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Results 26601-26630 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The American Philosophical Society having heretofore done themselves the honour of naming you one...
LS : National Archives After some difficulty and delay in getting thro’ the ice of Lake George,...
Wednsday 8th I started again for Monticello — Mr Kelly when I g ot t o Char. went with me. When...
I am just honored with your’s of this date. The light-companies shall be immediately formed into...
Your letter of the 19th Instt has been received, & I will answer such parts as require it. The...
The disappointment of Mr. Dawson as to h is passage, & his consequent return to London a se cond...
I am much indebted to you for announcing my election as a member of the American Academy of Arts...
Mr José A. Miralla, a distinguished South American patriot, wishes to see & know you—the great...
AD : Cornell University Library This song occupies one side of a single sheet, at the bottom of...
Your favor of May 26. was recieved on my return to this place. I have no information of a plough...
I have received the honor of your Excellency’s favor of the 10th with its several inclosures....
The instructions for regulating your conduct in the Agency to which you are appointed will come...
26613[Diary entry: 17 January 1785] (Washington Papers)
Monday 17th. Mercury at 34 in the Morning—36 at Noon & 46 at Night. Day fine & pleasant—wind at...
I do myself the Honor to transmit you a Copy of my Letter to Genl Howe of the 16th Instant,...
I would beg leave to recall your Attention to the proposition for the Exchange of prisoners, to...
Recollecting to have heard you mention a plan formed by the Empress of Russia for a comparative...
Transcript: National Archives It was intended by the Commissioners to write a joint Letter to...
Capt David Leslie informed me about fifteen days since that Mr. Eli Haskell had sollicited him to...
23 February 1804 , “ Committee-room .” “I am directed by the committee of claims to transmit to...
In a former letter I hazarded an opinion that the true history of the American revolution could...
“My visit to Montpellier last week my dear sister prevented me from writing. […] I accompanied...
Your letter of July was duly recd. The recollections it so kindly expresses are very gratifying...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arrived at Rochfort Two Days since after Forty Three Days...
Colclaser .  9. bason 100.f long. dble width at lower end single width at upper. the spring...
Amsterdam, February 9, 1795. Concerns the foreign debt of the United States. LS , Connecticut...
As the Peculiarity of my Situation requires an immediate Explanation with Congress, I have it in...
you found on my return that I had not Stated the number of Hogs kill’d we ware not done killing...
[ Philadelphia, March 21, 1791. On April 4, 1791, Carrington wrote to Hamilton : “The private...
Mercerau arrived late last night with the inclosed. He says the Fleet lay yesterday morning...
J’ai reçû, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 22. de ce mois...