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Results 26651-26700 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your favour of the 2d. inst. was handed to me at the post office in Richmond, shortly after my...
I shall see you so shortly that I would not now write, were it not for your express desire that I...
I received by the last mail your favor of 26 ult: and have this moment finished all the...
I enclose you a printed copy of Mr. Jefferson’s Bill on public Education, because I think it...
Your favor of the 30th ult has reached me in safety by a late mail; and I seize the earliest...
As soon after the afflicting scene produced by the death of my mother as I could find time to...
Your favour of Sep 12 was duly received by the mail. That part of it which relates to Doctr....
Your favor of the 10th inst. has just reached me by the mail; and least you may be in doubt as to...
I am detained here as a witness in the suit of Mrs. Carter & Mr. Galt, but hope to be released by...
I have received in due time by the mail your favor of 13th inst, and would have written you...
Upon my arrival at home I discover that I cannot find the Letters referred to in the enclosed...
It would have given me great pleasure to write you from time to time the state of our business in...
Your favour of 11th has been received at this place, & we equally lamented your absence and the...
In travelling down the country Mr. Loyall & myself had much conversation together on the plan &...
Your favor of 27th ult, went first to Williamsburg, & has been forwarded to me at this place. I...
I herewith enclose you two letters relative to the place of assistant to the Professor of Modern...
I have been retarded in my return home by unexampled occupation & several bilious attacks. I have...
When I last had the pleasure to see you at Monticello you appeared to approve of the plan which I...
I have reflected much since our separation on the subject of the Professorship of Ancient...
I set out from this place for Charlottesville on the [11]th & returned home on the 17th inst.,...
I am now able to furnish the information you lately desired relative to the authority on which...
I applied to the Executive thro’ one of its members for a copy of the 1st. vol: of the Public...
On my return home I found Mr. Tucker growing worse, and you have since heard of his death....
Your favor of 28th ult has been duly received. I thank you for the facts in relation to the...
Your Circular of the 30th ult. came to hand by the last mail, and I hasten to send in my answer...
On conference with Genl. Cocke we are of opinion that the resignation of Mr. Long at the end of...
In my late note from Warminster, covering the James River pamphlets, I indicated my intention to...
I thank you for the use of the enclosed papers, which I have copied, and now commit to the first...
In my last I informed you that we then contemplated the plan of asking the Legislature to give...
The last mail from Charlottesville brought me your letter of 17 th inst: accompanied by your...
M r Brokenbrough left this for Gen l Cocke ’s on yesterday morning. It seems that he cannot...
On the next page you will find the vote of the Senate on the passage of your bill. Of the four...
I arrived here on the 30 th ult: and took my seat in the senate on 31 st . My general health is...
I forgot to leave with you, as I intended, a little book, called the Oxford & Cambridge Guide. It...
You have no doubt already been informed of the arrival of the three additional Professors at this...
On the 19 th ins t the University Bill passed the House of Delegates , only 28 members voting...
Since the date of my last I have been enabled to settle my opinions as to the course which we...
Your favor of 4th ins t has arrived, and has been read with the greatest interest by myself & the...
Your favor of 23 d Sep r reached me before I left home: that of 30 th since I came to this place....
I thank you sincerely for your three letters of 19 th 22 d & 23 d ins t all of which I have shewn...
My plan was to leave the City to-day, so as to get to Monticello on saturday. But finding I...
Your favor of 1 st ins t has been duly received, and I thank you for the information it contains....
The dangers of our country will be my apology for troubling you with this letter. I wish to draw...
The enclosed letter, which I received under cover of your favor of 16 th Oct. having remained a...
I thank you sincerely for your favor of 11. inst. I have but little time now to answer you. I am...
I returned on 3 d ins t to my family at this place , after having experienced the mortification...
I presume you have already been informed by Col: Randolph of the result of our long continued...
Your favor of 3 d ins t has been duly received, and your requests attended to. Both the letter...
Since I last wrote you the enclosed substitutes to for M r Scott ’s, or the Committee’s bill,...
The inclosed letter from M r Tucker in reply to mine of which you have a copy, I send for the...