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Results 26601-26610 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The American Philosophical Society having heretofore done themselves the honour of naming you one of their members, the President has been pleased to transmit to me the Diploma made out in the forms used by the society, and authenticated by their seal. I do myself the honour of forwarding it to you and at the same time of assuring you of the sentiments of esteem & respect with which I have the...
LS : National Archives After some difficulty and delay in getting thro’ the ice of Lake George, we arrived here on monday last and were very politely received by General Arnold who at present commands in this Post. It is impossible to give you a just idea of the lowness of the Continental credit here from the want of hard money, and the prejudice it is to our affairs. Not the most trifling...
Wednsday 8th I started again for Monticello — Mr Kelly when I g ot t o Char. went with me. When we arrived at the foot of the hill, we wound a side way, circutous course to avoid the steapness in getting the house, which was immediately upon the top of the mountain. We rode up to the front gate of the door yard a servant took our horses— Mr. Jefferson appeared at the door. I was introduced to...
I am just honored with your’s of this date. The light-companies shall be immediately formed into battalions, and field officers appointed to them conformable to your directions. But a difficulty arrises with respect to Major Reid; the sentence of the court-martial, which is before your Excellency, has not yet been published, & Major Reid is under arrest. If your Excellency should think proper...
Your letter of the 19th Instt has been received, & I will answer such parts as require it. The money in your hands, belonging to me, may be lodged in Alexandria, & made subject to Mr William Pearce (my manager) his order. This will answer all the purposes of your coming down, if he is advised thereof—At the sametime write, & transmit me the accts, that I may see who have paid, and who are...
The disappointment of Mr. Dawson as to h is passage, & his consequent return to London a se cond time, Enables me to forward by him the en closed statements; not having expected so immediate and favorable opportunity I have been so mewhat hurried; a further & more minute ex amination may discover some small Errors or omissions. Th ere can be scarcely any such that are important. I hope these...
I am much indebted to you for announcing my election as a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences—I feel myself particularly honored by this relation to a Society whose efforts to promote useful knowledge will, I am perswaded, acquire them a high reputation in the literary world. I entreat you to present my warmest acknowledgements to that respectable body and to assure them that I...
Mr José A. Miralla, a distinguished South American patriot, wishes to see & know you—the great apostle of liberty. An enlightened foreigner, seeking in our country a knowledge of our free institutions and collecting maxims of political Science from our wisest Statesmen, has a passport to the good feelings & kind offices of every patriot & philanthropist. With you he will want no other...
AD : Cornell University Library This song occupies one side of a single sheet, at the bottom of which Jared Sparks wrote “(Franklin’s hand-writing) J. S.” The present editors agree with his identification. Nothing has been found to indicate whether Franklin composed these verses himself or merely copied them from another source because they amused and pleased him. They probably date from the...
Your favor of May 26. was recieved on my return to this place. I have no information of a plough destined for me from England. but the Agricultural society of Paris informed me some time ago that they should send a plough for me to one of the ports of France, as a model. I presume this is the plough arrived, and that the vessel may have been carried into England. of the cost I know nothing,...