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Results 26641-26650 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have deferred answering your favor of the 5th inst. much longer than I intended because my time of late has been much engrossed by the concluding duties of my public service. I return you heartfelt thanks for your opinion relative to the basis of Representation, which will have the greatest weight with me in shaping my course on the very important subject to which it relates. The Bill is now...
The Assembly rose on the 9th inst. after a session of 96 days. I hasten at the first leisure moment to account to you for my apparent inattention of late. It has proceeded entirely from my absence from this place on a journey to Philadelphia with a deranged brother, which occupied my time from the 11th Feb. till the 2d. inst. His removal to the Hospital in that city seemed to be a measure of...
I have just received the enclosed letter from Mr. Morris, & as it relates altogether to the subject of your enquiry, I have thought it proper to enclose it to you. I am sorry that it should be so unsatisfactory. It is probable that I shall hear again from Mr. M. on this subject; in which event, I will write you immediately. Should you still desire to engage my services on this or any other...
Your favor of 5. inst was in the post office at this place, when I arrived on the 18th. I lost no time in conferring with some of my friends as to the proper time & place of publishing your Letters on the Tariff: and it was agreed that as to time, the earliest was the best, and as to place, that the seat of the national government, and the National Intelligencer, would be the most proper....
On my arrival here I discover by a letter from Mr. Johnson to Genl. Cocke, that Doctor Patterson of Philadelphia is not a candidate for the vacant chair of Natural Philosophy in our University. I now concur in the appointment of Doctor Thomas Jones of Philadelphia, to fill that chair. I am, dear Sir, very respectfully & truly yrs. RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM .
Your favour of 25th utl. covering an extract from Doctr. Dunglison’s letter to you of the 18th, & mentioning the receipt of a similar letter from Doctr. Patterson, came to hand a few days ago by the mail. I had just received similar letters from those gentlemen—from the former dated the 24th, & from the latter dated the 22d. These communications fill me with anxiety. I was quite unprepared for...
In my way from Charlottesville to this place on yesterday, I called at Monticello and passed an hour in conversation with Mr. Jefferson on the subject of the University. I was sorry to learn from him that Mr. Barbour had finally declined to accept the Law Chair. General Tucker had already apprized me of his inability to accede to our proposals. We are therefore once more left without any...
I arrived here on the 13th, and have been prevented from prosecuting my intended journey to the Northern Neck, by an inflammation in the face from which I have suffered some pain & a good deal of confinement. I am nearly recovered from it, & propose to proceed to Lancaster immediately after christmas. In this posture of my affairs, I am overtaken here by the news of the appointment of Mr....
Your favour of 5. inst arrived by yesterday’s mail, and I lose no time in apprizing you that my domestic engagements are such as that I shall scarcely be able to visit the University previous to my return to the lower country. I am surrounded by a number of workmen who are occupied in making additions to my house, and my constant presence and attention are indispensable. The pleasure of...
Anti Tariff Resolutions adopted by the Legislature of Virginia. At the Session of 1825.6. "1. Be it therefore resolved, That the imposition of taxes and duties by the Congress of the U. States, for the purpose of protecting and encouraging domestic manufactures, is an unconstitutional exercise of power, and is highly oppressive & partial in its operation." At the session of 1826.7. "2....