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Results 26671-26700 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
A bond of Mr Perry’s to Mrs Carter, for the hire of some negroes, has been put into my hands for...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society I received yours of the 27th past, enclosing the...
The Secretary of state having had under consideration the expediency and extent of a Convention...
I rec d last evening your letter of the 19 th ins t . Accept I pray you, my best thanks, for it’s...
I have nothing to add to the letters just sent you by the way of Baltimore but the enclosed note...
AD : American Philosophical Society Almost exactly three years earlier, on January 20, 1768, Lord...
My last letters from Virginia inform me of your marriage with Mr. Hastings Marks. I sincerely...
26678Friday April 1st. 1785. (Adams Papers)
The Marchioness appointed two o’clock for us to be at her Hôtel. We dined at half after twelve,...
AL (draft): Library of Congress M. Gontier de Biran, who will have the honour of delivering this...
The Flour began to move from hence last night and will be sent on as quick as the Waggons come...
26681[Diary entry: 18 February 1769] (Washington Papers)
18. Went a hunting with Doctr. Rumney. Started a fox or rather 2 or 3 & catchd none. Dogs mostly...
Perswaded that you are inclined rather to promote than prevent the Civilitys and Acts of humanity...
Your acceptable present came duly to hand. Tho I had not the happiness of a personal acquaintance...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] December 13, 1779 . Instructs Maxwell to march to Camp when Brigadier...
I have with great pleasure received your Excellency’s favr of the 7th: Your plan of ordering the...
Your two letters, dated the 29th Ulto, have been received. The enclosures for the several...
Here send for your acceptance a production of early life, being my inaugural oration, when...
I do myself the Honor to inform your Excellency that the Honorable Congress has been pleased, by...
26689General Orders, 15 February 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Gibbs. For duty the 2d Jersey regiment. The New building being so far...
26690General Orders, 12 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
A careful subaltern from each brigade is to repair this day to the last encampment of the army,...
I nominate the following persons to fill vacancies which have taken place in the late military...
Letter not found. 23 January 1796. Mentioned in JM to James Madison, Sr., 21 Feb. 1796 , and in...
To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States. It is found that the existing...
Agreeably to the President’s direction, the Secretary of State respectfully offers the following...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 10th. and shall always be thankful for any information you...
I send you letters from General Jackson which give an account of a victory truly glorious. It...
Your Letter of 20th Novmbr I have recieve’d. I am uncertain whether the People got by Cleveland...
Wednesday, September 25. 1776. Two Letters from General Lee; one of the 24th. of August to the...
26699[July 1782] (Adams Papers)
This morning I went to the English Library and took out 1. volume of the preceptor, and thrée of...
When I was in France I made sale of 30,000. Dollars American Funds bearing interest from the 1st....