The American Commissioners: Receipt for an Installment of a French Loan, 3 August 1778
The American Commissioners: Receipt for an Installment of a French Loan6
DS: American Philosophical Society
A Paris le 3 aoust 1778
Nous avons reçu de Monsieur d’harveley Garde du Trésor Royal7 sept cent cinquante mille Livres
B Franklin
Arthur Lee
John Adams
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]
6. The third quarterly installment of a 3,000,000 l.t. loan extended by the French government the preceding November (XXV, 207–8). The previous payments were made on February 28 and May 19: account XII (described in XXV, 3).
7. Joseph Micault d’Harvelay, keeper of the Royal Treasury: XXIII, 199 n.