James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Jacob Brown, [31 December] 1818

From Jacob Brown

[31 December 1818]

I have received your friendly letter of Novm: 7th. for which I beg you to accept my thanks. The pursuits of agriculture, in which I was brought up, have ever been my favorite employment; and I look forward with great satisfaction to the time when they will engage my sole attention. The institution of the agricultural society of this county was an object which I had much at heart; and I feel truly happy in the opportunity it furnishes me of expressing the high respect and esteem which I entertain for your character.

RC (DLC). Undated; conjectural date based on JM’s docket: “Decr. 31. 1818 From Major Genl. Brown.” Addressed by Brown: “James Madison. / who was President of the U.S.”

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