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Results 26561-26570 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
An unexpected demand is made of 40 Waggons & 200 horses, to transport artillery & military stores to the Southward exclusive of what are attached to the troops destined thither. To that number are to be added probably six waggons for quarter masters stores—There is no possibility of furnishing them without taking both horses & waggons from the troops going to the northward. If your Excellency...
By an accidental conveyance I recd some time ago the Representation you was pleased to address to me on the 25 Ulto respecting the apprehension of Lt Stone of the 1st Masstts Regt for the murder of Capt. Hitchcock of the same Regt, having been until then, totally unacquainted with the circumstances of that unhappy affair some time has been unavoidably consumed in investigating & pointing out...
The desire which I have of fulfilling my Duty, leads me to make frequent representations to Your Excellency of matters which regard the Service of the Cavalry. What follows is my opinion, and if I am so happy as to find it agreeable to Your Excellencys Views, it will be necessary to carry my Plan into execution as soon as possible. As in all appearance it will be late before we retire to...
Under expectation that appointments are now going on of Officers for the war against the Indians I offer myself for such an one as it may be judged I am capable of doing justice to my active Service as a Soldier is yet to learn, and as an Officer too but as I apprehend the Duty of a Captain to one desirous of being taught is but little more difficult than that of an Ensign, a Captain I would...
I have for Several years past been in a State of Suspence, respecting Some Claims I have on the General Government. Colo. Rd M. Johnsons friendly attention to me when I was at the Citty, relieved me from much fatigue, I told him my wish to petition Congress for an allowanc to defray the freequent, & expensive Surgical, & medical bills I had to pay, almost every year, on acct. of the old wound...
Cambridge , 15 November 1775 . “Inclosed you have a Copy of instructions given to Genl Sullivan on his departure for Portsmouth New Hampshire.” LS , in Stephen Moylan’s writing, NjMoHP ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . The contents of this letter are nearly identical to the third, fourth, and fifth paragraphs of GW’s letter to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., of this date. See Circular Instructions for...
I beg leave to propose to your Excelency what I think an Improvement to the President’s House. It is Montgolfier’s hydraulic ram improved, for which I have lately with a partener, obtained a patent of the United States. Dr. Wm. Thornton examined it Very Carefully, witnessed Some trials and was So kind as to take an active part in the Experiment we have exhibited in the City. As I could not...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. De Veymerange demeure rüe neuve des maturins— Jai fait Ecrire chez lui monsieur Franklin ainsy que moy, cest Sans doutte par un retour de Politesse qu’il est venu icy. Mr Grand prie monsieur Franklin fils de vouloir bien lui envoyer Les Etats des payements quil a Laissé hier Sur son Bureau. Il à besoin de faire un nouveau travail dessus. See the...
New York, June 26, 1799. “In consequence of the reference to me by the Secy. of War in the letter which you shewed me, respecting Mr. Mangin’s compensation, I give it as my opinion that you pay him the four Dollars per day for the times of his employment which you have heretofore stated to me.… You have informed me that at the time of employing Mr. Mangin you promised him compensation at the...
LS : American Philosophical Society, Haverford College Library; copies: Library of Congress, National Archives (two) We have the pleasure of inclosing to you the copy of a letter from General Gates containing the circumstances of a Victory gained over General Burgoyne on the 7th. This event must defeat the main views of General Clinton in proceeding up Hudsons River. He has, it is true, got...