George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Nathaniel Whitaker, 20 December 1777

To Nathaniel Whitaker

Valley Forge Decr 20th 1777.

Revd Sir,

Your favour of the 24th of September inclosing a discourse against Toryism, came safe to my hands. For the honour of the dedication, I return you my sincere thanks, and wish most devoutly that your labour may be crowned with the success it deserves.1

You also have my gratefl Thanks for your affectionate wishes. With great Esteem and Respect, I am, Reverend Sir, Your mo. obt & obliged hble servt

G. Washington.

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1Nathaniel Whitaker (1732–1795) was pastor of the Presbyterian congregation in Salem, Mass., at this time. He later moved to Virginia, where he died. Although his letter of 24 Sept. has not been found, Whitaker’s 34–page pamphlet, An Antidote against Toryism, or the Curse of Meroz, and a Discourse on Judges 5th 23, printed in Newburyport, Mass., in 1777 and dedicated to GW, was in GW’s library at Mount Vernon at the time of his death.

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