Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Dumas, 7 April 1781

To Dumas

ALS: Boston Public Library; copy: Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives

Passy, April 7. 1781

Dear Sir,

I received yours of the 29th past, inclosing one for the President of Congress, which I shall take care to forward.— I send you herewith a Sermon, which I fancy will give you Pleasure.—9 Your last seem’d to me to have been broke open, and seal’d again with a larger Seal than yours. I know not by what Conveyance it came; and I send you the Cover & Seal that you may judge of it.

With great Esteem, I am, Sir, Your most obedient & most humble Servant.

B Franklin

P.S. Since Mr Searle’s Return from Holland he has avoided all Communication with me. I cannot conceive the Reason— Can you?

Mr Dumas.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9Undoubtedly the sermon Samuel Cooper enclosed with his Feb. 1 letter, above. On March 31 BF had sent a copy to the duchesse d’Enville and duc de La Rochefoucauld; the covering letter is above.

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