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Results 26641-26670 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I Tack the Leberty To aquant yow with my Cliams To the Comand of Capt. John Hunters Company now in Colln. Malcoms Redegment from the Following Facts I Lived in good Credit in Philadelphia I was one of the first asaaseaters ther and Thow a person of no Established fortun I Sackrefised Every Comphort for the Leberty and Safety of my Cuntrey & wint out as a first Lieut. in the five munths sarvis...
Colonel Wesons & Lt Col. Badlem of Col. Bailey regt made appear to me the necessity of their going home to provide cloathing and other necessarys for their respective Corps They desire His Excellency General Washington will grant them furloughs for that purpose. ALS , DLC:GW . The letter is docketed in part “Cols. Wesson & Badlam Furloughs to 15 March next.” Ezra Badlam (1746–1788), who had...
Full as I was in my representation of matters in the Commissary’s department yesterday, fresh and more powerful reasons oblige me to add, that I am now convinced beyond a doubt, that unless some great and capital change suddenly takes place in that line this Army must inevitably be reduced to one or other of these three things. Starve—dissolve—or disperse, in order to obtain subsistence in the...
I had the honour of writing to your Excellency the 20th by Messenger Macklosky Since which I have not received any of your Excellency’s favours nor any Commands from Congress to be transmitted to you. General Conway is so polite as to afford me an opportunity of conveying a Packet to your Excellency which I received last Evening from Majr General Gates—at the Same time I send the...
On hearing of the enemys excursion I immediately left camp, & moved down towards Darby. Early this morning we sat out on the partizan business; having fully reconnoitred the enemys disposition, whom we found posted in force, tho loose in their position I divided my Troop. Lt Lindsay with Major Clarke whom we accidentally met with took the route towards Chester, while myself with the other...
And honest looking Quaker just Now Came to me and informd me that he was up and saw the number of the enemy that is now out, he thinks of the light infantry thare was about a Thousand with four field peces, he thinks there is more of the battalions out then has been before, thay ware going out from four oclock yesterday morning, till eleven, We are reinforced by fifteen or six teen detachment...
Several of the Captns of the Detach’d parties put themselves under my Command, I took Charge of them fixed upon a place of randisvouz, and detach’d Companies to scout round the enemies lines, Colo. Butler fell in with a Troop of horse took ten men twelve horses and retook a man [of] Capt. Lees—the rest Narowly escaped, the other parties had no success, thay are by no means fit for scouts,...
The men came down the greater part of them without provision, I saw by there orders that each Capt. had a Seprate Command, I found each of them pilets and the proseeded down to the enemy Col. Morgan is gon with all the men we Had off duty I have no great expectation from these partys. one of our partys that was out all Night this morning on this side of Darbey saw 17 of the enemys Light Hors...
I arrived here with my division about an hour ago, I find Colonel Morgan went out Early this Morning (with his own Corps, the fifteen parties detached last Night & part of Genl Potters Militia) towards the Enemy; there is as yet no Intelligence from them; some few Cannon have been heard this Afternoon; But I belive nothing of Consequence has happened, or Intelligence would have been here of...
I did not receive your very obliging Favour of the 14 th . Untill this morning. which It gave a Double pleasure as we have your promise of a Visit at the Manshion. M r . Livingston, & indeed the whole Family, Join me in requesting that M rs . Jay will be so kind as to accompany you. When the Legislature assembles you will be confind, & by that Time I shall be calld on Business to Albany, with...
Having been absent from this State, I had not the Honour of your Favour of December 3d. untill the 22d. when it was delivered to me with its Inclosures vizt. a Letter from the President to the Navy Board at Boston, and a private Letter of Decr. 8. from Mr. Lovell. At the Same Time I received a Packett, directed to Benjamin Franklin Arthur Lee and John Adams Esqrs. Commissioners of the United...
I cannot omit this opportunity of acknowledging the Receipt of your kind Favours of 27 or 28 Novr. I Say one or the other of those days, because although the Letter has no date yet it Says it was written on the Day when a certain Commission was voted me, and both the Commissions are dated the 27, altho the Copy of the Resolution of Congress by which I was appointed is dated the 28. I should...
Your most friendly and obliging Favour of 28. Novr was never delivered to me, untill the 22d instant, when I returned home from a short Excursion upon private Business, almost the only Sample that has fallen to my share for four Years. Indeed, Sir, I have neglected and abandoned, my own Affairs and the Concerns of my Family So long, to the inexpressible Loss and Injury of both, that I must...
Reprinted from Report of the Committee of the House of the 17th February on the Subject of the Claims of the Heirs of Caron de Beaumarchais . . . (20th Congress, 1st session, House of Representatives Report No. 220; [Washington, 1828]), pp. 44–5. Beaumarchais’ letter above to the commissioners of December 6, with a copy to Vergennes, brought to a head the dispute about the cargo of the...
Reprinted from The New-York Mirror , April 13, 1839 The bearer, Mr. Holker, is a gentleman of great worth and excellent character, and a particular friend of mine, who, if he sees encouraging prospects, may possibly make some commercial prospects in America; in which case you may be assured that his engagements will be executed with good faith, and the exactest punctuality. I recommend him...
ALS : Harvard University Library Vous voudrés bien prendre en récommendation que J’ai quité Le service du roy auquel J’etois attaché pour entrer à celui des Etats de l’amerique septentrionale. Je me suis rendu en conséquance à vos ordres, et relativement au grade de lieutenent de Vaisseau dans la marine de Etats unis En Hollande pour y diriger la construction d’un Vaisseau que vous y faisiés...
ALS : Harvard University Library Your very respected favour of 18th Inst: I received by Capt: Nicholson. Contents thereof I duly Note. The Safe arrival of the Hamburgh vessel, you may suppose gave me pleasure, and tho at L’orient when I had advice of it, I embrace’d the first post to give you the earliest Notice, recept of which you acknowledge in this now before me. I must take the liberty to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous addresser, Monsieur, une lettre pour Monsieur De La fayette mon ami. Si vous voulez bien la lui faire tenir je vous en aurai, Monsieur, la plus grande obligation. J’ai l’honneur d’etre avec des sentimens d’estime et de respect Monsieur Votre tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur. Endorsed: Ballainvilliers 24 xb. 77 Simon-Charles,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society La Gazette de la Haye du 17: de ce mois annonce que vous aves conseillé aux Medecins de Paris les cendres de Tabac comme specifiques contre l’hydropisie. Voudriés-vous bien Monsieur, me marquer la Dose et la methode de les administrer? Je vous en aurai de l’obligation au delà de toute Expression, car je suis a portée de soulager l’humanité gemissante, a...
26660General Orders, 24 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Every regiment is to draw provisions, to complete their rations, for to morrow; and the whole army being supplied up to that time, the Issuing Commissaries are then to make return, to the Commissary General of Issues, of all the provisions they have on hand. Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Lieut. Colonel Bedlam of my Regiment, having lost his Cloaths, in the Siege at Fort Stanwix. The officers & Soldiers of the Regiment, being in great want of Cloathing, Myself & the Major being Present Humbly request, that he may have a furlough, for the purpose of Procuring Cloathing for himself & Regiment. From Your Excellencys Most Obedent Humb. Servt ALS , DLC:GW . The cover is docketed in...
Letter not found: from the Board of War, 24 Dec. 1777. In his letter to Henry Laurens of 1 Jan. 1778, GW refers to receiving a letter from the secretary of the board of the “24th ulto,” and in his letter to the Board of War of 2–3 Jan., GW writes that “Your several Letters of the 23d, 24th & 27th Ulto have been recieved.”
You are hereby directed to repair to the East Side of Schuylkill and take the command of the parties of Horse stationed upon the different Roads leading into the City of Philada. You are not only to watch the Motions of the Enemy upon that quarter, but what you are principally to attend to, is to endeavour to cut off the intercourse between the Country and the City of Philada. In order to do...
I had the honour of writing to your Excellency yesterday by General Conway; I now inclose a Resolve of Congress of the 22d Sent in to me last Night, directing, all Gold & Silver which shall be received for provision or other necessaries supplied British Prisoners, to be paid immediately into the Continental Treasury —To this I will take the liberty of adding extract of a Letter dated Nantz the...
I left the lines this evening—Lord starling sint for me to know in what maner the enemy lay, that he might the better dispose of some parties he was going to send out, & intend back in the morning. Lord starling thinks the horses and accutrements ought to be sent to head Quarters that they might be put to immediate service, and the value paid to the men that took them. I spoke to the men about...
Letter not found: from Thomas Nelson, Jr., 24 Dec. 1777. GW wrote Nelson on 8 Feb. 1778 that “I have been favoured with your Letters of the 24th. of Decmr. & 20th ulto.”
With the utmost anxiety I have beheld your army of Patriots opposeing not only the formidable powers of Europe, and you bearing your Gallant breast not only against misfortune, but combating also the attacks of inclement Skies in our unequal Combat. Why application to the Eastern States whose ports are open and whose acquisition of Cloathing is vast, was not sooner made I cant determine, But...
yesterday 18 of the enemys light Hors Took one of Capt. Lees horsmen near the whit Hors Tavernn a party of ours Commanded by Col. Butler hard of the horsman been taken, and went and Surrounded the hous and the Eenemy hors were forced to take to the mash, Butler took 13 of the hors and ten of the hors men prisners on seeing of Colo. morgan and his party two of there out picquets Ran in the...
I gave your Excellency an Account of our Arrival here yesterday Evening. Yesterday Afternoon a party of the Enemy’s light horse (abt 18 of them) took two of Capt. Lee’s light horse, one of whom made his Escape, between Darby & Chester; this one gave Intelligence of this party to Col. Butler who was out with a party in that Quarter, on which he proceeded towards the White Horse on that Road, &...
Since I wrote you this Morning Nothing very Material has happened; I found Col: Morgan with His Corps & Six Companies of the 15, detached parties and the Militia have posted themselves in the front and on the left-flank of the Enemy, in Sight of them I therefore sent off Colonel Malcolm with the Lt Cols. Barber & Harmer with 300 Men to the Vicinity of Marshalls Mill, which will Cover our...