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Results 26641-26670 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The inclosed Letter was brought to me by the young gentleman in whose behalf it was written. He had other respectable recommendations addressed to you, which he has doubtless forwarded: His personal appearance does not make against him. He therefore stands in fair comparison with the other candidates to be taken into view, and who are better known to you than to me. The accounts by the Jno....
Le Ministre des affaires Etres. de la République françoise vient de m’informer par sa dépêche du 10. mars dernier que les officers municipaux de la ville de Dunkerque ont fait retirer les bouées qui indiquoient les passages dans la rade du port de cette ville. Vous Jugerés sans doute M., qu’il est très instant de prévenir les navigateurs americains de ce changement. Dft ( DLC : Genet Papers);...
I have received your friendly letter of Novm: 7th. for which I beg you to accept my thanks. The pursuits of agriculture, in which I was brought up, have ever been my favorite employment; and I look forward with great satisfaction to the time when they will engage my sole attention. The institution of the agricultural society of this county was an object which I had much at heart; and I feel...
26644Decr. 28th. 1762. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Cranch last fryday night discovered some Instances of his skill at a Bargain. He agreed to give Greenleaf £120 old Ten or for his Chaise. The Chaise is old, the Leather damnifyed thro careless Usage, the Wheels almost ruined, the spokes being loose &c., but G. asked that Price and he could not beat him down, he could not ask him to take less, because G. was poor, and it would look like...
The Apostle Paul in the 11th. Chapter and 5th. Verse, of his Epistle to the Hebrews, Says “ Πίστεί ἐνωχ μετετέθη τοῦ μὴ ἰδεῖν θάνατον· καὶ οὐχ εὑρίσκετο, διότι μετέθηκεν αὐτον ὁ θεός. πρὸ γὰρ τῆς μεταθέσεως αὐτου μεμαρτύρηται εὐηρεστηκέναι τω θεῶ .” The Apostle Jude, in the 6th. Verse of his Epistle, Says, Αγγέλους τε τοὺς μὴ τηρήσαντας τὴν εαυτῶν αρχὴν, ἀλλὰ ἀπολιπόντας τὸν ἴδιον οἰκητήριον,...
Before the reciept of your letter of the 16 th I had recieved one from mr Delaplaine requesting answers to the same enquiries made in yours, and I had accordingly prepared and was about forwarding them to him. the difference of age between your uncle & myself admitting admitted my knowing little of his early life, except what was accidentally caught from occasional conversations. I was a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The first time I wrote you Since you have been in France was in the greatest hurry with my Bunnet on Just going a Journey. Which is the only one I Can ever hear you have Received which incorages me to imbrace a nother moment in allmost as great a hurry Just to tell you we are well Spoues and Family and Friends. Except our Dear mrs Mecom Who for a fortnight...
I am much obliged to you for your kind offer of the bed; and would avail myself of it as freely if I had occasion, but the goodness of my neighbors with some little provision of our own has placed us at our ease as to that article. I accept with due sensibility your friendly congratulations on my return, and it would be the wish of my heart that it were to remain here, where all my affections...
DS : American Philosophical Society Nous avons reçu de Monsieur d’harveley Garde du Trésor Royal sept cent cinquante mille Livres The third quarterly installment of a 3,000,000 l.t. loan extended by the French government the preceding November ( XXV , 207–8). The previous payments were made on February 28 and May 19: account XII (described in XXV , 3). Joseph Micault d’Harvelay, keeper of the...
I am Honoured with your Excellencys letter of the 21st Current Inclosing the Copy of a Petition from Sundry Canadian Prisoners at Hartford —Some parts of the Petition is True, others are Doubtfull, Whether those Canadians ware actually in Armes, or in the Batteau Service when Taken Prisoners at Discretion by Col: Brown I can not Say; nor is it of Any Consequence, as they them Selves own that...
[ Baltimore, November 30, 1793. On January 22, 1794, Hamilton wrote to Williams : “I have before me your letter of the 30th of November last.” Letter not found. ]
26652[Diary entry: 24 October 1770] (Washington Papers)
24. Clear & pleasant Morning but cloudy & cold afterwards.
As the subject of the remarks contained in the inclosed may not be unacceptible to you, I respectfully submit them; and hope they may give occasion to a further exposition of your views on the powers granted the Federal Government, in relation to Commerce and Manufactures. I claim no other right to give the public my opinion, than that which may be derived from years, and it cannot, I trust,...
Agreeable to your Excellency’s Instructions I have held a Court Martial to enquire into the Delinquencies which have happened by Persons of the Militia neglecting to perform their Tour of Duty, the Number of Delinquents here are few; and am at a loss how to have them Marched to the place directed to, in your Instructions, as no person here will undertake to perform the Duty upon the Terms...
I send you by mail the rattle of a snake which cap t Mann , who presented it to me, said was six feet and a half long; and, from the length of the rattle, I have no doubt but his information was correct: tho’ I do not recollect ever to have seen one more than four feet.— Inclosed you have a lil l y of the Allegheny mountain ; but it is so much withered as to have lost its fragrance: and I much...
ALS (draft): British Museum I wrote you the 6. Inst. acknowledging the Receit. of your very obliging Packet of June 8th. and mentioning the Use I have made of your Letter &c among some of the leading Men in our H. of Represent. in whom I could confide. They agreed with me that your Principles were incontestible, your reasoning clear and conclusive, and supported by History and Fact. The King...
I have been honored by your Excellency’s Letter of the 6th instant—and thank you for the Communication of Genl Green’s of the 10th ulto—I think he need not be much alarmed on Account of the movement of the Legion—from the present Situation of the Enemy, I am persuaded no Reinforcement will be sent from N. York to Carolina. I am equally impatient with your Excellency, for Intelligence from...
Not having received any acknowledgement of my Letter of the 26th Septr, transmitting the Copies of two resolutions of the house of Representatives of the 21st of the Same month; and conceiving the information which relates to the debts of the Several States, and the public securities of the union in their Treasuries, to be an object of a very important nature, I have the honor to inclose...
I am now sick with a fever and almost blind with sore Eyes. I only write this Leter to apoligize for not writing. Mrs Greene who will have the pleasure of delivering this letter embarks to day for Philadelphia. Her health is so much improved I am anxious to get her to the Northward notwithstanding my own situation. Mrs Greene will deliver your Excellency a Green silk embroidered pattern for a...
I have received your very friendly Letter , & I really feel ashamed at putting you to the necessity of writing for the Paintings you were so kind as to lend me to copy;—but still more so to offer any apology for not immediately sending them: however I must do it, for they are yet here. The Head by Stewart I really think one of the finest I ever saw, & having commenced it, I was in hopes of...
26661General Orders, 29 April 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Colonel Cortlandt[,] Lieutenant Colonel Mentges[,] Brigade Major Hand’s Brigade At the General Court martial whereof Brigadier General Hand was president Captain Alexander Mitchel of the first New Jersey Regiment was tried for “Ungentlemanlike behavior in stabbing Lieutenant Burroughs of the same regiment with a hanger and for repeating the Blow in a cowardly...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society My last to you was by the Mercury, Capt. Robinson, in which I promised to remit you by the next Vessel; and accordingly, you have inclosed the first Copy of a Bill of Exchange for One Hundred pounds Sterling, (the second Copy of which I have sent by Capt. Troy Via Dublin) the Exchange as you will see by the Bill 64, The Receipt of which you will...
26663General Orders, 6 June 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial whereof Coll Chambers was President June 2nd 1778—Captn Stake of the 10th Pennsylvania Regiment tried for propagating a report that Coll George Nagle was seen on the 15th of May drinking either Tea or Coffee in Serjeant Howcraft’s tent with his Whore, her Mother, the said Howcraft and his Family to the Prejudice of good Order & military discipline. The Court having...
I have been too much indisposed since the receipt of your letter of the 31st ulto to give it an earlier acknowledgment. Placing, as you do, the want of supplies to some interruption of the communication with your father, I promise, if you will entrust a letter to him under my cover, that it shall reach his hands in ten days from the date. I prefer doing this to advancing money myself (even if...
I have the honor to transmit Your Excellency, by John Shaw Esquire of th e Navy, who came into this port a few days past from New Orleans on his Way to Washington; an imperfect Copy of the Arrivals & clearances of American Vessels, since I took charge of the Agency, which commenced on the twenty fift day of March last, and ending the thirtieth ultimo. I beseech You, Sir, to grant me Your...
Camp on Long Island, 24 July 1776 . “Colo. Hand reports nothing new. every thing remains in much the same situation as they were yesterday.” ALS , DLC:GW .
I wrote to you some Time ago respecting the Debt due you by Mr Henry Whiting[.] Least the Letters Fail’d I have to inform you that I expect to receive the money from the Sheriff in this County the Last week in Septr. When received I shall waite on you Immediatly I shall endeavour to Collect the money and be at Mount Vernon before the middle of October next. I am Sir your Obedient Humble...
D : American Philosophical Society Etat du vin au 1er. Sept. 1782 Nombre des Bouteilles [ Total consumed ] Bierre de Paris { 83 20 18 vin de Champ. mouss. 24 Cidre 138 Eau de Vie d’andaye 24 Vin ordinaire
To testify to you the sincerity of the Government of the United States in its negotiations, I have transmitted to Oliver Ellsworth and William Vans Murray, two of the late Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary of the United States to the French Republic, the ratification of the Convention between the said States and the French Republic, signed at Paris on the 30th day of September...
26670Oct. 17. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Began my Journey to Paris from the Hague, dined at Harlem and drank Tea at five O Clock at Amsterdam. Paid Mr. Bromfield 200 Ducats 1050 Guilders and took his Receipt upon Account.... Met Mr. Willink upon the Road, going to the Hague, with a Lady. He has left for me a Letter of Credit upon Paris, unlimited. He wished my Journey to Paris might have a Tendency towards Peace. Suspension points in...