Continental Congress Motion on the Appointment of Collectors, [11 March 1783]
Continental Congress
Motion on the Appointment of Collectors
[Philadelphia, March 11, 1783]
A motion was made by Mr. Hamilton & Mr. Wilson to strike out the clauses relative to the appointment of Collectors,1 and to provide that the Collectors shd. be inhabitants of the States within which they sd. collect should be nominated by Congs. and appointed by the States, and in case such nomination should not be accepted or rejected within 2 days it should stand good.
“Notes of Debates in the Continental Congress,” MS, James Madison Papers, Library of Congress.
1. This motion referred to the committee report described in the notes to the preceding motion. The clauses of the report, to which this motion refers, read as follows:
“… provided, that the collectors of the said duties shall be appointed by the states within which their offices are to be respectively exercised; but, when so appointed, shall be amenable to and removable by the United States in Congress assembled alone, and in case any State shall not make such appointment within after notice given for that purpose, the appointment may then be made by the United States in Congress assembled.” ( , XXIV, 171.) H’s motion was lost by a vote of 5 ayes and 6 nays.
2. Space left blank in MS.