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Results 26581-26630 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have the honor of now transmitting to you the proceedings of the Court of Enquiry in the case of Commodore Rodgers, the result of which abundantly justifies the confidence you have been pleased to repose in the correctness of the Commodore’s statement of facts. You will observe that amongst the many officers who gave testimony before the Court, the Surgeons and Purser were not included, for...
I have taken the liberty of sending You the enclosed “ Projet of a Law to encourage the raising of Sheep” in the hope that you will lend your attention to the Subject, improve upon, or modify the Scheme, & assist us to in trying to obtain its passage by the next legislature . The principal features I have taken from the Pennsylvania Dog Law, as it is mentioned by Judge Peters in the Memoirs of...
Letter not found. 16 September 1811. Acknowledged in Graham to JM, 18 Sept. 1811 . Forwards a check for $1,200 and requests Graham to send him the same amount in Virginia banknotes.
Your favor of Apr. 2. was not recieved till the 23 d of June last with the volume accompanying it, for which be pleased to accept my thanks. I have read it with great satisfaction, & recieved from it information, the more acceptable as coming from a source which could be relied on. the retort, on European Censors, of their own practices on the liberties of man, the inculcation on the master of...
When my friend M r D. B. Warden was last here, he communicated to me a Letter of yours on the subject of the Fiorin Grass mentioned in the Belfast Ag. Society’s papers, & requested me to endeavour to procure some of it for you I have very great pleasure in now informing you, that in consequence of having written to a Botanical friend in Belfast , I have just received a small parcel in...
Equally convinced with You of the incalculable benefit, which would result to the United States ,—a country enjoying all climates and productions of the earth,—and particularly in its present situation in regard to external commerce, equally hazardous and unproductive in future—from well constructed canals— am induced to inclose the law passed the 2 d April last , the proclamation of our...
I receive no Letters with So much pleasure as yours and Rushes. The Shortest of them always contains Something new and Solid; Some thing witty and a good deal that his humerous. How many more hot Nutts for the Monkeys you will See, I know not. They will lie, and laugh and joke: but they will not make much Noise, because that might provoke Some of their own Party to peep at the Patriot which...
The first point of view, in which I have invited you to consider the Bible, is in the light of a Divine Revelation . And what are we to understand by these terms?—I intend as much as possible to avoid the field of controversy, with which I am not well acquainted, and for which I have little respect, and still less inclination—My idea of the Bible as a Divine Revelation , is founded upon its...
I received your very affectionate Letter (dated the 20th. of August, post mark 2d inst.) on Wednesday; in my Letter of August 12th. I may have expressed myself with too much Solicitude and given my opinion too decidedly in Opposition to that of professional men—they will have liberallity , enough, to excuse me—I fully agree with you that it would be best, having advised with Surgeon’s and...
I have recd. yours of the 11th. inclosing a letter from Mr. Jones acting as Judge Advocate at Frederick Town. As the case of Genl. Wilkinson is in possession of the Court Martial, who will judge of the extent of their own jurisdiction, as well as decide on the merits of the questions within it, no instructions seem to be requisite, in the present stage of the proceeding; unless it be in...
Some time in the month of June last there was published in the Boston Patriot, a pretended State-Paper, purporting to be signed by the Duke of Cadore, addressed to His Excellency—as in extreme secrecy, and containing a common-place invective against the British Nation-Constitution, and Royal Family; mixed up with a panegyric upon the Duke of York, and the incendiary Jackson—a curse upon the...
The inclosed Letter was brought to me by the young gentleman in whose behalf it was written. He had other respectable recommendations addressed to you, which he has doubtless forwarded: His personal appearance does not make against him. He therefore stands in fair comparison with the other candidates to be taken into view, and who are better known to you than to me. The accounts by the Jno....
It is with reluctance that I am obliged again to trouble you on the subject of the court martial, the details of which it was hoped might have been arranged by the department. Since my last it appears that it has been determined to take congnizance of all the charges. A new demand, as will be explained by the enclosed copy of a Letter from the Judge Advocate, is now made by the General thro...
I am informed that application will be made to you in favor of a Mr. Sloo for an appointment as Indian Agent. He informs me that he was in the revolutionary army from nearly the beginning to the close in the quarter Master department, & that his father was an officer during I think the whole War. I have known Mr. Sloo for a number of years slightly but not well enough to speak of my own...
14 September 1811, Chillicothe. At a time when the nation’s peace and prosperity are threatened by the European belligerents and “the menaces of cruel savage hordes” on the western frontier, it is the duty of every American soldier to avow his confidence in the administration. The committee formed by the officers therefore addresses JM as the chief magistrate of “a free, independent people .”...
The advance of the season makes me uneasy about your timothy seed. on the 8 th of Aug. I inclosed a 10.D. bill t o Judge Stewart requesting him to procure the amount of it in timothy seed, fresh, & forward it to mr Leitch’s in Charlottesville . as I have not heard from him I have this day written to him by post. when it arrives at mr Leitch’s , call for it without waiting for communication...
In a letter to you of Aug. 8. I took the liberty of requesting you to procure for me some timothy seed to the amount of a 10. Dollar bill then inclosed. this being to replace some seed I borrowed in the spring from mr Divers , and the season now approaching for sowing it, I am induced to mention it again merely by the fear that perhaps my letter (which went by post) might not have got safely...
Your favor of the 2d. instant, inclosing a newspaper statement of a conversation imputed to you, has been recd. with the respect due to the motives for the communication. I need scarcely say that evidence of that sort could have no weight with me, when opposed by so much improbability, and by the predispositions which it could not fail to find in me. I might add that the disproof furnished by...
I should have answered by the last Mail, the Letter you did me the Honor to write me, expressing a hope that my Health was returning; had I not been so sick on the day of its departure that I could not sit up. In consequence of a powerful dose of medicine, I am some what better, and have begun again to take Bark tho: I very much doubt whether my Stomach is properly prepared for it. The City is...
Permit me to submit to your consideration a subject of peculiar delicacy. It is to suggest a doubt of the propriety of your making a visit at this time to this neighbourhood. You will be satisfied that I do suggest it from an attachment to your fame & that of your administration. If you come up, it being just before the meeting of Congress, it will be concluded, & probably so represented in...
I have just recd. your favor of this date. I need not express the perfect confidence I feel in the friendly & considerate inducements to your suggestion. But having made definitive preparation for the intended visit; having in no instance omitted it for many years, & the motive being strengthened by the late one recd. by myself, I think the omission, if tested by prudential calculations of a...
13 September 1811, Newport, Delaware. Admits to some embarrassment in approaching JM, but the village of Newport wishes this autumn to erect and finish by subscription “a neat but plain building as a house for public worship (with a burying ground attachd. to it).” The principles of the plan are that “it will be free to all but belonging to none under the Care of a Committee appointed Yearly...
Suum cuique decus Posteritas rependit, has some Truth in it and you have addressed several Examples of it: But it is by no means an universal Aphorism; nor do I believe it to be generally true. You seam to think that Integrity is less envied than Talents. This Question deserves consideration. Under the Roman Emperors nothing was envied so much as Integrity or even the Appearance or suspicion...
Altho I cannot personally be with you, oweing to the Sickness in my own Family, to pay the last tribute of respect to the remains of your Dear Departed Son, be assured my dear afflicted Friends, that my Heart, my Thoughts, and my affections are with you, and that I do most tenderly Sympathize with you in this day of your visitation May that all Mercifull Being, whose ways are not as our ways,...
you will I hope pardon the Liberty I have taken to address myself to you Sir upon a Subject which has become very interesting to myself. since I have been on a visit to my Parents, I have met with a volume of your Medical inquiries, in which are containd some observations upon the use of Arsenic in the cure of Cancers and schirrous complaints— about May 1810 I first perceived a hardness in my...
12 September 1811, Madeira. Advises that the wines JM ordered are cased and awaiting a vessel for Alexandria or Baltimore. Both JM’s and Monroe’s wines will be forwarded as soon as a ship is available. “I have taken the liberty to include the Pipe of wine for Mrs. Lucy Washington in the bill I have drawn upon you this day in favor of Matthew Cobb Esqr. of Portland for £378. Stg.” Wishes to be...
The recent appearance, in a public paper, of a letter reported to have been written and transmitted by you to the Earl of Buchan , some years ago, has it may with truth be affirmed, astounded your political adversaries in this quarter; nor are they of the least most scrupulous Cast. It has compleatly thrown them on their Beam Ends: nor will their shattered Barques from present appearances, be...
The lot in Richmond which is the subject of your enquiry , mr Jefferson was some time ago authorised to sell whenever he could get what I gave for it, and a fair interest on it, that is to say, adding prin interest to principal at every doubling of the latter at 6. percent. I gave Col o Byrd for the lot £25. Jan. 8. 1774. it in that period there would be two consolidations of interest with the...
Altho’ my Letters to you Have for a very Long time Remained unanswered, I Cannot let madame de puzy Go to America without these lines from me—Not that she is in Need of a Recommendation to the friend upon whose Sentiments for Herself and Her parents she and Her children are chiefly to depend. she abandons the prospects to which the Distinguished Services of Her Husband , not only in our times,...
I received yours of the twelfth instant , shall attend agreeably to request, tomorrow at 12 OClock, unless the rain should be very excessive. with the assurance of my esteem & respect. RC ( MHi ); addressed: “M r Thomas Jefferson Monticello ”; endorsed by TJ as received 13 Sept. 1811. TJ’s note to Wingfield of the twelfth instant is not recorded in SJL and has not been found. On 13 Sept. 1811...
Not one ray of information has reached us respecting your Family, or my Dear Mrs Cranch’s ill health, since your letter written the day after leaving here. I cannot but hope that she is convalesent, & that you my Friend with her Family & others, may yet be blessed with her society on earth a while longer. But if it should be otherwise directed by an allwise Providence, I doubt not but that you...
I have the honor to enclose for your consideration a Letter from W. Jones Esqr Judge Advocate requesting instructions relative to the proceeding of the General Court Martial in the case therein mentioned. If the court shall determine that they will not take cognizance of any charges implying offences of more than two years standing, those laid in the five first charges, together with all the...
The enclosed was presented me this morning by Mr. Smith, the gentleman in whose behalf it was written. He stated that he had been waiting here for three weeks expecting your arrival, on which, he intended to deliver it, but as he was informed that the period of it was uncertain he had been advised by his friends to offer it to me. He stated to me, most positively, that he knew the contents and...
“There is in this place a very noted Chief of the Chickesaws, a man of truth, who wishes the President should be informed, that there is a combination of the Northern Indians, promoted by the English, to unite in falling on the frontier settlements, and are inviting the Southern tribes to join them.” Tr ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). This paragraph was extracted from a 9 Sept. 1811 letter from Chickasaw...
M r Oemler , not having found me here, delivered me your letter of May 1. on the 19 th Ult. at a place 90. miles Southwestwardly near the New London of this state, which I visit frequently, & with considerable stay. this absence & the date of delivery will account for this late answer. We are in no hurry for Persoone , and I am happy in it’s emploiment to a good purpose. for altho’ I do not...
The inclosed work came to me without a scrip of a pen other than what you see in the title page. ‘A Mons r le president de la societé.’ from this I conclude it intended for the Philosophical society , & for them I now inclose it to you. you will find the notes really of value. they embody and ascertain to us all the scraps of new discoveries which we have learnt in detached articles, from less...
I have been flattering myself during the whole summer, with the hope of having it in my power to pay a visit to the Mountain Country, and in the course of my projected tour I contemplated calling upon you; but the situation of my family, and some perplexing business which I have found greatly great difficulty in adjusting, has protracted my stay here to so late a period, that I find myself now...
The first page of the enclosed Press-Copy of my last Letter is so faint that unless you should have received the original, before it comes to hand, I know not whether you will be able to read it—The second however is more plain, and contains the material information of the whole; the birth of my daughter—This information has since been repeated in letters to my father and my brother,...
I received a letter from M r John Daingerfield of the 2 nd Ins t who sayes says he was authorised by M rs Mary Daingerfield to make a reques t of me whether I had written to you relative to the Balance of money due her & whether I had herd from you & if I had to be informed of the prospect of her geting the money due her Viz the full hire of
In order to commence the establishment for family manufacture in our neighborhood, on which we conversed the other day, I will, for myself, engage of you a spinning Jenny, and a loom with a flying shuttle, doing towards them myself whatever my workmen can do; I will furnish six women or girls to work for myself on them under your direction, build a house for them to lodge in, contribute to a...
I send the bill of scantling for your sawmill which you gave to me the other day =as also a bill for the pitt gears of the same=the bill you gave me was not the sam that I supposed—I sent you a 2 d bill whilst you ware at Beadford which I suppose your servant has not delivered to you, however you may destroy that as the two which I now send will be sufficient=please have them filled up as soon...
Nomber Length in ft &. Inches Breadth in inches Thickness in Inches— Terms for the different pieces of Timber 2 50 14 12 Main sills pine or poplar 2 50 9 9 Plates ditto 3 11 .½ 18
Nomber Length in feet &. parts Breadth in Inches &. parts Thickness in Inches &. parts Terms for different pieces— 18 8 19 .½ 3 ¼ shrouding for Water wheel heart pine } Clear of cracks 8 20 .½ 19½.
Sickness in my family which has occupied much of my time for some days past has prevented my forwarding, at an earlier moment, the enclosed copy of a letter from Capt. Porter for your information. As Capt Porter’s operations are sanctioned by the orders which, some months since, in obedience to your instructions I issued to the Commanders of our Vessels of war, I shall inform him that his...
I most chearfully accept your kind invitation of a renewal of corrispondance; tho’ with very little expectation that I shall be able to add to your stock of Information in your favorite occupations, however with this pleasing hope, that as my subjects must necessarily be on the culture of the Earth, I must shall get instruction in my new occupation, that of a farmer, which thus may be difused...
In your letter of 18. January to your Mama, you mentioned that you read to your Aunt Cranch a Chapter in the Bible, or a Section of Dr: Doddridge’s annotations every Evening—This information gave me great pleasure, for so great is my veneration for the Bible, and so strong my belief that when duly read and meditated upon, it is of all the books in the world that which contributes most to make...
Your favor of the 2d. was duly recd. The course which the B. Govt. pursues, particularly in sending a Squadron to our Coasts, with such menacing indications, calls for our vigilance in every respect; and incidents may ensue, which would make a stronger claim on the services of the Members of the Ct. Mart: at Frederick town, than is made by the Object of that Court. It is so desirable...
The death of mrs Carr , my sister, which took place a few days ago, and the desire that she should be buried here by the side of her husband , induce me to trouble you with a request that you would be so kind as to come and officiate on the occasion of her funeral. it is proposed that it shall take place on Wednesday the 11 th at 12 aclock. it will be private, her near connections only...
I received yours , of the date abovementioned, have observed the contents; shall attend at Monticello on wednesday the eleventh, at 12 OClock, to officiate on the occasion of the funeral Solemnities. Accept the assurance of my great esteem & respect. RC ( MHi ); addressed: “M r Thomas Jefferson Monticello ”; endorsed by TJ as received 8 Sept. 1811 and so recorded in SJL .
The preliminaries of peace were signed and I was weary of writing in the night. I do not find that I kept any journal during the remainder of the winter, until the month of May, 1783. I spent my time in looking at France, in the court and the city, in the theatres, churches, and especially in the palace, where the courts of justice are held. This survey of the laws, government, history,...