Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Dougherty, 27 February 1815

To Joseph Dougherty

Monticello Feb. 27.

Dear Sir

Your letter of the 15th was eight days on the road, and I answer it by the first return of our mail. I had prepared for mr Smith some notes on the transportation of the library, and as they give exactly all the information you desire, I send you a copy of them on the next leaf. they will inform you of the price of waggonage here, the number which will be requisite, the distance, and best roads, and that I shall send the books in the cases as they stand. I am now preparing and jointing boards to cover the cases and my own workmen will do whatever is wanting in their line without any additional charge. wishing every thing which may promote your interest I salute you with my best wishes.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC: TJ Papers, 203:36165); on verso of reused address cover of Charles Clay to TJ, 8 Feb. 1815; partially dated; at foot of text: “Mr Joseph Dougherty”; endorsed by TJ as a letter of 27 Feb. 1815 and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure: TJ’s Observations on the Transportation of the Monticello Library, [ca. 27 Feb. 1815].

Index Entries

  • Dougherty, Joseph; and transportation of TJ’s library search
  • Dougherty, Joseph; letters to search
  • Library of Congress; TJ prepares books for transportation search
  • Library of Congress; transportation of TJ’s books to Washington search
  • Smith, Samuel Harrison; and transportation of TJ’s library search
  • wagons; and transportation of TJ’s library search