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Results 26581-26610 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
26581 Hamilton, Paul Madison, James To James Madison from Paul Hamilton, 17 September 1811 1811-09-17 I have the honor of now transmitting to you the proceedings of the Court of Enquiry in the case...
26582 Minor, Peter Jefferson, Thomas Peter Minor to Thomas Jefferson, 17 September 1811 1811-09-17 I have taken the liberty of sending You the enclosed “ Projet of a Law to encourage the raising...
26583 Madison, James Graham, John From James Madison to John Graham, 16 September 1811 1811-09-16 Letter not found. 16 September 1811. Acknowledged in Graham to JM, 18 Sept. 1811 . Forwards a...
26584 Jefferson, Thomas Caines, Clement Thomas Jefferson to Clement Caines, 16 September 1811 1811-09-16 Your favor of Apr. 2. was not recieved till the 23 d of June last with the volume accompanying...
26585 Chambers, John Jefferson, Thomas John Chambers to Thomas Jefferson, 16 September 1811 1811-09-16 When my friend M r D. B. Warden was last here, he communicated to me a Letter of yours on the...
26586 Paleske, Charles G. Jefferson, Thomas Charles G. Paleske to Thomas Jefferson, 16 September … 1811-09-16 Equally convinced with You of the incalculable benefit, which would result to the United States...
26587 Adams, John Waterhouse, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Waterhouse, 15 September … 1811-09-15 I receive no Letters with So much pleasure as yours and Rushes. The Shortest of them always...
26588 Adams, John Quincy Adams, George Washington From John Quincy Adams to George Washington Adams, 15 … 1811-09-15 The first point of view, in which I have invited you to consider the Bible, is in the light of a...
26589 Smith, William Stephens Adams, Abigail Smith From William Stephens Smith to Abigail Smith Adams, 15 … 1811-09-15 I received your very affectionate Letter (dated the 20th. of August, post mark 2d inst.) on...
26590 Madison, James Eustis, William From James Madison to William Eustis, 15 September 1811 1811-09-15 I have recd. yours of the 11th. inclosing a letter from Mr. Jones acting as Judge Advocate at...
26591 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 14 September 1811 1811-09-14 Some time in the month of June last there was published in the Boston Patriot, a pretended...
26592 Madison, James Gallatin, Albert From James Madison to Albert Gallatin, 14 September … 1811-09-14 The inclosed Letter was brought to me by the young gentleman in whose behalf it was written. He...
26593 Eustis, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Eustis, 14 September 1811 1811-09-14 It is with reluctance that I am obliged again to trouble you on the subject of the court martial,...
26594 Taylor, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Taylor, 14 September 1811 1811-09-14 I am informed that application will be made to you in favor of a Mr. Sloo for an appointment as...
26595 Officers of the Second Brigade and Second Division … Madison, James To James Madison from the Officers of the Second … 1811-09-14 14 September 1811, Chillicothe. At a time when the nation’s peace and prosperity are threatened...
26596 Jefferson, Thomas Divers, George Thomas Jefferson to George Divers, 14 September 1811 1811-09-14 The advance of the season makes me uneasy about your timothy seed. on the 8 th of Aug. I inclosed...
26597 Jefferson, Thomas Stuart, Archibald Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 14 September 1811 1811-09-14 In a letter to you of Aug. 8. I took the liberty of requesting you to procure for me some timothy...
26598 Madison, James Armstrong, John From James Madison to John Armstrong, 13 September 1811 1811-09-13 Your favor of the 2d. instant, inclosing a newspaper statement of a conversation imputed to you,...
26599 Graham, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Graham, 13 September 1811 1811-09-13 I should have answered by the last Mail, the Letter you did me the Honor to write me, expressing...
26600 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 13 September 1811 1811-09-13 Permit me to submit to your consideration a subject of peculiar delicacy. It is to suggest a...
26601 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, [13 September] 1811 1811-09-13 I have just recd. your favor of this date. I need not express the perfect confidence I feel in...
26602 Phillips, John R. Madison, James To James Madison from John R. Phillips, 13 September … 1811-09-13 13 September 1811, Newport, Delaware. Admits to some embarrassment in approaching JM, but the...
26603 Adams, John Rush, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 12 September 1811 1811-09-12 Suum cuique decus Posteritas rependit, has some Truth in it and you have addressed several...
26604 Adams, Abigail Smith Smith, William From Abigail Smith Adams to William Smith, 12 September … 1811-09-12 Altho I cannot personally be with you, oweing to the Sickness in my own Family, to pay the last...
26605 Smith, Abigail Amelia Adams Rush, Benjamin From Abigail Amelia Adams Smith to Benjamin Rush, 12 … 1811-09-12 you will I hope pardon the Liberty I have taken to address myself to you Sir upon a Subject which...
26606 Cathcart, James Leander Madison, James To James Madison from James Leander Cathcart, 12 … 1811-09-12 12 September 1811, Madeira. Advises that the wines JM ordered are cased and awaiting a vessel for...
26607 Galloway, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas Benjamin Galloway to Thomas Jefferson, 12 September … 1811-09-12 The recent appearance, in a public paper, of a letter reported to have been written and...
26608 Jefferson, Thomas Higginbotham, David Thomas Jefferson to David Higginbotham, 12 September … 1811-09-12 The lot in Richmond which is the subject of your enquiry , mr Jefferson was some time ago...
26609 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Jefferson, Thomas Lafayette to Thomas Jefferson, 12 September 1811 1811-09-12 Altho’ my Letters to you Have for a very Long time Remained unanswered, I Cannot let madame de...
26610 Wingfield, Charles Jefferson, Thomas Charles Wingfield to Thomas Jefferson, 12 September … 1811-09-12 I received yours of the twelfth instant , shall attend agreeably to request, tomorrow at 12...