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Results 26581-26590 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
New Windsor [ New York ] February 20, 1781 . Places Lafayette in command of detachment that is to act against enemy in Virginia. Sends detailed instructions for this command. Df , in writings of George Washington and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
New Windsor [ New York ] February 20, 1781 . Discusses proposed cooperation between the French and Americans against Benedict Arnold in Virginia. States that the Marquis de Lafayette is to head land forces and will cooperate with von Steuben. Sends instructions for von Steuben’s part in the campaign. Df , in writings of George Washington and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
New Windsor [ New York ] February 20, 1781 . Has sent detachment under the Marquis de Lafayette to support French squadron. Makes suggestions for cooperation of land and sea forces. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I am commanded by The General to inform you that Lt. Col Gouvion and Capt Rochefontaine will march with the detachment under the Marquis De la Fayette. Major Villefranche will shortly return to the post of West Point. I have the honor to be Sir Yr. most Obed ser ALS , Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. Heath was in command at West Point. Etienne Nicolas Marie Béchet, Chevalier de...
The Marquis expects a letter here which he has left his servant to bring him to Smiths Clove, with some little articles. His servant has no horse. Will you be so good as to furnish him with one? If you have none at hand, please to have one impressed. The horse will return tomorrow. Yr. humble servant ALS , Pierpont Morgan Library, New York City.
[ New Windsor, New York ] February 21, 1781 . Discusses question of Diriks’s rank in relation to new arrangement of the Army. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Diriks was breveted lieutenant colonel, Continental Army, on November 5, 1778. He was honorably discharged on May 17, 1781.
From different occurrences since your letter to the General arrived I have seen no favourable moment to present it. It shall try its fortune to day and you shall hear from me tomorrow. Assure yourself that whatever depends on me shall be done. Mrs H——’s compliments. Adieu ALS , Yale University Library. Webb was apparently attempting to obtain a leave. See H to Webb, March 2, 1781 .
New Windsor [ New York ] February 22, 1781 . Discusses Virginia expedition. Hopes that French will be able to blockade Benedict Arnold “in the bay.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
New Windsor [ New York ] February 22, 1781 . Directs Parsons to investigate a reported Tory plot in Connecticut and to seize people concerned. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
New Windsor [ New York ] February 22, 1781 . Thanks Stewart for news of Pennsylvania line. Hopes that legislature “will take decisive and effectual measures to furnish its complement.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.