26581Elijah Fletcher’s Account of a Visit to Monticello, [8 May 1811] (Jefferson Papers)
Wednsday 8th I started again for Monticello — Mr Kelly when I g ot t o Char. went with me. When we arrived at the foot of the hill, we wound a side way, circutous course to avoid the steapness in getting the house, which was immediately upon the top of the mountain. We rode up to the front gate of the door yard a servant took our horses— Mr. Jefferson appeared at the door. I was introduced to...
26582To George Washington from Major General William Heath, 17 February 1781 (Washington Papers)
I am just honored with your’s of this date. The light-companies shall be immediately formed into battalions, and field officers appointed to them conformable to your directions. But a difficulty arrises with respect to Major Reid; the sentence of the court-martial, which is before your Excellency, has not yet been published, & Major Reid is under arrest. If your Excellency should think proper...
26583From George Washington to Robert Lewis, 31 August 1794 (Washington Papers)
Your letter of the 19th Instt has been received, & I will answer such parts as require it. The money in your hands, belonging to me, may be lodged in Alexandria, & made subject to Mr William Pearce (my manager) his order. This will answer all the purposes of your coming down, if he is advised thereof—At the sametime write, & transmit me the accts, that I may see who have paid, and who are...
26584To James Madison from George W. Erving, 31 October 1801 (Madison Papers)
The disappointment of Mr. Dawson as to h is passage, & his consequent return to London a se cond time, Enables me to forward by him the en closed statements; not having expected so immediate and favorable opportunity I have been so mewhat hurried; a further & more minute ex amination may discover some small Errors or omissions. Th ere can be scarcely any such that are important. I hope these...
26585From George Washington to Joseph Willard, 22 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
I am much indebted to you for announcing my election as a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences—I feel myself particularly honored by this relation to a Society whose efforts to promote useful knowledge will, I am perswaded, acquire them a high reputation in the literary world. I entreat you to present my warmest acknowledgements to that respectable body and to assure them that I...
26586The Mother Country. A Song, [1765–1772?] (Franklin Papers)
AD : Cornell University Library This song occupies one side of a single sheet, at the bottom of which Jared Sparks wrote “(Franklin’s hand-writing) J. S.” The present editors agree with his identification. Nothing has been found to indicate whether Franklin composed these verses himself or merely copied them from another source because they amused and pleased him. They probably date from the...
26587From Thomas Jefferson to David Gelston, 14 June 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favor of May 26. was recieved on my return to this place. I have no information of a plough destined for me from England. but the Agricultural society of Paris informed me some time ago that they should send a plough for me to one of the ports of France, as a model. I presume this is the plough arrived, and that the vessel may have been carried into England. of the cost I know nothing,...
26588From George Washington to John Jay, 14 May 1779 (Washington Papers)
I have received the honor of your Excellency’s favor of the 10th with its several inclosures. When the order was given to General Glovers Brigade to be held in readiness to march, the comparitive state of the Enemy’s force and ours, allowing for the troops to be detached on the Western expedition made it indispensible, without risking more important misfortunes in this quarter than could...
26589From Alexander Hamilton to Nathaniel C. Higginson, [16 April 1794] (Hamilton Papers)
The instructions for regulating your conduct in the Agency to which you are appointed will come to you from the Secretary of State. It is only for me to take with you the requisite pecuniary arrangements. Your compensation as agreed with the Secretary of State for the entire service you are to perform, which you are at liberty to comprise within the term of four Months from the time of your...
26590[Diary entry: 17 January 1785] (Washington Papers)
Monday 17th. Mercury at 34 in the Morning—36 at Noon & 46 at Night. Day fine & pleasant—wind at South. Went to and returned from Alexandria to day. At my return found dispatches from the assembly respecting the Potomack Navigation. On 22 Jan. 1785 GW wrote to William Grayson , a member of the Virginia House of Delegates for Fairfax County, acknowledging receipt of “your letter, with the Books,...
26591From George Washington to John Hancock, 25 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
I do myself the Honor to transmit you a Copy of my Letter to Genl Howe of the 16th Instant, proposing an Exchange between Genls Lee and Prescot. I dispatched it early the next morning and presume it got to hand on the 18th. As yet, I have not received his Answer. The amazing advantage the Enemy derive from their Ships and the command of the Water, keeps us in a State of constant perplexity and...
26592From George Washington to Lieutenant General William Howe, 17 December 1776 (Washington Papers)
I would beg leave to recall your Attention to the proposition for the Exchange of prisoners, to the several Letters I have lately written on that subject, and to inform you that I have not recd such officers in Exchange as were requested by me. I am persuaded Sir, that this Mistake has arisen from Mr Commy Loring’s Zeal to facilitate the Business, but I would at the same time desire, that you...
26593To George Washington from James Madison, 18 March 1787 (Washington Papers)
Recollecting to have heard you mention a plan formed by the Empress of Russia for a comparative view of the aborigines of the New Continent, and of the N.E. parts of the old, through the medium of their respective tongues, and that her wishes had been conveyed to you for your aid in obtaining the American vocabularies, I have availed myself of an opportunity offered by the Kindness of Mr...
26594From Benjamin Franklin to Charles Thomson, 16 October 1784 (Franklin Papers)
Transcript: National Archives It was intended by the Commissioners to write a joint Letter to Congress, but I am afraid the Opportunity may be missed. This may serve to inform that Propositions of treating have been made by us to all the Powers of Europe, according to our Instructions, and we are waiting for their Answers. There are Apprehensions here of a War between the Emperor and Holland:...
26595To James Madison from Josiah Weston, 5 June 1813 (Madison Papers)
Capt David Leslie informed me about fifteen days since that Mr. Eli Haskell had sollicited him to join his party consisting of himself and James Washburn Joseph Howland & his Son Frances Howland & Stephen Merrihew for the purpose of procureing the depositions of them selves & others to effect my removal from the Collectorship of this place & obtain the appointment of John Hawes & the office of...
26596To James Madison from John Cotton Smith, 23 February 1804 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
23 February 1804 , “ Committee-room .” “I am directed by the committee of claims to transmit to you the petition of William Eaton, late Consul at Tunis, and the documents accompanying it. The committee are strongly impressed with a belief that the case comes fairly within executive cognizance, and of course that no legislative interference can be necessary. If you entertain the same view of...
26597From John Adams to Hezekiah Niles, 14 January 1818 (Adams Papers)
In a former letter I hazarded an opinion that the true history of the American revolution could not be recovered, I had many reasons for that apprehension, one of which I will attempt to explain. Of the determination of the British Cabinet to assert and maintain the sovereign Authority of Parliament over the Colonies, in all cases of Taxation and internal policy. the first demonstration which...
26598Mary Jefferson Randolph’s Visit to Montpelier, 30 October 1826 (Madison Papers)
“My visit to Montpellier last week my dear sister prevented me from writing. […] I accompanied [Martha Jefferson Randolph] as far as Mr Madisons. […] I was much pleased with Montpellier and think both the house and situation delightful, I found too, much amusement in looking at the endless variety of pictures, statues, and engravings, with which every room is crowded and in walking over the...
26599James Madison to Hubbard Taylor, 15 August 1835 (Madison Papers)
Your letter of July was duly recd. The recollections it so kindly expresses are very gratifying coming from one whose friendship I have always valued, & to whom I have been often indebted for attentions useful to me. I join in all your good wishes, for more tranquility & harmony in our public affairs: which will always be best promoted by a course avoiding the extremes to which party...
26600To Benjamin Franklin from Silas Deane, 29 July 1780 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arrived at Rochfort Two Days since after Forty Three Days passage from York in Virginia, and came here last Evening to Visit a Friend. The length of Our passage, has prevented my being the Bearer of any News from America, later than what you are already acquainted with, for which Reason I shall take Nantes in my way and pass a few Days there with Mr....
26601Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on Depositions in Jefferson v. Rivanna Company, [ca. 31 May–1 June 1819] (Jefferson Papers)
Colclaser . 9. bason 100.f long. dble width at lower end single width at upper. the spring valley would hold 4. times as much water as their bason. from from the corner of the mill house to this spring branch is about 40 f 13. the floor of Upper chamber 20.I. lower than the floor of the forebay. 14. the shoal occasions the want of double water to get through. the gates have steadily leaked...
26602To Alexander Hamilton from Wilhem and Jan Willink, Nicholaas and Jacob Van Staphorst, and Nicholas Hubbard, 9 February … (Hamilton Papers)
Amsterdam, February 9, 1795. Concerns the foreign debt of the United States. LS , Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. This letter is incorrectly addressed to H as Secretary of the Treasury. He resigned from that position on January 31, 1795, and was succeeded by Oliver Wolcott, Jr. See H to George Washington, January 31, 1795 ; Washington to H, February 2, 1795, note 1 .
26603To George Washington from Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin, Baron [von] Steuben, 8 July 1782 (Washington Papers)
As the Peculiarity of my Situation requires an immediate Explanation with Congress, I have it in Consideration to proceed to Philadelphia, taking the York and Jersey Lines in my Rout. It is unnecessary to inform your Excellency of the Circumstances which render this Measure indispensibly necessary; your own Observations will prevent me the Pain of recapitulating them. A Delicacy due to my own...
26604William P. Newby to Thomas Jefferson, 13 January 1812 (Jefferson Papers)
you found on my return that I had not Stated the number of Hogs kill’d we ware not done killing at the time the return was filed. I now present to you the number with the total w t N o 1. 40 Hogs w t 4.967 N o 2. 22 do w t 1.838
26605From Alexander Hamilton to Edward Carrington, 21 March 1791 (Hamilton Papers)
[ Philadelphia, March 21, 1791. On April 4, 1791, Carrington wrote to Hamilton : “The private letter which you was so good as to accompany your Official communication with.…” Private letter not found. ] H to Carrington, March 21, 1791 .
26606To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Tench Tilghman, 18 September 1780 (Washington Papers)
Mercerau arrived late last night with the inclosed. He says the Fleet lay yesterday morning within the point of the Hook, he beleives taking in both Wood and Water. It is most certainly Rodney. The passports for the Flag came out last Evening, that from the Navy is signed in the following particular manner: Geo: Gayton senior Officer in the absence of Sir Geo: Rodney who is at sandy Hook. A...
26607To John Adams from the Comte de Vergennes, 30 June 1780 (Adams Papers)
J’ai reçû, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 22. de ce mois concernant la resolution du Congrès du 18. mars dernier. Je vous ai déja prévenu que mon intention n’étoit aucunement d’analiser cette resolution en tant qu’elle est relative aux Citoïens des Etats unis, ni d’examiner si les circonstances en légitiment ou non les dispositions. En vous écrivant avec la...
26608To James Madison from William Shippen, 23 January 1808 (Madison Papers)
I had the honor of receiving a line of the 2nd. Current from the Secretary of the Treasury stating the measure of caution that he had adopted in consequence of a report of the Paris Police which had reached your department to the prejudice of Mr. George Howell. Respecting our Institutions for the preservation of every right I can not but wish that a fair opportunity may be given to Mr. Howell...
26609To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Sim Lee, 15 March 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
The Arrival of our Express with your Excellency’s Letter of the 12th. this Moment received gives us an Opportunity of informing you that all the Transports with the Troops from Elk got safe into Harbour on Tuesday Evening. The next Morning at day Light two Ships apparently British of the rate of eighteen and twenty eight Guns came to an Anchor opposite to the Mouth of our River Severn, at 12...
26610To George Washington from Major General Nathanael Greene, 14 November 1778 (Washington Papers)
Inclosed is Colo. Biddles Letter to me upon the distressed state of the Forage Department. Our Cattle for this ten days past have not had one half the necessary allowance of Forage. The Resolution of Congress prohibiting the use of Wheat and the Restrictive Laws in the several States, in the Neighbourhood of Camp, renders it impossible to subsist the Cattle, unless some further aid can be...