400. men, in a condition to do duty and 260 attacked by the Scurvy. These 400. men will arrive here on Saturday, they shall be incorporated on Sunday, and Monday 18 I shall set off with the Regiment of Bourbounois. The horses for the artillery and the Waggons are arriving from different places and I hope that the movement of...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Turgot accepte avec grand plaisir la proposition que lui a fait faire Mr. Franklin par Mr. Quesnai de St. Germain de le dedommager Samedi du plaisir dont les engagemens de Mr. Franklin le privent pour Vendredi. Toutes les occasions de voir Mr. Franklin luy sont precieuses, et il est impatient de temoigner aux amis de la liberté sa joye de leurs succès....
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to mr Peale and sends him a recruit for the fund of his grandson of fifty dollars in an order of the US. bank here on that at Philadelphia. he will take care to do the same monthly, and if at any time it shall be necessary to enlarge it, he will do it on the first intimation recieved from mr Peale. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I was unwell during the last session of our district court , or I should have seen you there and delivered to you the inclosed for your kind assistance in the case of Michie’s Certiorari on the proceedings of forcible entry; and I was not without a hope that your business might have given you leisure to take a dinner or an evening with us which will always give me pleasure. I had a...
Letter not found: from William Pearce, 28 Feb. 1796 . On 9 March, GW wrote Pearce: “I did not receive your letter of the 28th Ulto, until eight o’clock last night.”
By the letter, which i lately received from you, i find myself indebted further for that kind attention to me, to prove which you never suffer an opportunity to pass unheeded. I am endeavouring to satisfy the inquiry of the Tagliaferris, near Florence, about their emigrant kinsman, according to Mr. Fabbroni’s desire. At present i incline to think that this person was he whom Buchanan, rerum...
The Army having taken its position for the Winter in the Vicinity of this place you will repair hithe[r] as expeditiously as possible to take charge of and issue the Cloathing which has been stopped here—The four Massachusetts Brigades at West point and the New Hampshire Brigade at Danbury, having recd their proportion of the Cloathing at Newberg you are to apply to the Quarter Master for the...
I thank you for your kind Letter of Decr. 30 and above all for the gift of a precious vol—It is a chain of diamonds set in links of Gold—I have never heard or read a volume of sermons better calculated or adapted to the age and country in which it was written—How different from the sermons I heard and read in the town of Worcester from the year 1755 to 1758 As my destiny in life has been some...
I have received two pretty Letters from you, and know not how to account for my own delay in answering either of them till this Time. That of the 21st of January is now before me, and is dated. Give my Love to your Brother, and tell him, he forgot to give any date to his. For your Comfort and Georges too, I can tell you, that you write as well as your Father did at your Age. But what a Writer...
As the important office of collector of the duties on imports for the district of New Hampshire is now held by Joseph Whipple Esq, a man of more than eighty years of age, & as public interest seems to require the appointment of a successor, permit to recommend Lt. col. Timothy Upham to your favourable attention, as a gentleman well qualified, & whose services merit that office. He was bred a...
28 May 1805, Washington . “When I had the Honor to reply on the 12th: of April to your Letter of the 9th: of that Month which, among other Things, related to the Impressment, by His Majesty’s Sloop Busy, of Martin George from the American Schooner Henrietta; I mentioned that I should not fail to write immediately respecting that object to the Commander of that Sloop’s Superior officer. “I have...
26716[Diary entry: 1 May 1786] (Washington Papers)
Monday first. Rid to the Fishing landing and to the Plantations at the Ferry, Dogue run, and Muddy hole; perceived the Siberian Wheat at the two first had come up thinly which I attributed partly to bad seed and partly to too thin sowing as the Oats and Barley at all three were also too thin and where the ground had been wet, and hard baked none appeared. Set them to drilling the common Corn...
I have received your letter dated the sixth of February last, and was very much delighted to see it so well written; because I know that it was written by yourself.—I have marked it down, number one, and put it upon my file—When your next letter comes, and I hope that will be soon, I shall compare the hand-writing with that of number one, and shall see what progress you make in writing. I...
The following packages on Board the Sloop Rebecca for Richmond Jn o Hall Master. One Barrel Muscovado Sugar N t 2 1 4 2—
26719General Orders, 21 October 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Genl Gates Colonel Swift Major Throop Brigade Major Walker Quarter Master Williams For duty tomorrow the 3d Connecticut & 6th Massachusetts regiments. The hospital & regimental surgeons will immediately make to the Director exact returns of all the Medicines, instruments & Chests, on hand. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
§ From Sylvanus Bourne. 26 January 1806, Amsterdam. “In transmitting the within [not found] I avail myself of the occasion to mention that notwithstanding all my efforts to inspire in the minds of the publick Officers a due confidence in the truth & purity of the Bills of Health which our Vessells bring from the UStates they have not been received as evidence & our Navigation has of course...
Knowing that you feel an interest in whatever relates to the improvement of the rising generation, I have taken the liberty of sending you a few copies of a plan of education for a small class of young ladies, which I flatter myself will be found an improvement on the prevailing systems. Should you coincide with me in opinion, after a perusal of the “Outlines,” it wd. confer an obligation on...
Return of the stores Belonging to the Royal Trane of Artillery Left at Fort Cumberland: viz: Tumbril 1 Cover’d Waggons 15 Sling Cart Compleat 1 Round Shot with Wooden Bottoms 6 pts 100 Tin Cases fill’d with iron shot & 12 pts 112 Fix’d with Wooden Bottoms 6 pts 392 Grape shot with Wooden Tampeons and  pins Compleat for Howitzers 8
M r Rives has presented to me the letter by which you were so kind as to make us acquainted—He has been here now some days & I have been very much pleased with him. His being your friend would have insured him at any rate my attention—but I really return you my thanks for having procured me so agreeable an acquaintance. I have taken pleasure in introducing M r Rives to such of my friends here...
7 April 1801, Lisbon. Conveys news of British blockade of Toulon and discusses different accounts of Abercromby’s expedition. Reports that Portuguese church patriarch had published a vehement attack on Spanish and called for defense of the country before government realized no British aid would be available to it; the statement now has been suppressed. Portuguese prefer to negotiate peace with...
Copy: Library of Congress Herewith you have the Judgments on the Prizes the Peter and the Friendship: as to the Betsey, taken in December last, I do not find that Proofs have yet been sent me of her being English Property: and whatever good Opinion I may have of the Uprightness of your Captains, it is not regular that I Should condemn without Proofs. The Instructions require not only the...
Your several private letters unacknowledged are May 9. June 14. 29. July 7. 11. 16. August 4. 15. 22. Sep. 26. Oct. 3. 27. Nov. 27. Mine to you have been Aug. 9. 12. 25. 31. Sep. 6. 30. of which the two first and two last have not yet been acknowledged. That of Aug. 9. indeed was only a postscript.—To business. Goldsmith’s Encyclopedie I can meddle no further with. Just before I came away, I...
I take the liberty of inclosing to you a state of the case of one Polson, and of begging your enquiries and information whether the lands therein mentioned have been escheated and sold, and if they have what would be the proper method of application to obtain a compensation for them. The negociations between Holland and the emperor are slow, but will probably end in peace. It is believed the...
I last addressed You Under date of the 18. March, since which I have Nothing of importance to communicate. I avail myself however of this favorable oppertunity, direct for America of enclosing You a list of all the American Vessells that have ever visited this port and as far as information could be obtained I beleive it is correct. Of the situation of the squadron of the United States in...
The dispersed and broken situation of the remaining Troops of the Pennsylvania Line, after the unhappy affair of the 1st of January, rendered the unwearied attention, and greatest exertion of the Officers of every rank indispensably necessary, to reassemble the scattered remains, and restore discipline among them; for on this, and the success of the recruiting Service, depended all our hopes...
The Institutions which flourish under the arch of our Constitution strike the scholar with fond surprise. The liberal management held out to Literature shews its importance, and how keenly it is relished by American Freemen. In this State we see an Edifice, which when in operation, will scatter the salutary light of mind throughout “the Old Dominion,” and enable the rising sons of Virginia to...