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Results 26651-26700 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I take the liberty my Dear Sir to request your interest for a friend of mine and a member of the...
[ New York, 1786. ] Encloses draft of a certificate and asks Duane “to affix the seal of the...
I am honored with your favour of the 27th of April, in behalf of the delegates of New York, which...
I have perused the letter which you did me the honor to write—containing several subjects of...
I find myself obliged to remit the proceedings on the Petition of John Osborn in order that a...
To the worshipful the Mayor Alderman & Commonalty of the City of NYork Gent accept my warmest...
I this day received your bill⟨et⟩ of the 4th with one inclosed for Col Washington which was...
Mr Thomas Reed Deputy Pay Masr Genl for the Troops in the Northern department has made...
Baron de Steuben, who will have the honor of presenting this Letter to you, feeling himself in a...
The flattering token of their regard with which the Mayor Recorder & Alderman of the metropolis...
It is in my opinion intirely necessary that the Common Council should be convened this day in...
Albany, August 20, 1783. Requests information concerning 40,000 acres of land in Tryon County on...
Mr Laurance is setting out for Philadelphia to obtain a determination respecting the promotion...
I return herewith the statement sent me in the case of Lemuel Toby and the Ship Lydia, in order...
I have taken the liberty, thro’ the Channel of the Committee appointed to confer with me, to lay...
I am much obliged to you, my dear Sir, for your two letters of the 16th & 23rd. In haste I snatch...
Since my last to you, I have had the pleasure of receiving two letters from you. I am sorry to...
The enclosed was delivered me by Doctr. Schuyler with a request to transmit it to one of the...
Enclosed you have my answer to the Acts of your Corporation, which I pray you to present. I thank...
This will be handed you by the Marquis, who brings us very important intelligence. The General...
I received last night your letter of the 8th. instant, accompanied by one from Mr. L’hommedieu...
I do not recollect whether I said any thing in my last about the strength of the reinforcement...
Tappan [ New York ] October 4, 1780 . Criticizes proposed Congressional plan for raising a...
I have carefully perused the Papers which you put into my hands relating to Indian Affairs. My...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 3, 1779 . Explains that the exchange of nonmilitary prisoners is...
I thank you My Dear Sir for your letter of the 19th of Sepr. I should have been happy in the...
Your obliging Favor by M r . Phelps it has remained thus long unanswered, because till to very...
Your obliging Letter of the 2 d . Inst did not reach me till two Days ago. I am very sensible...
Permit me to request the Favor of you to obtain a Decision this Evening respecting the proposed...
Before your Return I agreed in thinking with the Agents of Massachusetts ^ that such Letters ^...
Mr Beatty, at my desire has made a representation of the state of the Marine prisoners, a copy of...
I read your kind and affectionate Letter of the 31 July last with great Satisfaction and...
Mrs. Schuyler having some business in this city obliged me to pass into it. I do not find that...
[ New York, September 24, 1789. On September 24, 1789, Duane wrote to Hamilton : “I called upon...
I am much obliged to you my dear Sir for your two letters of the 16th and 23d. In haste I snatch...
Since my last I have had the Pleasure of recieving your Letter of the 25 th : Inst. and am...
I had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 21st of May in due time. You must be good enough...
Hurry of business has prevented my having the pleasure of acknowledging sooner the receipt of...
The inclosed papers relate to an event of national importance and they are transmitted to you by...
Your favors of the 4th & 9th came safe to hand. I thank you very sincerely for the several...
Agreeably to your request and my promise I sit down to give you my ideas of the defects of our...
The letter accompanying this has lain by two or three days for want of an opportunity. I have...
The bearer hereof, Mr. Osmont, is a young gentleman who was very particularly recommended to me...
As I intend to leave this City Tomorrow I take the Liberty of sending you the inclosed. I have...
I had several days ago the Honor to receive the Board’s Letter of the 18th Ulto which I should...
I received with much thankfulness your confidential letter of the 9th Instt, and am greatly...
Poughkeepsie, New York, July 22, 1782. On this date the New York legislature passed the following...
[ Middlebrook, New Jersey, May 26, 1779. ] Explains why the corps which included Colonel William...
The arrival of the Marquis De La Fayette opens a prospect which offers the most important...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] May 14, 1780 . Proposes that a small committee with all necessary...