George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Thomas Lundin, Lord Drummond, 23 April 1776

To Thomas Lundin, Lord Drummond

New York april 23d 1776.

My Lord,

Understanding that the Committee of Safety, for this Colony, have given your Lordship permission to visit Bermuda for the benefit of your health, I take the liberty of wishing you a pleasant Voyage, and a speedy and perfect restoration of it1—with respect, I have the honour to be Yr Lordships Most Obedt, & Most Hble Servt

Go: Washington

ALS, owned (1972) by the Earl of AncasterDrummond Castle, Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland; LB, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. Gen. Israel Putnam wrote Drummond a similar letter on 25 April (Klein, “Failure of a Mission,” 371).

1The New York committee of safety granted Drummond this permission on 12 April (N.Y. Prov. Congress Journals description begins Journals of the Provincial Congress, Provincial Convention, Committee of Safety, and Council of Safety of the State of New-York, 1775–1776–1777. 2 vols. Albany, 1842. (Microfilm Collection of Early State Records). description ends , 1:405). For a discussion of Drummond’s peace efforts, see Thomas Lynch to GW, 16 Jan. 1776, n.3.

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