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Results 26641-26670 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Paramus [ New Jersey ] July 12, 1778 . Acknowledges receipt of Drayton’s congratulations on Battle of Monmouth. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Drayton was a member of the Continental Congress from South Carolina.
Yesterday evening brought me your favor of the 13th. Two things induced me to Lease my Lands in small tenements; the first was to accommodate weak handed people who were not able to purchase, thereby inviting & encouraging a number of useful Husbandmen & mechanicks to settle among us: The other, that I might have them restored to me at the expiration of the term for wch they were granted, in...
In the course of the last eight months, I have addressed two or three letters to you, praying an authenticated copy of the deceased Major Genl Lee’s Will: this I did consequent of a request from his Sister in England to me. Not having received the copy wrote for, nor any acknowledgment of my Letters, I presume the latter have never reached your hands. I therefore give you the trouble of this...
The Sister of the late Majr Genl Lee (in England) has requested me to get and Send her an authentic Copy of his Will. As I am informed the Record of it is in the County of which you are Clerk I pray you to send me an Official & formal Copy for that Lady—the expence of which will be paid by Sir Yr Most Obt Servt DLC : Papers of George Washington.
My inducements to lease Land were, to encourage emigration & to improve my property by planting industrious settlers on it; who, while they were working the soil would, for their own convenience, add value to the Tenements by buildings &c.—with this view I restrained the sale of my leases without my consent. Having premised this, I wou’d next ask if you mean to build & reside on the Land, you...
ALS : Library of Congress I received yours of the 16th Inst. relating to the Capture of Capt. Burnel. An Application is making to Government here to have him reclaim’d, as being taken from under the Protection of your Forts, contrary to the Law of Nations; which Application I hope will succeed, and that he will be restor’d to his Vessel and People. In the mean time, I would advise the Crew not...
ALS : Scottish Record Office I have lately received, in exceeding good Order, the valuable Present you have honoured me with, of Penn’s Picture. Please to accept my thankful Acknowledgments for the very great Favour, and for the abundant Civilities and Kindnesses receiv’d by me and my Friend during our pleasant Residence under your hospitable Roof at Blair Drummond. My best Respects to Lord...
Understanding that the Committee of Safety, for this Colony, have given your Lordship permission to visit Bermuda for the benefit of your health, I take the liberty of wishing you a pleasant Voyage, and a speedy and perfect restoration of it —with respect, I have the honour to be Yr Lordships Most Obedt, & Most Hble Servt ALS , owned (1972) by the Earl of AncasterDrummond Castle, Crieff,...
I have your Lordships Favour of this Day, accompanied by Papers on Subjects of the greatest Moment, & deserving the most deliberate Consideration. I can allow much for your Lordships well meant Zeal upon such an Occasion, but I fear it has transported you beyond that Attention to your Parole which comprehends the Character of a Man of strict Honour. How your Lordship can reconcile your past or...
Copy: American Philosophical Society Know all Men by these presents that I Deborah Franklin Attorney in fact duly authorised and empowered by my husband Benjamin Franklin Esqr. now in London have received from Sarah Drury Executrix: Of William Maugridge Esqr. three bonds of Henry Ferree to said Sarah Drury and by her assigned to Doct. Benjamin Franklin each for one hundred pounds the first...
I take the liberty my Dear Sir to request your interest for a friend of mine and a member of the family, Dr McHenry. He wishes to quit a Station which among foreigners is not viewed in a very reputable light and to get into one more military. He will go into the Marquis’s family as an aide. He has been in the army since the commencement of the War—first in the medical line, since the 15th of...
[ New York, 1786. ] Encloses draft of a certificate and asks Duane “to affix the seal of the Corporation” of the City of New York to the draft. ALS , New-York Historical Society, New York City. Duane was mayor of New York.
I am honored with your favour of the 27th of April, in behalf of the delegates of New York, which hurry of business prevented my answering sooner. So far as the matter respects military prisoners, it is in my province, and I have written to His Excellency Governor Clinton accordingly —The exchange of inhabitants has always been transacted by the States to which they belonged; and I have...
I have perused the letter which you did me the honor to write—containing several subjects of consideration refered by Congress to the Committee of conference—and on which you desire my opinion. As I am not yet furnished with sufficient data relative to the first head—it will be necessary to defer touching it—until I can by means of the board of war inform myself more fully of the object of the...
I find myself obliged to remit the proceedings on the Petition of John Osborn in order that a further inquiry be had. Having had occasion heretofore to consult the British Acts of Parliament respecting the admeasurement of vessels, I am satisfied that there must be some incorrectness in the evidence from which it has been stated that the Tonnage, according to the rule prescribed by the British...
To the worshipful the Mayor Alderman & Commonalty of the City of NYork Gent accept my warmest Thanks for your affect e . Congratulation and ^ on ^ my Return to my native Country, and ^ for ^ the particular mark of approbation with w h . you have honored my Endeavours to do my Duty in promoting its Welfare. I consider the Day on w h . I again landed on these Shores, as one of
I this day received your bill⟨et⟩ of the 4th with one inclosed for Col Washington which was immediately forwarded. You do not mention the receipt of a line from me which I wrote several days since giving you an account of Arbuthnot’s arrival. The current of our intelligence makes the reinforcement with him amount to about three thousand, mostly recruits and in bad health. ’Tis said...
Mr Thomas Reed Deputy Pay Masr Genl for the Troops in the Northern department has made application for 100,000 dollars for the use of that department. As the Sum remaining in the Chest at Middle brook will not be more than sufficient to discharge the pay now due the Army there, and that upon the other side of Hudsons River I am under the necessity of referring Mr Reed to the Board of Treasury...
Baron de Steuben, who will have the honor of presenting this Letter to you, feeling himself in a disagreeable situation, has made a representation of it to Congress, in expectation that that Honble Body will releive him from present distress, & place him—especially with respect to half pay—upon a more permanent footing than the thing appears to be with him at present, having no State to resort...
The flattering token of their regard with which the Mayor Recorder & Alderman of the metropolis of a state distinguished for its exertions in the late revolution have honored me, derives additional value from the characters of the respectable individuals who compose that body and from the very obliging manner in which it is conferred. The degree of my zeal for the common cause of America will...
It is in my opinion intirely necessary that the Common Council should be convened this day in order to pass an act for appropriating the City Hall to the use of Congress. This act should be published in the papers & notified by yourself, or if you are not well enough by a committee or member of your board to the senators & representatives as they arrive. The Philadelphians are endeavouring to...
Albany, August 20, 1783. Requests information concerning 40,000 acres of land in Tryon County on which Abel James holds a mortgage. ALS , New-York Historical Society, New York City.
Mr Laurance is setting out for Philadelphia to obtain a determination respecting the promotion which he may expect by continuing in his present station. It seems his pay has been lately reduced—and he stands in the predicament of the civil staff in general, without any assurances of having his depreciation made good; though certainly there can be no reason for excluding him from this piece of...
I return herewith the statement sent me in the case of Lemuel Toby and the Ship Lydia, in order that a further enquiry & statement may be had. I am not at present satisfied of the innocence of the transaction, as it respects all the parties, who may be concerned, and as it is a shape in which fraud may present itself with great success, I am solicitous for a pretty strict scrutiny. A Hogshead...
I have taken the liberty, thro’ the Channel of the Committee appointed to confer with me, to lay before Congress the inclosed extract of a letter from General Knox, and the Return to which it refers. As the completion of the Corps of Artillery is a matter of great importance, I hope the earliest attention will be paid to that Business. There are but two ways of keeping up the Regiments of...
I am much obliged to you, my dear Sir, for your two letters of the 16th & 23rd. In haste I snatch up my pen by an express going off to the Governor, to give you the news as it runs. The most important & best authenticated is, that Count D’Estaing was arrived on the coast of Georgia. The tale runs thus. We are in possession of a Charlestown paper of the 6th of September which mentions that the...
Since my last to you, I have had the pleasure of receiving two letters from you. I am sorry to find we do not seem to agree on the proper remedies to our disorder, at least in the practicability of applying those which are proper. Convinced, as I am, of the absolute insufficiency of our present system to our safety, if I do not despair of the Republic, it is more the effect of Constitution...
The enclosed was delivered me by Doctr. Schuyler with a request to transmit it to one of the delegates of the state for patronage. He assures me that what he asks has been done in similar cases; particularly for some Hospital surgeons belonging to the State of Pensylvania. If so there will prob⟨ably⟩ be no difficulty in the case. I beg l⟨eave⟩ to recommend it to your attention. Doctor Schuyler...
Enclosed you have my answer to the Acts of your Corporation, which I pray you to present. I thank you for the Arguments & judgment of the Mayor’s Court of the City of New York in the Cause betwn Elizabeth Rutgars & Joshua Waddington —I have read them with all the attention I could give the subject, and though I pretend not to be a competent judge of the Law of Nations, or the principle &...
This will be handed you by the Marquis, who brings us very important intelligence. The General communicated the substance of it in a private letter to you & proposes a measure which all deem essential. For God’s sake, my Dear Sir, engage Congress to adopt it & come to a speedy decision. We have not a moment to lose. Were we to improve every instant of the interval, we should have too little...