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Results 26641-26670 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Near Elizabethtown [ New Jersey ] April 21, 1781 . Has received Washington’s letter transmitting new orders for exchange of prisoners. ALS , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. See Washington to Abraham Skinner, April 16, 1781 .
New Windsor [ New York ] April 21, 1781 . Asks Congress to authorize the quarter-master general to appoint Colonel Jabez Champlin a barrack master to be attached to the French army. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ New Windsor, New York ] April 21, 1781 . Wishes Lafayette to return to the main Army. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
In order to lay aside all suspicion, and to Regain your former friendship, I have accordin[g]ly sent you here those papers I promised you in a late conversation we had, for your perusal. The one is a Representation I made to Major Genl. Heath, and the other is meerly nothing but a Scope of mine, or So many Pillaries upon which I design to build an Edifice for the American Artillery. I would...
New Windsor [ New York ] April 22, 1781 . Approves of Greene’s tactics against Cornwallis. Reports that Pennsylvania line will be delayed. Hopes that Greene will be able to employ Major William Macpherson. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
New Windsor [ New York ] April 22, 1781 . Is disturbed by the “temper of” Lafayette’s “detachment and the desertions.” Discusses southern situation and the “proposed attempt on New York.” Df , in writings of H and George Washington, George Washington Papers Library of Congress.
[ De Peyster’s Point, New York, April 25, 1781. On May 18, 1781, Church wrote to Hamilton that he had received “your Favor of the 25th April.” Letter not found .] Church was an Englishman who married Elizabeth Hamilton’s sister, Angelica. During the Revolution he used the pseudonym “John Carter.” At this time, he and Jeremiah Wadsworth had a contract for supplying the French forces in America.
Between me and thee there is a Gulph, or I should not have been thus long without seeing you. My faith is strong, but not strong enough to attempt walking upon the Waters. You must not suppose from my dealing so much in scripture phrases, that I am either drunk with Religion or with Wine, tho’ Had I been inclined to the latter, I might have found a jolly Companion in My Lord who came here...
I imagine your Excellency has been informed that in consequence of the resolution of Congress for granting commissions to Aide De Camps appointed under the former establishment, I have obtained one of Lieutenant Colonel in the army of the United States, bearing rank since the 1st of March 1777. It is become necessary to me to apply to your Excellency to know in what manner you foresee you will...
Your letter of this date has not a little embarrassed me. You must remember the ferment in the Pensylvania line the last Campaign occasioned by the appointment of Major McPhearson; and you know the uneasiness which at this moment exists among the Eastern Officers on Acct. of the commands conferred upon Colo. Gemat and Major Galvan although it was the result of absolute necessity. Should...
I will be obliged to you to give orders to have the following articles made for me a small table 4½ feet long 3½ wide for a dining table 2 small Kegs 2 a size larger 2 piggons If you can spare an artificer for a day at my quarters, he will be of use to me. I should also be glad if it could be done without inconvenience to have a light boat which two persons could manage. Yrs. ALS , RG 93,...
Since my arrival here Your Old Gray Horse suddenly departed this life. He was in high order and good health apparently, but a few days before. The black is thin and I believe too aged or too Infirm for future service. The two Substitutes are good, one in very fine order and the portmanteau horse strong and capable of good Service, but do not order them down until you can find forrage in plenty...
I was among the first who were convinced, that an administration by single men was essential to the proper management of the affairs of this country. I am persuaded now it is the only resource we have to extricate ourselves from the distresses, which threaten the subversion of our cause. It is palpable that the people have lost all confidence in our public councils, and it is a fact of which I...
New Windsor [ New York ] April 30, 1781 . Regrets the publication of an intercepted letter. Df (photostat), in the handwriting of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress, from the original in the Château de Rochambeau, France. Although H was no longer on Washington’s staff and was living at De Peyster’s Point at this time, he did return to New Windsor to assist Washington on this day.
I am extremely sorry to have embarrassed you by my late application, and that you should think there are insuperable obstacles to a compliance with it. Having renounced my expectations, I have no other inducement for troubling Your Excellency with a second letter, than to obviate the appearance of having desired a thing inconsistent with the good of the service, while I was acquainted with the...
We have Sent you one hundred & Sixteen dollars in New York state money by Mr. George Fisher; when you Receive this Money, Note down the Exchange for hard money, and by all means make the Exchange so that it will neat you what you consider equal to hard; we do not wish you to Receive it at a disadvantage. Advise us of the Exchange you Fix it at Next post, and you will oblige Your Friends LS ,...
je Suis certain mon cher colonel de vous faire plaisir en vous aprenant que votre ami Laurence est arrivé a paris en bonne Santé après une traversée favorable. au depart de la frégate la concorde arrivée a boston avec Mr. de Barras amiral qui vient prendre le commandement de notre flote et Mr. le vicomte de Rochambeau. Mr. Laurence avoit dejà eu plusieurs conferences avec nos ministres; il...
M de Villemansey deliver’d me your Favor of the 25th April, as we are equally faulty in the article of Neglect instead of Apology we have only to resolve to be better Correspondents in future. I felicitate you on your Change as you seem’d so much to desire it, you do not tell me what your future line of life will be, but Villemansey tells me he thinks you are to command a Body of Troops this...
[ De Peyster’s Point, New York, May 20, 1781. On verso of Stewart and Totten to Hamilton, May 5, 1781 , Hamilton wrote: “Answered the 20th. informing that 60 had been past at 3 for one and that I would do the best I could with the rest.” Letter not found. ]
For some time past I have had a bill on France lying in Philadelphia the sale of which has been delayed on account of the excessive lowness of the exchange. I am told it has lately risen something, and I expect by Col Hay’s return to receive a sufficient sum to pay the value of the woman Mrs. H had of Mrs. Clinton. I hope the delay may be attended with no inconvenience to you. I wrote you some...
I have Been long Complaining that I had Nothing to do and want of employment was an objection I had to my going to the Southward. But for the present, my dear friend, my Complaint is quite of an opposite nature, and I have so many Arrangements to make, so many difficulties to Combat, so many Ennemies to deal with that I am just that much of a general as will make me an Historian of...
It is Some time Since I Received your performance dated the 30th. April last. I have read it with that attention which it justly deserves and finding many points of it to Coincide with my own Opinions on the Subject, it naturally Strengthened that Confidence which every man ought to possess to a certain degree in his own judgement. You will very Soon See the Plan of a Bank published and...
Your favor covering copies of the letters which passed between the General and you I received on friday last at Saratoga, which I left somewhat indisposed on Sunday and arrived in the Evening. The fatigue of the Journey increased my disorder which is the quinsey with so much rapidity that before Tuesday morning I was twice bled to prevent suffocation. The Inflammation is subsiding and I have...
The day before yesterday, my angel, I arrived here, but for the want of an opportunity could not write you sooner. Indeed, I know of none now, but shall send this to the Quarter Master General to be forwarded by the first conveyance to the care of Col. Hughes. Finding when I came here that nothing was said on the subject of a command, I wrote the General a letter and enclosed him my...
I send you the first number of a series of papers which I intend to publish on matters of the greatest importance to these States; I hope they will be read with as much candour and attention as the object of them deserve, and that no conclusions will be drawn till these are fully developed. I am, Sir ,   Your most obedient humble servant, A.B. The Continentalist. No. I . It would be the...
I have received my angel two letters from you since my arrival in Camp with a packet of papers, and I have written to you twice since I saw you. I acquainted you with the assurances that had been given me with respect to command, and bad you dismiss all apprehensions for my safety on account of the little prospect of activity. With no object of sufficient importance to occupy my attention here...
In a single state, where the sovereign power is exercised by delegation, whether it be a limitted monarchy or a republic, the danger most commonly is, that the sovereign will become too powerful for his constituents; in fœderal governments, where different states are represented in a general council, the danger is on the other side—that the members will be an overmatch for the common head, or...
My servant informs me, that the saddle he rides has met with an accident that renders it unfit for use. As there are none here to be purchased, I should be glad it could be exchanged. I suppose it may be repaired and made serviceable again; however if like indulgencies are not allowed to other officers, I do not wish it for me. I am with esteem   Sir   Your most Obed ALS , RG 93, Miscellaneous...
26669General Orders, 31 July 1781 (Hamilton Papers)
Near Dobbs Ferry [ New York ] July 31, 1781 . “The Light Companies of the first and second regiments of New York (upon their arrival in Camp) with the two companies of York Levies under command of Captains Sackett and Williams will form a Battalion under command of Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton and Major Fish. After the formation of the Battalion Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton will join the...
In the necessaries delivered for my corps, two days since, there were only two wall tents which were the number mentioned and required for the company officers. The field officers therefore are unprovided for. Will you be so good as to give an explicit order for two more? We also want a Regimental orderly book and some regimental paper. Will you be pleased to include these articles in your...