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Results 26611-26660 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
26611 Washington, George Du Portail, Louis Le Bèque George Washington to Brigadier General Louis Le Bèque … 1781-03-01 New Windsor [ New York ] March 1, 1781 . Is setting out for Rhode Island. Asks Du Portail to join...
26612 Washington, George Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … George Washington to Marquis de Lafayette, 1 March 1781 1781-03-01 [ New Windsor, New York ] March 1, 1781 . Describes French plans to return to Chesapeake Bay. Is...
26613 Hamilton, Alexander Webb, Samuel Blachley From Alexander Hamilton to Colonel Samuel Blachley … 1781-03-02 With some difficulty, the General has in part consented to your wishes. Col Hazen is going to...
26614 Washington, George Destouches, Chevalier George Washington to Chevalier Destouches, 2 March 1781 1781-03-02 Home of Andrew Morehouse [ New York ] March 2, 1781 . Is pleased with French decision to return...
26615 Washington, George Rochambeau, Comte de George Washington to Comte de Rochambeau, 2 March 1781 1781-03-02 Home of Andrew Morehouse [ New York ] March 2, 1781 . Is pleased with French plan to return to...
26616 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, [7 March … 1781-03-07 I shall be obliged to you for the answer to the address as soon as it is convenient to you. If we...
26617 Washington, George Newport Inhabitants George Washington to the Inhabitants of Newport, [8 … 1781-03-08 Among the distinguished honors which have a claim to my gratitude since my arrival I have seen...
26618 Harrison, Robert Hanson Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Robert Hanson Harrison, 26 … 1781-03-26 I came here, My Dear Hamilton, on Friday night to bid adieu to the General, to you and to My...
26619 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [9 April … 1781-04-09 I had the inclosed letters for you in my Portmanteau without knowing it, as they were given me...
26620 Fleury, Marquis de Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Marquis de Fleury, [10 April … 1781-04-10 I will not Let Gibs Return, without a friendly word for you; I have very Little time Left, but...
26621 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Marquis de Lafayette, 10 … 1781-04-10 Where is, for the present, My Dear Hamilton? This question is not a mere affair of Curiosity; it...
26622 Washington, George Rochambeau, Comte de George Washington to Comte de Rochambeau, 10 April 1781 1781-04-10 New Windsor [ New York ] April 10, 1781 . Is pleased that French will undertake expedition to...
26623 Hamilton, Alexander Stewart and Totten From Alexander Hamilton to Stewart and Totten, 11 April … 1781-04-11 [ New Windsor, New York, April 11, 1781. On April 13, 1781, Stewart and Totten wrote to Hamilton...
26624 Hamilton, Alexander Pickering, Timothy From Alexander Hamilton to Colonel Timothy Pickering … 1781-04-12 [ New Windsor, New York ] April 12, 1781 . States that “the General has ordered the block house...
26625 Washington, George Skinner, Abraham George Washington to Abraham Skinner, 12 April 1781 1781-04-12 New Windsor [ New York ] April 12, 1781 . Discusses exchange of prisoners. Df , in writing of H,...
26626 Hamilton, Alexander Bauman, Sebastian From Alexander Hamilton to Major Sebastian Bauman, [13 … 1781-04-13 I received your note concerning Mr. Garanger. I am no further interested for him than as a...
26627 Hamilton, Alexander Bauman, Sebastian From Alexander Hamilton to Major Sebastian Bauman, [13 … 1781-04-13 You have intirely misunderstood me. I said I knew you too well not to be convinced, that you...
26628 Stewart and Totten Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Stewart and Totten, 13[–23] … 1781-04-13 We have this moment Recv’d your favour of ye 11th Inst., the one you Refer to in this we have not...
26629 Washington, George Board of War George Washington to the Board of War, 13 April 1781 1781-04-13 New Windsor [ New York ] April 13, 1781 . Asks Board to supply hard money to officers on Long...
26630 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Marquis de Lafayette, 15 … 1781-04-15 You are so sensible a fellow that you Can Certainly Explain to me what is the Matter that New...
26631 Hamilton, Alexander Wadsworth, Jeremiah From Alexander Hamilton to Jeremiah Wadsworth, [16 … 1781-04-16 As I intend in a day or two to take lodgings for Mrs. Hamilton, I take the liberty to request you...
26632 Washington, George Clinton, Henry George Washington to Sir Henry Clinton, 16 April 1781 1781-04-16 New Windsor [ New York ] April 16, 1781 . Demands the return of General John Burgoyne who is on...
26633 Washington, George Huntington, Samuel George Washington to Samuel Huntington, 16–19 April … 1781-04-16 New Windsor [ New York ] April 16–19 , 1781 . Describes steps taken in regard to General John...
26634 Washington, George Skinner, Abraham George Washington to Abraham Skinner, 16 April 1781 1781-04-16 New Windsor [ New York ] April 16, 1781 . Orders Skinner not to exchange General John Burgoyne....
26635 Washington, George Huntington, Samuel George Washington to Samuel Huntington, 18–19 April … 1781-04-19 New Windsor [ New York ] April 18–19 , 1781 . Discusses prospects of supplies for Army. Df , in...
26636 Hamilton, Alexander Greene, Nathanael From Alexander Hamilton to Major General Nathanael … 1781-04-19 I acknowlege myself to have been unpardonably delinquent in not having written to you before; but...
26637 Washington, George Greene, Nathanael George Washington to Major General Nathanael Greene, 19 … 1781-04-19 New Windsor [ New York ] April 19, 1781 . Is pleased with Greene’s successful attack on...
26638 Hamilton, Alexander Pickering, Timothy From Alexander Hamilton to Colonel Timothy Pickering … 1781-04-20 Let me know the result of your examination whether you can appoint a barrak Master to the French...
26639 Pickering, Timothy Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Colonel Timothy Pickering … 1781-04-20 Newburgh [ New York ] April 20, 1781 . Asks for assistance in transporting a Canadian refugee...
26640 Pickering, Timothy Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Colonel Timothy Pickering … 1781-04-20 Newburgh [ New York ] April 20, 1781 . Doubts that, as quarter-master general, he possesses...
26641 Skinner, Abraham Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Abraham Skinner, 21 April … 1781-04-21 Near Elizabethtown [ New Jersey ] April 21, 1781 . Has received Washington’s letter transmitting...
26642 Washington, George Huntington, Samuel George Washington to Samuel Huntington, 21 April 1781 1781-04-21 New Windsor [ New York ] April 21, 1781 . Asks Congress to authorize the quarter-master general...
26643 Washington, George Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … George Washington to Marquis de Lafayette, 21 April … 1781-04-21 [ New Windsor, New York ] April 21, 1781 . Wishes Lafayette to return to the main Army. Df , in...
26644 Bauman, Sebastian Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Major Sebastian Bauman, 22 … 1781-04-22 In order to lay aside all suspicion, and to Regain your former friendship, I have accordin[g]ly...
26645 Washington, George Greene, Nathanael George Washington to Major General Nathanael Greene, 22 … 1781-04-22 New Windsor [ New York ] April 22, 1781 . Approves of Greene’s tactics against Cornwallis....
26646 Washington, George Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … George Washington to Marquis de Lafayette, 22 April … 1781-04-22 New Windsor [ New York ] April 22, 1781 . Is disturbed by the “temper of” Lafayette’s “detachment...
26647 Hamilton, Alexander Church, John B. From Alexander Hamilton to John B. Church (John … 1781-04-25 [ De Peyster’s Point, New York, April 25, 1781. On May 18, 1781, Church wrote to Hamilton that he...
26648 Tilghman, Tench Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Lieutenant Colonel Tench … 1781-04-27 Between me and thee there is a Gulph, or I should not have been thus long without seeing you. My...
26649 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [27 April … 1781-04-27 I imagine your Excellency has been informed that in consequence of the resolution of Congress for...
26650 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, 27 April … 1781-04-27 Your letter of this date has not a little embarrassed me. You must remember the ferment in the...
26651 Hamilton, Alexander Platt, Richard From Alexander Hamilton to Major Richard Platt, [28 … 1781-04-28 I will be obliged to you to give orders to have the following articles made for me a small table...
26652 Schuyler, Philip Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Philip Schuyler, 29 April … 1781-04-29 Since my arrival here Your Old Gray Horse suddenly departed this life. He was in high order and...
26653 Hamilton, Alexander Morris, Robert From Alexander Hamilton to Robert Morris, [30 April … 1781-04-30 I was among the first who were convinced, that an administration by single men was essential to...
26654 Washington, George Rochambeau, Comte de George Washington to Comte de Rochambeau, 30 April 1781 1781-04-30 New Windsor [ New York ] April 30, 1781 . Regrets the publication of an intercepted letter. Df...
26655 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [2 May … 1781-05-02 I am extremely sorry to have embarrassed you by my late application, and that you should think...
26656 Stewart and Totten Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Stewart and Totten, [5 May … 1781-05-05 We have Sent you one hundred & Sixteen dollars in New York state money by Mr. George Fisher; when...
26657 Noailles, Vicomte de Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Vicomte de Noailles, [10 May … 1781-05-10 je Suis certain mon cher colonel de vous faire plaisir en vous aprenant que votre ami Laurence...
26658 Church, John B. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John B. Church (John … 1781-05-18 M de Villemansey deliver’d me your Favor of the 25th April, as we are equally faulty in the...
26659 Hamilton, Alexander Stewart and Totten From Alexander Hamilton to Stewart and Totten, 20 May … 1781-05-20 [ De Peyster’s Point, New York, May 20, 1781. On verso of Stewart and Totten to Hamilton, May 5,...
26660 Hamilton, Alexander Clinton, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Clinton, [22 May … 1781-05-22 For some time past I have had a bill on France lying in Philadelphia the sale of which has been...