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Results 26611-26640 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Not one ray of information has reached us respecting your Family, or my Dear Mrs Cranch’s ill health, since your letter written the day after leaving here. I cannot but hope that she is convalesent, & that you my Friend with her Family & others, may yet be blessed with her society on earth a while longer. But if it should be otherwise directed by an allwise Providence, I doubt not but that you...
I have the honor to enclose for your consideration a Letter from W. Jones Esqr Judge Advocate requesting instructions relative to the proceeding of the General Court Martial in the case therein mentioned. If the court shall determine that they will not take cognizance of any charges implying offences of more than two years standing, those laid in the five first charges, together with all the...
The enclosed was presented me this morning by Mr. Smith, the gentleman in whose behalf it was written. He stated that he had been waiting here for three weeks expecting your arrival, on which, he intended to deliver it, but as he was informed that the period of it was uncertain he had been advised by his friends to offer it to me. He stated to me, most positively, that he knew the contents and...
“There is in this place a very noted Chief of the Chickesaws, a man of truth, who wishes the President should be informed, that there is a combination of the Northern Indians, promoted by the English, to unite in falling on the frontier settlements, and are inviting the Southern tribes to join them.” Tr ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). This paragraph was extracted from a 9 Sept. 1811 letter from Chickasaw...
M r Oemler , not having found me here, delivered me your letter of May 1. on the 19 th Ult. at a place 90. miles Southwestwardly near the New London of this state, which I visit frequently, & with considerable stay. this absence & the date of delivery will account for this late answer. We are in no hurry for Persoone , and I am happy in it’s emploiment to a good purpose. for altho’ I do not...
The inclosed work came to me without a scrip of a pen other than what you see in the title page. ‘A Mons r le president de la societé.’ from this I conclude it intended for the Philosophical society , & for them I now inclose it to you. you will find the notes really of value. they embody and ascertain to us all the scraps of new discoveries which we have learnt in detached articles, from less...
I have been flattering myself during the whole summer, with the hope of having it in my power to pay a visit to the Mountain Country, and in the course of my projected tour I contemplated calling upon you; but the situation of my family, and some perplexing business which I have found greatly great difficulty in adjusting, has protracted my stay here to so late a period, that I find myself now...
The first page of the enclosed Press-Copy of my last Letter is so faint that unless you should have received the original, before it comes to hand, I know not whether you will be able to read it—The second however is more plain, and contains the material information of the whole; the birth of my daughter—This information has since been repeated in letters to my father and my brother,...
I received a letter from M r John Daingerfield of the 2 nd Ins t who sayes says he was authorised by M rs Mary Daingerfield to make a reques t of me whether I had written to you relative to the Balance of money due her & whether I had herd from you & if I had to be informed of the prospect of her geting the money due her Viz the full hire of
In order to commence the establishment for family manufacture in our neighborhood, on which we conversed the other day, I will, for myself, engage of you a spinning Jenny, and a loom with a flying shuttle, doing towards them myself whatever my workmen can do; I will furnish six women or girls to work for myself on them under your direction, build a house for them to lodge in, contribute to a...
I send the bill of scantling for your sawmill which you gave to me the other day =as also a bill for the pitt gears of the same=the bill you gave me was not the sam that I supposed—I sent you a 2 d bill whilst you ware at Beadford which I suppose your servant has not delivered to you, however you may destroy that as the two which I now send will be sufficient=please have them filled up as soon...
Nomber Length in ft &. Inches Breadth in inches Thickness in Inches— Terms for the different pieces of Timber 2 50 14 12 Main sills pine or poplar 2 50 9 9 Plates ditto 3 11 .½ 18
Nomber Length in feet &. parts Breadth in Inches &. parts Thickness in Inches &. parts Terms for different pieces— 18 8 19 .½ 3 ¼ shrouding for Water wheel heart pine } Clear of cracks 8 20 .½ 19½.
Sickness in my family which has occupied much of my time for some days past has prevented my forwarding, at an earlier moment, the enclosed copy of a letter from Capt. Porter for your information. As Capt Porter’s operations are sanctioned by the orders which, some months since, in obedience to your instructions I issued to the Commanders of our Vessels of war, I shall inform him that his...
I most chearfully accept your kind invitation of a renewal of corrispondance; tho’ with very little expectation that I shall be able to add to your stock of Information in your favorite occupations, however with this pleasing hope, that as my subjects must necessarily be on the culture of the Earth, I must shall get instruction in my new occupation, that of a farmer, which thus may be difused...
In your letter of 18. January to your Mama, you mentioned that you read to your Aunt Cranch a Chapter in the Bible, or a Section of Dr: Doddridge’s annotations every Evening—This information gave me great pleasure, for so great is my veneration for the Bible, and so strong my belief that when duly read and meditated upon, it is of all the books in the world that which contributes most to make...
Your favor of the 2d. was duly recd. The course which the B. Govt. pursues, particularly in sending a Squadron to our Coasts, with such menacing indications, calls for our vigilance in every respect; and incidents may ensue, which would make a stronger claim on the services of the Members of the Ct. Mart: at Frederick town, than is made by the Object of that Court. It is so desirable...
The death of mrs Carr , my sister, which took place a few days ago, and the desire that she should be buried here by the side of her husband , induce me to trouble you with a request that you would be so kind as to come and officiate on the occasion of her funeral. it is proposed that it shall take place on Wednesday the 11 th at 12 aclock. it will be private, her near connections only...
I received yours , of the date abovementioned, have observed the contents; shall attend at Monticello on wednesday the eleventh, at 12 OClock, to officiate on the occasion of the funeral Solemnities. Accept the assurance of my great esteem & respect. RC ( MHi ); addressed: “M r Thomas Jefferson Monticello ”; endorsed by TJ as received 8 Sept. 1811 and so recorded in SJL .
The preliminaries of peace were signed and I was weary of writing in the night. I do not find that I kept any journal during the remainder of the winter, until the month of May, 1783. I spent my time in looking at France, in the court and the city, in the theatres, churches, and especially in the palace, where the courts of justice are held. This survey of the laws, government, history,...
The dispatches from France & England have kept me constantly occupied since their receit yesterday. A note to Gales shall be sent by the next mail. I now send a project of an answer to Mr Serrurier’s former letter, which you will dispose of as you find proper. I shall send one by the next mail, on the subject of his last letter, relating to the late proceeding in Phila. I have just recd. a...
7 September 1811, Schenectady. Has been informed by “A Gentleman Just arrived from Detroit,” that his son, John, is bound for Washington with a deputation of Ottawa chiefs “on subjects of National Concern.” In the present crisis of foreign relations “it behoves every real American … to exert himself for the public good”; suggests that the chiefs be sent via Schenectady on their return home, as...
Without a personal acquaintance I beg leave to ask of you an answer to the following enquiries. In October 1780 a volunteer expedition was fitted out from the County of Washington under the command of Colonel William Campbell , which with extraordinary promptitude marched to the State of South Carolina and in conjunction with other militia from the Carolinas defeated and made prisoners, the...
Mr. Hamilton from the John Adams reached me yesterday. He reposes to day, and will be with you tomorrow. I send by the bearer, the dispatches opened at the Dept. of State &c. The packets of less importance Mr. H. will take with him tomorrow. The Secy of the Navy you will observe suggests the disclosure of the intelligence recd. from Mr Russel. An abstract of the matter in the letter to Mr....
I have been honoured with your letter of 22d. Ulto. containing an order for a pipe of Messrs Murdoch’s L. P. Madeira Wine which went forward per brig Louisa McNamara & expect the wine will come out in her. There is no doubt but these gentlemen’s wine improved by one or two years of our climate will prove of a very superior quality, & I hope merit your attention. I beg leave to express my hope...
J’ai l’honneur d’envoyer à Votre Excellence des Mémoires Sur la vie d’un Grand Homme, dont je vous ai déja fait passer les Oeuvres , où vous aurez vu combien votre République naissante lui donnait d’esperance et lui inspirait d’attachement. Ces Mémoires complettent l’Edition. Ils vous Seront portés par une branche de ma Famille qui me précede dans mon retour aux Etats-Unis. Elle est composée...
In approaching the chief Magistrate of our country, we should not do Justice to our feelings, were we to neglect expressing our confidence in his administration, and our sincere respect and esteem for his person. And, although we are situated far from the seat of our National government; and not possessed of the best means of information respecting our National concerns—we humbly conceive,...
It was my intention to have undertaken the survey of the line of the Western Navigation of the State of New York, and I had already accepted the Office of Engineer offered to me by the Commissioners of that State, when you left the city. But on reconsidering the duty I have to perform for the Navy department here, & the injury which so long an absence might occasion to my other concerns I...
“Illustrious” Madison! canting “Fellow Citizen”!!! ☞ ☞ ☞ I hope you and all your infernal Set, are now in the Suds : if you are not yet, a post or two, will convince you. War, has taken place, between Britain, and the United States; you may recollect this, & credit anonymous’ account, in future . All , that I have predicted, & warned you of, will come to pass. A commence , you will hear of,...
Letter not found. 6 September 1811. Acknowledged in JM to Rush, 20 Sept. 1811 . Forwards a copy of a pamphlet received from the earl of Buchan.