Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, [7 March 1781]

From George Washington

[Newport, Rhode Island, March 7, 1781]1

Dr Hamilton,

I shall be obliged to you for the answer to the address2 as soon as it is convenient to you. If we do not ride to the point to see the fleet pass out,3 I am to have a conference with Count de Rochambeau ⟨&⟩ the Engineer directly after Breakfast at which I wish you to be present.

I am sincerely and affectly yrs

Go: Washington

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1J.C. Hamilton incorrectly dated this letter 1780. JCHW description begins John C. Hamilton, ed., The Works of Alexander Hamilton (New York, 1851). description ends , I, 193.

2H had accompanied Washington to Rhode Island for a conference with the Comte de Rochambeau and other French leaders. During the visit, Washington replied to an address of the committee of the town of Newport which had greeted him on his arrival.

3A French squadron under the Chevalier Destouches sailed from Newport for Chesapeake Bay on March 8. Destouches had succeeded to the command of the Chevalier de Ternay’s squadron following the latter’s death.

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