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Results 26641-26670 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your letter of Aug. 19 . came to hand only 4. or 5. days ago. I should have answered it by post hat had not Martin arrived with your second. I am glad to learn you are becoming a Roman, which a familiarity with their history will certainly make you. the putting you into qui, quae, quod , was only to strengthen your memory, which you may do quite as well by getting pieces of poetry by heart....
I had before learned with great concern your affliction with the rheumatism. your remedy of the cold bath is new to me, except a single instance of the wife of an overseer of mine who uses the cold bath every day of her life, and the day she omits it, has a return of Rheumatic symptoms. I have had an attack of it myself for two months past, confined a part of the time, without fever, and...
Our sis worthy sister Carr has at length yielded to the wasting complaint which has for two or three years been gaining upon her. without any increase of pain, or any other than her gradual decay, she exi expired three days ago, and was yesterday deposited here by the side of the companion who had been taken from her 38. years before. she had the happiness, and it is a great one, of seeing all...
It is sometime since I have had any information from my much esteemed friend, your worthy son, the minister of the United States at St. Petersburg. There is a report that he has not accepted the office of Judge, but will still remain at that court in the character of minister—permit me therefore to ask the favor of informing me per mail when you last heard from him—when you expect his return...
J’envoie en Amérique trois bons Précurseurs, ma Belle Fille Madame de Pusy que vous y avez déja vue; Sa Fille très aimable qui a eu l’honneur de diner chez vous à Washington quand elle êtait encore enfant, et qui ne dément point ce qu’elle promettait alors; et enfin Maurice de Pusy qui n’avait que trois mois la premiere fois qu’il S’est embarqué pour les Etats-Unis , et qui est devenu...
Your letter of Aug. 20. has truly surprised me. in this it is said that for certain services performed by mr James Lyon and mr Samuel Morse , formerly editors of the Savanna Republican, I promised them the sum of 1000.D. this, Sir, is totally unfounded. I never promised to any printer on earth the sum of 1000.D. nor any other sum, for certain services performed, or for any services which that...
My Father being absent on a journey to N England , the pleasing office of answering your’s of the 1’st devolves on me— It is reported, on what grounds I know not, that M r James Lyon dares not be seen at his usual place of residence, but a letter directed to him at Carthage, Smith County, Tennessee , where his family resides, by their conveyance would doubtless find him— RC ( DLC ); between...
The right of instruction by state Legislatures has become a subject of controversy in Kentucky Perhaps on account of the state Legislature having passed a resolution to the following effect Resolved That our Senators & Representatives in Congress are requested to oppose a renewal of the Cha r ter of the Bank of the United States . Two members in the lower house voted against the resolution. A...
I inclose you the copy of a letter I have recieved from a James L. Edwards of Boston . you will percieve at once it’s swindling object. it appeals to two dead men, and one (yourself) whom he supposes I cannot get at. I have written him an answer which may perhaps prevent his persevering in the attempt, for the whole face of his letter betrays a consciousness of it’s guilt. but perhaps he may...
I am two letters in your debt. To the last I shall reply first. I am not satisfied with any one of your objections to my proposal of a posthumous Address from you to the Citizens of the United States. The “good that men do lives after them” the evil they have done or the evil that has been unjustly imputed to them generally perishes in descends into the grave with them. I have lately met with...
I have Sent to The Post Office this Morning, your Diploma, as Member of our Accademy. How many years ago ought you to have had it? I hope you will now communicate your Speculations to that Body through Mr Quincy their corresponding Secretary. I should advise Mr George Marsden to petition Congress for Relief, Setting forth his Service Commissions and present Circumstances. of Meteroric Stones I...
The enclosed I have just now received, and altho’ it contains nothing specifically important, yet having connection with our foreign relations I think it not amiss to forward it to you. I think that, combining this arrival with the certainty of the departure of Sir Joseph Yorke with his squadron from England, something interesting must very soon be developed. I have the satisfaction to inform...
I now solicit you on a cause of great importance to me, and one too in which you can make more interest for me than I can Suppose, M r Mathers , the Door keeper for the Senate th was buried the other day, and no doubt but there will be one hundred applicants for his place, my friends advise me to try for it, Now Sir, you best know what will be the best mode to pursue, would a few lines from...
Mr Hamilton arrived last Night with the Despatches by the “John Adams.” By the advice of his Father I have decided that he should go on with them to you—thinking it probable that you might wish to make some enquiries of him on subjects not touched on in the Letters. It was my intention not to have opened any of the Despatches but I thought it right to inform the Heads of Departments who were...
The John Adams arrived at Boston on the 28th. ult., and my Son reached this place with his dispatches on yesterday; and as I do not consider him as having entirely fulfilled his duty untill he shall have delivered them to you, I have desired him to proceed with them by this days Mail. The informality of his not carrying them to Mr. Monroe, in the first instance, will be accounted for and...
Mr. Swinguin, who will have the honor to deliver this letter to Your Excellency, is a young Gentleman of rank & family: he goes to America attached to Mr. Kosloff the new Consul Gl. Successor to mr. Daschkoff; but principally with a view to see the United states & to Study our manners & customs. The Count Romanzoff has particularly recommended him to me, and as Mr. Swinguin has cultivated the...
A New plan or form of Government— Divisions of the State 1. The state of Virginia shall as follows be laid off into three departments the first thirty Counties lying along the atlantic ocean shall be called the Eastern department the next thirty two Counties lying parallel with the Eastern department shall be denominated the middle department and the thirty Counties lying North & West of the...
My Son who has lately returned from Europe with public dispatches , and goes with them to M r Monroe , will not fail to gratify himself by calling on you: and although I am not favored with a personal acquaintance with you, I cannot consistently with justice to him hesitate to announce him to you: respect for you having been a part of his education; and I do it the more readily as it affords...
Understanding from good authority, that you have been pleased to interest yourself in my favour, respecting the appointments about to be made by the Executive of this Commonwealth, my feelings of gratitude for your friendship, with the late expressions of it, at a time of all others the most desireable, compel this acknowledgment, the expression of which you will please to accept, as coming...
The enclosed paragraph, coming from the quarter it does, would not have made any declaration from me either proper or necessary, (any more than that in the National Intelligencer, by which it was followed), had not a common friend, for whose opinions I have much respect, hinted to me the propriety of Stating, either privately to you, or publicly in a Newspaper, what was the fact. In choosing...
Since the receipt of your Letter of the 24th of August enclosing the papers from Govr. Harrison &c nothing very remarkable has occurred. The alternation of alarm and of quiescence observable in the public papers, particularly in those of New York, is the natural consequence of the variegated intelligence from Europe and of the movements of the British Marine on the coast. By a letter from...
2 September 1811, Meriden, Connecticut. Describes a diving outfit he invented in October 1810. Presents six propositions so that “a man may Live and Work in the Diveing Dress under Water,” including the capability of raising or moving ships. Recalls putting his thoughts on paper in Washington and receiving letters patent for this invention by JM’s direction in December 1810. RC ( DLC ). 3 pp....
2 September 1811, Newport, Rhode Island. The members express their indignation at the insults inflicted on the nation by the European belligerents, but they are satisfied that administration overtures “to the two great contending powers, have produced on the part of one, a manifestation of a more just and liberal policy.” They regret that truth, reasoning, and argument have failed to remove...
I wish to see you very much I am very sorry that you did not answer my letter give my love to aunt Randolph and all the children— believe me to be your most affectionnate Grandson RC ( ViU : TJP-ER ); endorsed by TJ as received 5 Sept. 1811 and so recorded in SJL . Francis Wayles Eppes (1801–81) was the only surviving child of TJ’s daughter Maria Jefferson Eppes and his wife’s nephew John...
In your letter of 18 January to your Mama, you mentioned that you read to your Aunt Cranch a chapter in the Bible, or a Section of Dr. Doddridges annotations every evening, this information gave me great pleasure, for so great is my veneration for the Bible & so strong my belief that when duly read & meditated upon, it is of all the books in the world, that which contributes most to make men...
I thank you most sincerely for your excellent letter of 5th. ulto. which I should have answer’d before, but for the sickness & removal of my family. The precarious state of my dear mother’s health, for some time past, has, I trust, in some measure prepared me for an event, which is certainly inevitable and which we know can not be long procrastinated. Indeed our term of existence here is so...
1 September 1811. Lists charges to JM amounting to $16.50 for one quarter’s tuition “ending this day” and school supplies for John Payne Todd. Ms ( MdBS : Day Book, 1810–13). 1 p.
Will you be so good as to inform me to what place I should address a letter to James Lyon , son of Col o Matthew Lyon . it is so long since I have heard any thing of him, that I am quite uninformed of his residence, and have occasion to write to him. Let me take this occasion of thanking you for the new, post book, which is a daily convenience to me, and of renewing the assurances of my...
I had the honor to receive your favor of the 5 th Ul t covering one for M r Ogilvie , which I enveloped and forwarded him at Bairdstown Kentucky by the same Mail— having taken up his residence at that place to be near a literary friend of his ( M r M c Alister
The Honble Tho s Jefferson To y e M l A Society D r 1809 Ap l 1 To Quota on Warehouses in Milton