James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Joseph C. Cabell, 25 October 1827

From Joseph C. Cabell

Bremo. 25 Oct. 1827.

Dear Sir,

On conference with Genl. Cocke we are of opinion that the resignation of Mr. Long at the end of the present session should be acceded to, with an assurance that whilst we are not willing to insist on the complete fulfillment of his contract with our University at the cost of the proffered promotion in London, yet we are very unwilling to be deprived of the benefit of his talents & services for the last year of the stipulated term, and we hope that if he should find it practicable to continue with us, without marring his prospects in his native country, he will continue in our Institution for the full period agreed upon with Mr. Gilmer. We beg leave also to suggest the expediency of your writing to the American minister in London, and communicating our views to him, so as if possible to retain Mr. Long in our employment another year, without the heavy loss to which it would now seem likely to expose him. I have delivered to Genl. Cocke the messages entrusted to me. I am, dear Sir, very respectfully & truly yours

Jos: C: Cabell

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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