James Madison Papers

Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 7 July 1830

Richmond. July 7. 1830.

Dear Sir,

I have been retarded in my return home by unexampled occupation & several bilious attacks. I have received at this place your favor of 31st. May, & read it with the highest gratification. I am on my way home with Mrs. Cabell, and shall scarcely get to Charlottesville till tuesday evening. I regret exceedingly the necessity of being absent. I enclose you confidentially Genl. Cocke’s letter of 16 March. You will not fail to remark the spirit of Mr. M’s letter, on a certain subject. I know of no other application as yet. Very resy. & truly yours

Jos: C: Cabell

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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