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Results 26551-26600 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated New York 2d of May ulto.,...
Before entering on a subject, to the merits of which I must beg leave to solicit your...
Coln Lehre Commissiary general of the miltia of this State, is on a tower to the northward with...
I wrote you a few days ago from Albany of my intentions to send a party to attack the enemy at...
Letter not found : from Lt. Col. William Butler, 13 Aug. 1778. On 24 Aug., GW wrote Butler : “I...
Letter not found: from Lt. Col. William Butler, 28 Oct. 1778. GW wrote Butler on 12 Nov. : “your...
Letter not found: from William Butler, 9 Dec. 1778. On 16 Dec., GW wrote Butler : “I have...
Your letter of the 13th Instant I received Yesterday, my most Grateful Acknowledgment is due your...
Your letter of the 11th Instant came to hand the 20th; the Contents of which I shall punctually...
I beg leave to trouble your Excellency upon a subject that greatly concerns me: from the honor...
I arived at this post the 22d Ult. after Tedious Journey and Obliged to Travil about Forty miles...
This Waits on you with a return of the Garrision we have lately had a Visit from the Enemy. a...
When I was first Ordered to the Command of this Post it was from the Board of war and Soon After...
Persuent to Orders reced from your Exelency by the Hand of Majr Genl Lincoln I have Marched with...
this waits on you with three Prisoners two of Which one of my Scouting Parties took about Seventy...
Your order of the 7th April Came safe to hand I shall wait your excellencys further Orders,...
I Left the army the 21st Inst. with A Design; to Return by the fifteenth of April but find...
Agreeabel to your Request I Send Inclosed A Return of the men of Capt. Spauldings Company Left at...
The officers of the first and second Connecticut brigades beg leave, as a part of the army, to...
Your Orders of the 29th Decr 1780 I received ⅌ Capn Mitchell, on the 22d of Jany 1781 Imidately...
To the Honourable The Congress of the United States of America Assembled and Setting at...
I came to this Place Last Night before Last, On my way to Camp I met your Excellencies Orders of...
LS : American Philosophical Society The distressed Situation I now find myself in, makes me bold...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Zêlé pour la liberté j’apprends avec satisfaction les...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Je viens de lire avec un attendrissement inexprimable...
That an appeal to the justice and Humanity of the President of the United States should be...
I feel a particular pleasure on enclosing herewith some designs & drawings (upon subjects that...
In assuming the liberty of troubling you with the enclosed I hope you will attribute the freedom,...
From an observation contained in your favour of the 13th. Inst. I have thought of a method...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library Je prends la Respectueuse liberté de Vous envoier cÿ...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai L’honneur de Vous Confirmer ma dernre. du 17. feve. Sur...
ALS : American Philosophical Society N’ayant Jamais eu L’honneur de Vous Ecrire, Je prends la...
It is with much Reluctance That I trouble your Excellency, with any thing of Complaint against...
The arrival of the Professors from Europe renders me very anxious, to know when we may reasonably...
James Byers of Springfield – Massachusetts has informed me, that Genl. Eaton informed him in the...
Draft: New England Historical Genealogical Society It was with great Surprize and Pleasure, that...
As I have to discharge the united and important duties both of Governor and Secretary of the...
15 March 1805 , “Near Manchester , Ohio.” “Mr. Michael Baldwin of Chilicothe, who lately held the...
The subject of this Letter will, I trust, plead my apology for the liberty I now take in...
A bill, as you probably know, has passed the Senate this session, entitled "an Act establishing...
31 January 1802, Chillicothe, Northwest Territory. Lacking a personal acquaintance with JM, has...
Having heard from Major Turberville, that he had sent to inform you of the arrival of Mr. Hare,...
The bearer Mr Duncanson was recommended to me by Capt. Stewart, to suceed a Lieutenant in his...
The young Gentleman who will deliver you this Letter is the Associator I mention’d to you, when I...
ALS or L : American Philosophical Society Yor Humble peticeenors begs lave to acquaint your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Writt you of my misfortins Sir in which it lys in your...
agreeable to my promise I now enclose alist of pamphlets, published whilst in Dublin—if you...
The Hon. Thomas Jefferson pr. of P. Byrne 1805 Feb 22 Browns Civil & Admiralty Law 2 V 6 :50...
by desire of Mr. Priestley I send The Doctrine of Heathen Philosophy, Compared with those of...
your draft for $ 20.75 came safe to hand being the amt. of my demand for books sent you & is full...