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Results 26611-26640 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I flatter myself an explanation of the Inclos’d paper, with you will be a sufficient excuse for the Liberty I have taken; to Sollicit you in favor of an Orphan; whose Father I belive had the Honor of a place in your esteem, which was the late Mr. Huske M:P: for Malden in Essex; who unfortunately Died in this Town in very Indigent Curcumstances, in...
26612General Orders, 22 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The good of the service requiring at this time, the attention of officers and soldiers to duty, the General orders, that no furloughs be granted to officers above the rank of Captain, but from himself; nor to those below rank, but from the Major General, or Officer commanding the division, they belong to: Non-commissioned Officers and privates may be furloughed by their respective Brigadiers,...
Letter not found: to Maj. Gen. John Armstrong, c.22 Dec. 1777. In his first letter to GW of 23 Dec. , Armstrong writes of “your Excellens. favour which came to hand last night.”
Your favor of the 14th Instant I received on Saturday Evening. The Release of Genl Thompson is what I wish much to effect. No circumstances have arisen since his captivity by which it could be accomplished. Your Letter is the first & only information, I have had respecting Genl Hamiltons desire of being exchanged & remaining in America, having never received a Line from Genl Gates or any...
A large Body of the Enemy are on their march to Derby, where they must have arrived by this time, the number uncertain, but you may rely are formidable, they certainly mean to forage where I mentioned in my Letter of Yesterday—at 8 this morning about 20 Dragoons of the Enemy came up to the Fox Chase, to give the alarm, & then took the route to Derby—I have alarmed Morgan—the Genl is rode out...
I have just returned from Springfield, having met one of my Spies on the Road, he informs me Genl Sr Wm Howe Sr Wm Erskine & a number of other Generals are with the party at Derby, refreshing the Troops—they have a very formidable Body with them—my Spy was taken by their advanced Guard one Mile this side Derby, on the Springfield Road—& carried to the Generals at Derby—they’ve made great many...
Letter not found: from Maj. John Clark, Jr., 22 Dec. 1777. Clark says in the postscript of his letter to GW of 23 Dec. that “I wrote you by Express last Evening.”
On Saturday Evening I had the honor to receive your Favor of the 17th Inst. with it’s Inclosure. The next day I wrote to Genl Burgoyne upon the subject of his application & transmitted him a Copy of the Resolution of Congress founded thereon. That the matter might not be delayed, I dispatched my Letter by the Express who brought yours, he having informed that you expected he would be sent with...
By a young man Just came from the City I am informed that the enemy have hard of Genl Solavan going to Willmington and thy give it out that the will send eight pieces of Cannon and a number of men to Rout him it is beleved that there Number is not more then 6000 men in City. the Boy says the most of there Troops are out of the City. I am Excelanceys Humble servant ALS , DLC:GW . Potter is...
I sent Capt. Lives of with 5 men when I wrote you he is Just Returned and says the enemy are in Darbey with a large Number and going aplundring of three Townships. I am Sir your Most Humble Servant ALS , DLC:GW . For more information on this British foraging expedition, see Daniel Morgan to GW (first letter), 23 Dec., n.1 .
the enemy are in two partys and going up into Spring field and the other nearder to the Chister Road we have parties observing there mosions and will be able to let you Know where they encamp this night they have a great number of waggans with them. I am your Excelan. Humble servant ALS , DLC:GW .
Letter not found: to James Potter, 22 Dec. 1777. In his fourth letter to GW of this date, written at 11:00 p.m. , Potter mentions that he had “Just Receved you Excelanceys favours of seven and Eight oClock this evening.”
I have Just Receved you Excelanceys favours of seven and Eight oClock this evening the enemy are not moved towards Wilimington they ley en Camped from Philip Prices to Joshewa Asshes Place on the Road leading from Darby to Springfield meetinghous —your pleaseed to Inform me that you will send down fifteen choice partys as soon as they can be perreaded then you Aske me to Inform you of the...
The Enemy marched out of Philada this morning early with a considerable Body. Their intent is said to be to forage, but lest they may have something further in view, I think it proper to put you upon your guard. They incamp this Evening near Derby. I have this day recd information that the Troops which were embarked some days ago, and were said to be destined for New York are designed to land...
Our March being retarded on the 19th Inst. by the Commissarys not furnishing Provision till the Eveng, prevented our seting off, ’till 4 Oclock in the Morning of the 20th, & after a fatiguing & rapid March, arrived here at 9 Oclock in the Morning of the 21st, with all the Troops Artillery and Ordnance Stores &c. safe; we have compleated one Battery mounting two Guns at the Bridge; and are now...
According to the saying of Solomon, hunger will break thro’ a stone Wall; It is therefore a very pleasing Circumstance to the Division under my Command, that there is a probability of their marching. Three Days successively, we have been destitute of Bread. Two Days we have been intirely without Meat. It is not to be had from the Commissaries. Whenever we procure Beef, it is of such a vile...
On my Return from Portsmouth, to which Place I made an Excursion upon a certain maritime Cause, I Yesterday met your kind Letter of Decr. 3. from the Camp at White Marsh. I thank you Sir for the assurances you give me of your Attention to Mr. Smiths Concern, with which I acquainted him, upon my first Reading of your Letter. Am much pleased with your Account of the Strength of the Army, and I...
Having been Absent, on a Journey, I had not the Honour of receiving your Letters, until Yesterday when one of the Twenty Eighth of November inclosing a Resolution of Congress of the Same Day, and another of the third of December inclosing a Commission for Dr Franklin Dr Lee and Myself to represent the United States at the Court of France, were delivered to me in Boston. As I am deeply...
Tho’ I have written you so repeatedly since my Arrival in Scotland, without having ever received an Answer, and ‘tho’ I am, at present, uncertain whether you have escaped those Dangers, to which you have been so long exposed in Defence of the glorious Cause in wh: you are engaged; yet so anxious am I to hear Something concerning you, and to convince you that I still retain the most sincere and...
ALS : Boston Public Library Your esteemed favor of the 17th. I have recived. I wish to leave the Ranger in such a situation as to expect to find her nearly ready for Sea on my return, as I think it will be for the intrest of the Service that I should then proceed with her alone Unless an Additional force can be very soon procured. Should circumstances Admit, an Additional force may be...
(I) ALS and copy: University of Virginia Library; (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society Capt. Nicholson is gone to Painbeuf to see his Ship. I inclose a Letter he has written to Mr. Dean, since which I find the expected orders are arrived and we are now to meet no Difficulties. Your orders relative to M. Montieu’s Cloaths are too late as they are already gone on board. I had not your...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je suis on ne peut pas plus faché de ce que votre bon papa a du monde le jour de noël qui l’empesche de me faire l’amitié de venir disnér avéc moi; je me faisois la plus grande féste de passér cétte journée avéc lui, j’esperois qu’il seroit libre: il me fera le plus grand plaisir de venir a 6 heures aprés midi jouér aux échécs avéc moi, je lui promést de la...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I thank you for your very kind remembrance of me, and for your valuable present to my Son. He is extremely flatter’d with it and as his desire to preserve an impression of your person shew’d some virtuous disposition in him, I hope he will study and imitate your conduct if he should ever be called to the service of his Country. The Confidence which the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Barer of this is Mr. George Searle at whos request I gave him this, your address. He is the Person that has advanc’d the Twenty guineas for my Bill on you, of this date, drawn for the Use of Mr. Platt and is otherways our good Friend, and I have once more the honour to Subscribe my Self your honor’s most oblig’d humble Servant Addressed: To / Miss Phebe...
26635General Orders, 23 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Those men engaged in building the bridge, under General Sullivan’s direction, are to be supplied with provisions by themselves, upon General Sullivan’s order, and are therefore to be deducted from the regimental provision returns. Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Yesterday, prior to your Excellens. favour which came to hand last night, I had dispatch’d an Express to the Council of this State in regard to a Continued Succession of the Militia thro’ the Winter—this I had in effect done by a former letter, but Yesterday have been explicit. About 200 fine Cattle are gone forward to you, with these I have Sent a Guard & thro the hurry of business forgot to...
Letter not found: to Maj. Gen. John Armstrong, c.23 Dec. 1777. In his second letter to GW of 23 Dec. , Armstrong writes that he had “received your Excellys Favour this Afternoon.”
I received your Excellys Favour this Afternoon & shall as far as in my Power endeavour to obey your Commands. Upon conferring with Persons who have the best Opportunities of knowing the Circumstances of the Country between this & Philada I am of Opinion that instead of there being a Surplus beyond the Wants of the Inhabitants they will have great Difficulty to reach the Spring with the little...
Letter not found: from the Board of War, 23 Dec. 1777. In his letter to the Board of War of 2–3 Jan. 1778 , GW writes that “Your several Letters of the 23d, 24th & 27th Ulto have been recieved.”
One of my Spies has just come from General Howes quarters at Mr Prices, he went down the private Road from Garrets undiscovered ’till he got to the General quarters almost, his Troops are encamped all along the Road from the Ferry, to the high Ground on this side Derby, at Justice Parkers on Springfield Road, their picket on this side, is kept at the intersection of the Providence, &...