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Results 26581-26630 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
26581 Washington, George Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … George Washington to Marquis de Lafayette, 20 February … 1781-02-20 New Windsor [ New York ] February 20, 1781 . Places Lafayette in command of detachment that is to...
26582 Washington, George Steuben, Baron von George Washington to Baron von Steuben, 20 February … 1781-02-20 New Windsor [ New York ] February 20, 1781 . Discusses proposed cooperation between the French...
26583 Washington, George Officer Commanding the French Squadron in … George Washington to the Officer Commanding the French … 1781-02-20 New Windsor [ New York ] February 20, 1781 . Has sent detachment under the Marquis de Lafayette...
26584 Hamilton, Alexander Heath, William From Alexander Hamilton to Major General William Heath … 1781-02-21 I am commanded by The General to inform you that Lt. Col Gouvion and Capt Rochefontaine will...
26585 Hamilton, Alexander Pickering, Timothy From Alexander Hamilton to Colonel Timothy Pickering … 1781-02-21 The Marquis expects a letter here which he has left his servant to bring him to Smiths Clove,...
26586 Washington, George Diriks, Jacob Gerhard George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Jacob Gerhard … 1781-02-21 [ New Windsor, New York ] February 21, 1781 . Discusses question of Diriks’s rank in relation to...
26587 Hamilton, Alexander Webb, Samuel Blachley From Alexander Hamilton to Colonel Samuel Blachley … 1781-02-22 From different occurrences since your letter to the General arrived I have seen no favourable...
26588 Washington, George Destouches, Chevalier George Washington to Chevalier Destouches, 22 February … 1781-02-22 New Windsor [ New York ] February 22, 1781 . Discusses Virginia expedition. Hopes that French...
26589 Washington, George Parsons, Samuel H. George Washington to Major General Samuel Holden … 1781-02-22 New Windsor [ New York ] February 22, 1781 . Directs Parsons to investigate a reported Tory plot...
26590 Washington, George Stewart, Walter George Washington to Colonel Walter Stewart, 22 … 1781-02-22 New Windsor [ New York ] February 22, 1781 . Thanks Stewart for news of Pennsylvania line. Hopes...
26591 Washington, George Heath, William George Washington to Major General William Heath, 23 … 1781-02-23 New Windsor [ New York ] February 23, 1781 . Sends instructions for improving defenses of West...
26592 Platt, Richard Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Major Richard Platt, 24 … 1781-02-24 Newburgh [ New York ] February 24, 1781 . Requests that some steps be taken to compensate Colonel...
26593 Washington, George Clinton, George George Washington to George Clinton, 24 February 1781 1781-02-24 New Windsor [ New York ] February 24, 1781 . Regrets inability to comply with New York State’s...
26594 Washington, George Rochambeau, Comte de George Washington to Comte de Rochambeau, 24 February … 1781-02-24 New Windsor [ New York ] February 24, 1781 . Believes that if Comte d’Estaing’s reported victory...
26595 Hamilton, Alexander Platt, Richard From Alexander Hamilton to Major Richard Platt, [25 … 1781-02-25 I have taken The General’s orders on the subject of your letter of the 24th. As Col Hay’s oxen...
26596 Schuyler, Philip Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Philip Schuyler, 25 February … 1781-02-25 Last night your favor of the 18 Inst: was delivered me. I confess that the contents surprized and...
26597 Washington, George Berrien, John George Washington to John Berrien, 25 February 1781 1781-02-25 New Windsor [ New York ] February 25, 1781 . Directs Berrien to deliver to the bearer “all...
26598 Washington, George Hooper, James George Washington to James and Horace Hooper, 25 … 1781-02-25 New Windsor [ New York ] February 25, 1781 . Orders delivery to director general of hospitals all...
26599 Washington, George Sainte-Mesme, comte de George Washington to Comte de Sainte-Mesme, 25 February … 1781-02-25 [ New Windsor, New York ] February 25, 1781 . Is pleased that Sainte-Mesme wishes to accompany...
26600 Lauzun, Duc de Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Duc de Lauzun, 26 February … 1781-02-26 Permettes moi Monsieur de vous adresser une lettre pour le Marquis De La Faiette, ne sachant ou...
26601 Washington, George Destouches, Chevalier George Washington to Chevalier Destouches, 26 February … 1781-02-26 New Windsor [ New York ] February 26, 1781 . Denies any intention of wishing to endanger French...
26602 Washington, George Huntington, Samuel George Washington to Samuel Huntington, 26 February … 1781-02-26 New Windsor [ New York ] February 26, 1781 . States that the southern situation is alarming....
26603 Washington, George Mathews, John George Washington to John Mathews, 26 February 1781 1781-02-26 New Windsor [ New York ] February 26, 1781 . Explains difficulties that will probably arise in...
26604 Washington, George Rochambeau, Comte de George Washington to Comte de Rochambeau, 26 February … 1781-02-26 New Windsor [ New York ] February 26, 1781 . Denies any intention of wishing to endanger French...
26605 Washington, George Destouches, Chevalier George Washington to Chevalier Destouches, 27 February … 1781-02-27 New Windsor [ New York ] February 27, 1781 . Is pleased with Destouches’s success in Chesapeake...
26606 Washington, George Greene, Nathanael George Washington to Major General Nathanael Greene, 27 … 1781-02-27 New Windsor [ New York ] February 27, 1781 . Congratulates Greene on Brigadier General Daniel...
26607 Washington, George Rochambeau, Comte de George Washington to Comte de Rochambeau, 27 February … 1781-02-27 New Windsor [ New York ] February 27, 1781 . Is happy to hear of success in Chesapeake Bay and...
26608 Washington, George Steuben, Baron von George Washington to Baron von Steuben, 27 February … 1781-02-27 New Windsor [ New York ] February 27, 1781 . States that in spite of loss of naval superiority...
26609 Washington, George Atlee, Samuel John George Washington to Colonel Samuel John Atlee and … 1781-02-28 New Windsor [ New York ] February 28, 1781 . Regrets hardships caused by reduction of officers in...
26610 Washington, George Huntington, Samuel George Washington to Samuel Huntington, 1 March 1781 1781-03-01 New Windsor [ New York ] March 1, 1781 . Encloses a “memorial of Col Hazen.” Df , in writing of...
26611 Washington, George Du Portail, Louis Le Bèque George Washington to Brigadier General Louis Le Bèque … 1781-03-01 New Windsor [ New York ] March 1, 1781 . Is setting out for Rhode Island. Asks Du Portail to join...
26612 Washington, George Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … George Washington to Marquis de Lafayette, 1 March 1781 1781-03-01 [ New Windsor, New York ] March 1, 1781 . Describes French plans to return to Chesapeake Bay. Is...
26613 Hamilton, Alexander Webb, Samuel Blachley From Alexander Hamilton to Colonel Samuel Blachley … 1781-03-02 With some difficulty, the General has in part consented to your wishes. Col Hazen is going to...
26614 Washington, George Destouches, Chevalier George Washington to Chevalier Destouches, 2 March 1781 1781-03-02 Home of Andrew Morehouse [ New York ] March 2, 1781 . Is pleased with French decision to return...
26615 Washington, George Rochambeau, Comte de George Washington to Comte de Rochambeau, 2 March 1781 1781-03-02 Home of Andrew Morehouse [ New York ] March 2, 1781 . Is pleased with French plan to return to...
26616 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, [7 March … 1781-03-07 I shall be obliged to you for the answer to the address as soon as it is convenient to you. If we...
26617 Washington, George Newport Inhabitants George Washington to the Inhabitants of Newport, [8 … 1781-03-08 Among the distinguished honors which have a claim to my gratitude since my arrival I have seen...
26618 Harrison, Robert Hanson Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Robert Hanson Harrison, 26 … 1781-03-26 I came here, My Dear Hamilton, on Friday night to bid adieu to the General, to you and to My...
26619 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George From Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, [9 April … 1781-04-09 I had the inclosed letters for you in my Portmanteau without knowing it, as they were given me...
26620 Fleury, Marquis de Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Marquis de Fleury, [10 April … 1781-04-10 I will not Let Gibs Return, without a friendly word for you; I have very Little time Left, but...
26621 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Marquis de Lafayette, 10 … 1781-04-10 Where is, for the present, My Dear Hamilton? This question is not a mere affair of Curiosity; it...
26622 Washington, George Rochambeau, Comte de George Washington to Comte de Rochambeau, 10 April 1781 1781-04-10 New Windsor [ New York ] April 10, 1781 . Is pleased that French will undertake expedition to...
26623 Hamilton, Alexander Stewart and Totten From Alexander Hamilton to Stewart and Totten, 11 April … 1781-04-11 [ New Windsor, New York, April 11, 1781. On April 13, 1781, Stewart and Totten wrote to Hamilton...
26624 Hamilton, Alexander Pickering, Timothy From Alexander Hamilton to Colonel Timothy Pickering … 1781-04-12 [ New Windsor, New York ] April 12, 1781 . States that “the General has ordered the block house...
26625 Washington, George Skinner, Abraham George Washington to Abraham Skinner, 12 April 1781 1781-04-12 New Windsor [ New York ] April 12, 1781 . Discusses exchange of prisoners. Df , in writing of H,...
26626 Hamilton, Alexander Bauman, Sebastian From Alexander Hamilton to Major Sebastian Bauman, [13 … 1781-04-13 I received your note concerning Mr. Garanger. I am no further interested for him than as a...
26627 Hamilton, Alexander Bauman, Sebastian From Alexander Hamilton to Major Sebastian Bauman, [13 … 1781-04-13 You have intirely misunderstood me. I said I knew you too well not to be convinced, that you...
26628 Stewart and Totten Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Stewart and Totten, 13[–23] … 1781-04-13 We have this moment Recv’d your favour of ye 11th Inst., the one you Refer to in this we have not...
26629 Washington, George Board of War George Washington to the Board of War, 13 April 1781 1781-04-13 New Windsor [ New York ] April 13, 1781 . Asks Board to supply hard money to officers on Long...
26630 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Marquis de Lafayette, 15 … 1781-04-15 You are so sensible a fellow that you Can Certainly Explain to me what is the Matter that New...