James Madison Papers

Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 20 November 1828

Warminster. Nov. 20. 1828.

Dear Sir,

Your favor of the 10th inst. has just reached me by the mail; and least you may be in doubt as to its safe arrival, I have thought it proper to acknowledge its receipt, and to assure you that the instruction relative to the 7th. paragraph of your letter of 30 Oct: on the policy of the Tariff, has been complied with. I copied it at the foot of your last letter which I shall preserve, and then erased it from the letter of the 30th ult. The thought contained in the 7th paragraph struck me as very true and very forcible; and I at first regretted very much the instruction received from you. But on reflection, as to the use that would probably be made of it, I came to the conclusion, that the erasure might be politic. Your first exception, would, I presume, by fair inference justify legislation with a view to extend the home market by way of indemnity for the loss of the foreign. My latter reflections on the Tariff incline me very much to the opinion that we should look to a home market, for the sale of our products, as well as for the supply of our wants; and on principle the one is as defensible as the other. Holding these letters in my hand, I am amused to read Mr. Hamilton’s late speech in South Carolina, wherein he quotes you to support him in his Anti Tariff career. It seems that we are destined to have Genl. Jackson for our next President. Having accomplished one main purpose by the clamor raised agt. the Tariff, the southern wing of his party will now probably assume a more moderate tone. Yet it seems perfectly uncertain what course parties will take upon this subject: and your letters will come in good time to give a proper direction to the public mind, and to mitigate the unhappy consequences of Mr. Jefferson’s letter of 26 Decr. 1825 to Mr. Giles, which, with all possible veneration for the author, I regard as a most unfortunate production. Availing themselves of his great name, the opposition, headed by Col: Taylor and Mr. Giles, have given a new character to the politics of the state. I again return you my heartfelt acknowledgments for the personal favor conferred in these letters. In delivering up the public trust with which I have been charged by this part of the state, for 2 years in the House of Delegates & 19 years in the Senate, making a total of 21 years, I shall find in this exposition a sevenfold shield agt. the displeasure excited by my opposition to the Anti Tariff Resolutions & their supporters. Wishing you long life & all possible happiness, I remain, dear Sir, most respectfully & truly yrs.

Joseph C. Cabell

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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