James Madison Papers

Account with Dinsmore and Neilson, 28 September 1811 (Abstract)

§ Account with Dinsmore and Neilson

28 September 1811. Lists charges for enlarging and furnishing at Montpelier the drawing room, passage, dining room, large bedroom, kitchen, and “S. W. Wing.”1 Also included are charges for the construction of the temple and labor for the period 30 Sept. 1810 to 28 Sept. 1811. The total amount of the charges is £1,088 8s. 7½d., with a balance due of £378 10s. 7½d. as of 28 Sept.

Ms (ViU: Cocke Papers). Two large ledger sheets. At the foot of the account, JM wrote in pencil: “Sepr 30—$300 as pr. receipt.” For a discussion of the construction at Montpelier in the summer of 1811, including a reproduction of some of the accounts rendered at this date, see Hunt-Jones, Dolley and theGreat Little Madison,” pp. 66–72 (with this account reproduced at p. 68).

1Since the southwest wing had been completed the previous year, Dinsmore should have written “N. W. Wing” (see Hunt-Jones, Dolley and theGreat Little Madison,” p. 71).

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