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Results 26671-26700 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
A bond of Mr Perry’s to Mrs Carter, for the hire of some negroes, has been put into my hands for collection—to discharge this, he has drawn the inclosed draft on you—If it be correct, you will be so good as to accept it, & return it to me. My mother who is with me, requests to be mentioned affectionately to you. Yrs &c ViU .
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society I received yours of the 27th past, enclosing the Resolve of Congress relative to Mr T. Morris’s Papers. The Trunk said to contain them was deposited with me by W Lee Esqr. on Acct of his going to Germany. One of the Seals you mention was broken in bringing it to my House, and I got him to put on his own Seal instead of it. In this State it remains,...
The Secretary of state having had under consideration the expediency and extent of a Convention with Spain to be established for with respect to fugitives from the United states to their adjoining provinces, or from those provinces to the United States, Reports to the President of the United States the inclosed Analytical view of the motives and principles which should govern such a...
I rec d last evening your letter of the 19 th ins t . Accept I pray you, my best thanks, for it’s contents—they are perfectly satisfactory— If I could ascertain with certainty, that Girardin in his continuation, of Burks history, has taken that notice of my father , which you suggested to him; I should doubt, whether it ought to be repeated, in M r Wir t’s book—in conveying to him, the...
I have nothing to add to the letters just sent you by the way of Baltimore but the enclosed note just recieved —from this you will find that the construction given to the second article of the convention differs materially from ours & will if supported greatly narrow the ground of our claims. You will also see in it rather an evasion of the points I have pressed them upon than an answer to...
AD : American Philosophical Society Almost exactly three years earlier, on January 20, 1768, Lord Hillsborough had become Secretary of State for the American Colonies. Franklin’s initial attitude toward the new office and the man who filled it had been favorable, but disillusionment had soon set in. Hillsborough had ordered troops to Boston, had opposed total repeal of the Townshend Acts, and...
My last letters from Virginia inform me of your marriage with Mr. Hastings Marks. I sincerely wish you joy and happiness in the new state into which you have entered. Tho Mr. Marks was long my neighbor, eternal occupations in business prevented my having a particular acquaintance with him as it prevented me from knowing more of my other neighbors as I would have wished to have done. I saw...
26678Friday April 1st. 1785. (Adams Papers)
The Marchioness appointed two o’clock for us to be at her Hôtel. We dined at half after twelve, and were in the Rue de Bourbon at two, but it was too early. Mrs. Rucker, Mr. Jefferson, Coll. Humphreys, Mr. Williamos, Mr. West, went all with us. At about half past three we went from the Marquis’s hôtel and by the time we got to the Pont Royal, both sides of the quay were so amazingly crowded...
AL (draft): Library of Congress M. Gontier de Biran, who will have the honour of delivering this into your hands, is strongly recommended to me by Persons of Merit and Distinction at this Court, as a Gentleman of Family, and of excellent Character for his Morals, Prudence, and Attention to the Duties of his Profession as a Soldier. He is desirous of improving himself in that Profession, under...
The Flour began to move from hence last night and will be sent on as quick as the Waggons come in. There will be five or six hundred Barrels. You will be pleased to have Boats immediately sent down to Kings ferry to receive it upon its arrival there. The account of the Fleet mentioned in mine of the 1st instant seems to have been premature: The Officer stationed at Elizabeth town has made...
26681[Diary entry: 18 February 1769] (Washington Papers)
18. Went a hunting with Doctr. Rumney. Started a fox or rather 2 or 3 & catchd none. Dogs mostly got after Deer & never joind. On this date GW paid Rumney for his medicines and visits during the past 12 months: £4 18s. on his own account and £19 6s. 6d. for Patsy Custis ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. ,...
Perswaded that you are inclined rather to promote than prevent the Civilitys and Acts of humanity which the rules of War permit between civilized Nations, I find no difficulty in representing to you that several letters and messages sent from hence have been disregarded, are unanswered, and the flags of truce that carryed them detained—As I ever have treated all flags of truce with Civility &...
Your acceptable present came duly to hand. Tho I had not the happiness of a personal acquaintance with your excellency, I never needed evidence of the propriety of your conduct on any occasion. A circumstantial development however of Governor Johnstone’s essay cannot but have good effects in satisfying the world at large, that the same pure spirit of patriotism which produced this revolution,...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] December 13, 1779 . Instructs Maxwell to march to Camp when Brigadier General Samuel Holden Parsons reaches the Sound. Informs Maxwell that part of the clothing for his men is at Headquarters. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I have with great pleasure received your Excellency’s favr of the 7th: Your plan of ordering the Militia to bring out 40 days flour of their own will be a great releif to the Commy General who is only under apprehensions on account of that Article. Of Meat, he gives me assurances of any quantity that may be required. The Quarter Master General is making every preparation for Camp equipage. We...
Your two letters, dated the 29th Ulto, have been received. The enclosures for the several Printers, to whom they are directed, are franked; and will go with this, and other letters to the Post Office this afternoon. I do not think it would be amiss to add Hartford, in Connecticut (a paper of extensive circulation altho’ I do not recollect the name of the Editor of it) and some Gazette in North...
Here send for your acceptance a production of early life, being my inaugural oration, when inducted into the office of Profr. of the Theory & Practice of Physic in this University, nearly half a century since. On recollecting the labour & study it cost me, at that time, I have spared it from the flames with a few other papers. I have no hesitation in saying, that if it be not classical, it has...
I do myself the Honor to inform your Excellency that the Honorable Congress has been pleased, by their Resolve of the 28th November last, to accept of my Resignation, and as I had the Honor to serve in the army of the United States four year and upward, and conducted myself on all occasions as becometh an Officer of honor, as appears by the Several Certificates from the general officers under...
26689General Orders, 15 February 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Gibbs. For duty the 2d Jersey regiment. The New building being so far finished as to admit the troops to attend public worship therein after tomorrow, it is directed that divine Services should be performed there every Sunday by the several Chaplains of the New Windsor Cantonment in rotation and in order that the different brigades may have an opportunity of...
26690General Orders, 12 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
A careful subaltern from each brigade is to repair this day to the last encampment of the army, to collect and take care of the sick and conduct them to Reading—These officers are to apply to the regimental Surgeons for information where to find the sick of their brigades—Every motive of duty and humanity requires the most exact attention to this order—Drs Draper and Campbell, at Mr West’s...
I nominate the following persons to fill vacancies which have taken place in the late military appointments—to-wit— Rank . Names . States . Brigadier General Rufus Putnam Territory of the United States North West of the Ohio—vice Marinus Willett, declined. Captains of Cavalry Jedediah Rodgers New York—vice John Craig, declined. Henry Bowyer Virginia—vice Lawrence Manning, declined. Lieutt of...
Letter not found. 23 January 1796. Mentioned in JM to James Madison, Sr., 21 Feb. 1796 , and in Francis Taylor Diary (Vi). Concerns Taylor’s claim for Revolutionary service and encloses a memorial to Congress.
To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States. It is found that the existing laws have not the efficacy necessary to prevent violations of the obligations of the United States, as a nation at peace towards belligerent parties, and other unlawful acts on the high Seas, by armed vessels equipped within the waters of the United States. With a view to maintain more effectually...
Agreeably to the President’s direction, the Secretary of State respectfully offers the following notices of matters appearing to him proper to be communicated to Congress, at the opening of their approaching session. “It appearing probable; from the information I had received, that our commercial intercourse with some ports of the Island of St. Domingo might safely be renewed: Conformably to...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 10th. and shall always be thankful for any information you will favor me with, interesting to our affairs, & particularly which may enable me to understand the differences of opinion & interest which seem to be springing up in Pensva., & to be subjects of uneasiness. if that state splits it will let us down into the abyss. I hope so much from the...
I send you letters from General Jackson which give an account of a victory truly glorious. It will be well to send them to Gales, except that which I have marked to be retained—unless indeed so much of the letter of the 9th. as relates to the conduct of the Kentuckey militia should also be retaind, tho I do not see how it can be, as similar statments will soon force themselves on the public RC...
Your Letter of 20th Novmbr I have recieve’d. I am uncertain whether the People got by Cleveland to Value his improvements made upon your Land, was appointed by the Court or not, but If I remember right they were swore by a single majestrate, he has a Certificate of the Valuation, (but whether an order of Court appointing them or not I forget) sworn to, I will enquire more particularly into it...
Wednesday, September 25. 1776. Two Letters from General Lee; one of the 24th. of August to the President, the other of the 27 of the same Month to the board of War, both dated at Savannah, being received, were read. Congress took into Consideration the Report of the Board of War, whereupon Resolved &c. These Resolutions fill two Pages of the Journal. JCC Worthington C. Ford and others, eds.,...
26699[July 1782] (Adams Papers)
This morning I went to the English Library and took out 1. volume of the preceptor, and thrée of Clarissa. Rained all the afternoon. Robert Dodsley, The Preceptor: Containing a General Course of Education. Wherein the First Principles of Polite Learning are Laid Down . . . for . . . the Instruction of Youth . . . , 2 vols., London, 1748; and Samuel Richardson’s Clarissa; Or, The History of a...
When I was in France I made sale of 30,000. Dollars American Funds bearing interest from the 1st. day of January 1790. to Mr. Robert Pigott. From some arrangements made afterwards in the Treasury department, I have never been enabled to transmit the exact sum. At the time of Contract I deposited with Messrs. Boyd Kerr & Co. Bankers at Paris, for its fulfilment on my part, a certificate for...