James Madison Papers

Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 17 July 1829

University 17 July. 1829.

Dear Sir,

I regret, in common with all the Board, that your present delicate state of health should deprive us of the gratification of your company at the University. Col: Monroe, on his return home, will hand you the letters you were good enough to lend me, of which I have taken copies & filed with my papers. I have determined to publish in some of our newspapers, Chaptal’s two chapters on the Tariff, taken from his work on National Industry. Mr. Carey had published them in French; but so few read that language, I have procured a translation which Doctr. Blatterman is now revising: The argument is chiefly applicable to old countries, like France, where manufactures are already established, but contains many valuable ideas in regard to this country. I refer you to Col: Monroe for details respecting the University: barely remarking that the state of things, upon the whole, is as satisfactory as could be reasonably expected. Very respectfully & truly yours

Joseph C. Cabell

P. S. Just before leaving the Lower country I wrote to Mr. Morris of Hanover requesting the favor of him to enquire of Mr. Pollard of that county for the information you desired relative to "The danger not over"; and requested him to send his reply either to you or myself at this place & abt. this time. I have no doubt he will make the enquiry, & if the answer should be sent to me, I will forward it on without delay.

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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