Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 14 September 1811

To Archibald Stuart

Monticello Sep. 14. 11.

Dear Sir

In a letter to you of Aug. 8. I took the liberty of requesting you to procure for me some timothy seed to the amount of a 10. Dollar bill then inclosed. this being to replace some seed I borrowed in the spring from mr Divers, and the season now approaching for sowing it, I am induced to mention it again merely by the fear that perhaps my letter (which went by post) might not have got safely to you, and the season might slip over without my knowing that & mr Divers be thus disappointed.

War is, I think, inevitable. indeed it is commenced already by Great Britain as far as she can wage any war against us, that is by the capture of all our vessels bound elsewhere than to England. the death of the king can alone change their measures. this event may be hoped for every hour. but the present ministry are endeavoring to have it so far committed that their successors cannot stop it. every circumstance which delays our closing in the appeal to arms may have the happy effect of preventing the war, by giving time for another ministry to come in and stop these mad measures. so far it is fortunate that the meeting of Congress is at some distance

Affectionately yours

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MoSHi: TJC-BC); at foot of text: “Judge Stewart”; endorsed by TJ.

TJ had borrowed 1½ bushels of timothy seed from George Divers the preceding March (Divers to TJ, 17 Mar. 1811).

Stuart’s reply to TJ of 22 Sept. 1811, not found, is recorded in SJL as received from Staunton on 26 Sept. 1811.

Index Entries

  • Divers, George; and timothy seed search
  • George III, king of Great Britain; health of search
  • Great Britain; TJ on war with search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Opinions on; war with Great Britain search
  • Leitch, James; and timothy seed search
  • seeds; timothy search
  • Stuart, Archibald; and timothy seed for TJ search
  • Stuart, Archibald; letters from accounted for search
  • Stuart, Archibald; letters to search