Thomas Jefferson Papers

William & Reuben Mitchell to Thomas Jefferson, 25 September 1811

From William & Reuben Mitchell

Lynchburg 25th sept. 1811


Mr Griffin call’d on us yesterday for a settlement of the Crop of Wheat purchased of you, and we lament to find our understanding upon the subject at variance. we thought we had been expressive, and that Mr Griffin had understood our bargain; to give a specific price and the rise for forty days was what we never thought of or intended. Our offer, and1 what we supposed to have been accepted by Mr Griffin, was for him to price at any time within the forty days, but not that he should look back at the end of forty days and make choice of the highest price. we proposed to Mr Griffin to submit the Memo: expressive of our bargain to any Gentlemen either here or in Richmond and their construction of the matter as expressed should be decisive—

We beg leave to apologise for troubleing you on this subject; the indefinite manner of Mr Griffin and our wish for an immediate adjustment, appears to make it necessary.

your instructions to Mr Griffin or an answer to this will greatly oblige.—

yr. obt: Servants

Wm & Reubin Mitchell

RC (MHi); in an unidentified hand; endorsed by TJ as received 2 Oct. 1811 and so recorded in SJL.

1Manuscript: “and and.”

Index Entries

  • Griffin, Burgess; Poplar Forest overseer search
  • Mitchell, William & Reuben (Lynchburg firm); letters from search
  • Mitchell, William & Reuben (Lynchburg firm); TJ’s transactions with search
  • overseers; make contracts for sale of wheat search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); Overseers at; make contracts for sale of wheat search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); wheat grown at search
  • wheat; at Poplar Forest search
  • wheat; TJ’s income from search