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Results 26591-26600 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Some time in the month of June last there was published in the Boston Patriot, a pretended State-Paper, purporting to be signed by the Duke of Cadore, addressed to His Excellency—as in extreme secrecy, and containing a common-place invective against the British Nation-Constitution, and Royal Family; mixed up with a panegyric upon the Duke of York, and the incendiary Jackson—a curse upon the...
The inclosed Letter was brought to me by the young gentleman in whose behalf it was written. He had other respectable recommendations addressed to you, which he has doubtless forwarded: His personal appearance does not make against him. He therefore stands in fair comparison with the other candidates to be taken into view, and who are better known to you than to me. The accounts by the Jno....
It is with reluctance that I am obliged again to trouble you on the subject of the court martial, the details of which it was hoped might have been arranged by the department. Since my last it appears that it has been determined to take congnizance of all the charges. A new demand, as will be explained by the enclosed copy of a Letter from the Judge Advocate, is now made by the General thro...
I am informed that application will be made to you in favor of a Mr. Sloo for an appointment as Indian Agent. He informs me that he was in the revolutionary army from nearly the beginning to the close in the quarter Master department, & that his father was an officer during I think the whole War. I have known Mr. Sloo for a number of years slightly but not well enough to speak of my own...
14 September 1811, Chillicothe. At a time when the nation’s peace and prosperity are threatened by the European belligerents and “the menaces of cruel savage hordes” on the western frontier, it is the duty of every American soldier to avow his confidence in the administration. The committee formed by the officers therefore addresses JM as the chief magistrate of “a free, independent people .”...
The advance of the season makes me uneasy about your timothy seed. on the 8 th of Aug. I inclosed a 10.D. bill t o Judge Stewart requesting him to procure the amount of it in timothy seed, fresh, & forward it to mr Leitch’s in Charlottesville . as I have not heard from him I have this day written to him by post. when it arrives at mr Leitch’s , call for it without waiting for communication...
In a letter to you of Aug. 8. I took the liberty of requesting you to procure for me some timothy seed to the amount of a 10. Dollar bill then inclosed. this being to replace some seed I borrowed in the spring from mr Divers , and the season now approaching for sowing it, I am induced to mention it again merely by the fear that perhaps my letter (which went by post) might not have got safely...
Your favor of the 2d. instant, inclosing a newspaper statement of a conversation imputed to you, has been recd. with the respect due to the motives for the communication. I need scarcely say that evidence of that sort could have no weight with me, when opposed by so much improbability, and by the predispositions which it could not fail to find in me. I might add that the disproof furnished by...
I should have answered by the last Mail, the Letter you did me the Honor to write me, expressing a hope that my Health was returning; had I not been so sick on the day of its departure that I could not sit up. In consequence of a powerful dose of medicine, I am some what better, and have begun again to take Bark tho: I very much doubt whether my Stomach is properly prepared for it. The City is...
Permit me to submit to your consideration a subject of peculiar delicacy. It is to suggest a doubt of the propriety of your making a visit at this time to this neighbourhood. You will be satisfied that I do suggest it from an attachment to your fame & that of your administration. If you come up, it being just before the meeting of Congress, it will be concluded, & probably so represented in...