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Results 26591-26600 of 184,431 sorted by author
31 January 1802, Chillicothe, Northwest Territory. Lacking a personal acquaintance with JM, has presumed on his knowledge of JM’s character to request his attention to the subject of this letter. It appears from newspapers that Congress is planning to reorganize judiciary of U.S. Accounts of Senate debates lead him to believe “that the system adopted at the last Session will eventually give...
Having heard from Major Turberville, that he had sent to inform you of the arrival of Mr. Hare, and the business on which he came; and that the answer he received was, you left that matter to the commanding officer, I thought it unnecessary for me to give you the trouble, at that time, of writing to you on the subject of his business, for two reasons; it was my determination not to keep the...
The bearer Mr Duncanson was recommended to me by Capt. Stewart, to suceed a Lieutenant in his Light Horse who is desirous to resign. I applied to the Govr and he said he would write to you on the subject. Should you approve of preferring the young gentleman, I shall be much obliged to you. I wish I could entertain you with news, but we have none here. I am Dr Sir, Your affe & obd. Sert Sprague...
The young Gentleman who will deliver you this Letter is the Associator I mention’d to you, when I had the Pleasure of seeing you in Williamsburgh, Shoud it be convenient for you, Sr, to give him some Commission in your Regiment, I don’t doubt but you will approve of him on Tryall. I wish for nothing more than an Opportunity to entertain you at Westover, for I assure you I am with very great...
ALS or L : American Philosophical Society Yor Humble peticeenors begs lave to acquaint your Excelency of the misfortune of becomeing preseners, and being Americans which we Can justly justify, but unhaply was takeing by an English Ship And brought to England, and went passengers to Ireland to Get in the Letteramarque We were takeing in bound for Jamaca thinking To get home once more to our...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Writt you of my misfortins Sir in which it lys in your powr to Send mee hom to wher I blong to Feladealfea Sir, I was takn by the Winchilsey frigat wee was bownd to martninq and Kiped one Board of hir Six months and I run away from hir in Jemeaky and Cam to Liverpool and then gat meet of a brigg bownd to Limerick in Irland and from Limerick to London and...
agreeable to my promise I now enclose alist of pamphlets, published whilst in Dublin—if you honour me with your Commands for one or more of them I will instantly attend to it I am with the greatest respect Sir yr. obed & very hum Sevt RC ( MHi ); written on a sheet with notation on verso in an unidentified hand: “Private, examd”; endorsed by TJ as received 25 May and so recorded in SJL ....
The Hon. Thomas Jefferson pr. of P. Byrne 1805 Feb 22 Browns Civil & Admiralty Law 2 V 6 :50 Enfields philosophy 2 V 4 Chathams Life 3 Vols Lond Edit 8 Mawes Gardening 1 :25 Holmes’s England 1 Belendenus ___ ___
by desire of Mr. Priestley I send The Doctrine of Heathen Philosophy, Compared with those of Revelation, being I believe the last work of his late good Father, I am with the greatest respect, Sir Yr. very hum Sert RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 6 Feb. and so recorded in SJL . Enclosure: Joseph Priestley, The Doctrines of Heathen Philosophy, Compared with Those of Revelation...
your draft for $ 20.75 came safe to hand being the amt. of my demand for books sent you & is full of all accts. with me—my pamphlets are numerous, as yet I have not been able to make a complete list of them, when I do I shall send you a catalogue, I am Sir with the greatest respect yr. oblidgd & very hue Sert RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “182 Market St.”; endorsed by TJ as received 21 Mch. and...