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Results 26551-26580 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Previous to the receipt of your letter of the 15. instant I had communicated to my colleagues of the Exve Committee Mr Randolph & Genl. Cocke the view of the division of duties between the Professor & the Tutor of modern languages in our University. From a comparison of these views with their own, and the required concert with the Professor, will result the explanation which is the object of...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Dorr and his thanks for the transmission of the books from mr Levitt, which he has recieved safely. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
AL (draft) and copy: Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: National Archives (Passy, December 9, 1784: We received your letter of November 24, and are greatly satisfied with your ministers’ assurances. As to the previous stipulation proposed by your Court, we can only say that if by this proposition it is intended that the United States should appoint a minister to reside at your court, we,...
While M. hartley was here as Minister from the Court of Great Britain, we had the honour of mentioning to him that we were instructed by the Congress to treat on Some points distinct from any regulations of Commerce He Communicated this to his Court & the very Satisfactory answer which he received & made to us of its good disposition & willingness to receive & consider any propositions that...
The United States of America in Congress assembled judging that an intercourse between the subjects of his Britannic Majesty and the citizens of the said States founded on the principles of equality reciprocity and friendship may be of mutual advantage to both nations, on the 12th day of May last, issued their commission under the seal of the said States to the Subscribers as their Ministers...
The United States of america in Congress assembled judging that an intercourse between the Subjects of his Britannic Majesty & the Citizens of the Said States founded on the Principles of equality, reciprocity & friendship may be of mutual advantage to both nations, on the 12 th. day of may last, issued their Commission under the Seal of the Said States to the Subscribers as their Ministers...
We have received the letter which your Grace did us the honour of writing us on the 24th day of last Month, and we receive with much satisfaction the assurances on the part of His Britannic Majesty’s Ministers of their readiness to take into consideration any proposals coming from the United States of America that can tend to the establishing a system of mutual and permanent advantage to the...
We received in due time the letter which your Grace did us the honour to write us on the 26th. day of March last, and have delayed the acknowledgment of it in expectation of the arrival of the packets, by which we hoped for further Instructions from Congress. We have now the honor to inform your Grace that Congress on the 24th. day of Feby. last, appointed a Minister Plenipotentiary to reside...
While Mr. Hartley was here as Minister from the Court of Great Britain, we had the honour of mentioning to him, that we were instructed by the Congress to treat on some points distinct from any regulations of commerce. He communicated this to his Court and the very satisfactory answer which he received and made to us of its good disposition and willingness to receive and consider any...
We have received the Letter which your grace did us the honour of writing us on the 24 th. day of Last month, and we received with much Satisfaction the assurances on the part of his Britannic Majesty’s Ministers of their readiness to take into consideration any proposals coming from the United States of america that Can tend to the establishing a System of mutual & permanent advantage, to the...
We received in due time the letter which your Grace did us the honour to write us on the 26 th day of March last, and have delayed the acknowledgment of it in expectation of the arrival of the packets, by which we hoped for further Instructions from Congress. We have now the honor to inform your Grace that Congress on the 24 th day of Feb y last, appointed a Minister Plenipotentiary to reside...
Letter not found. 17 December 1818, Montpelier. Described as a one-page autograph letter, signed, in Kenneth W. Rendell, Inc., Catalogue No. 54 (1971), item 48: “I have recd. your letter on the subject of what is called Carver’s purchase. Among other motives to give any information in my power, I should not be insensible to your reference to my acquaintance with your father. That I am...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your favor of Dec. 20. and am much pleased to find our progress in manufactures to be so great. that of cotton is peculiarly interesting, because we raise the raw material in such abundance, and because it may to a great degree supply our deficiencies both in wool & linen. a former application on behalf of Messrs. Binney & Robertson was delivered to the...
I receive with much Esteem Affection and Gratitude this obliging Address. The Approbation you have the goodness to express is both a reward and an Encouragement. I congratulate you, Gentlemen on the translation of the Government to the City so near you. As the Country between the former Seat and the present is beautifull and fertile, in a high degree, I hope that all the Reluctance which...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 16 th inst. & by this day’s post I inclose it to the Secretary of state , for his information and that of the Secretary of the Treasury . I suppose it probable they will avail themselves of your kind offer, to get dispatches to France should they have present occasion. I avail myself of this opportunity of renewing to you the assurances of my respect PoC...
I thank you for the care you have taken of my friend Thouin’s letter which I have safely recieved, and especially of the box of seeds. with respect to the last I am obliged to request the further trouble of putting them into one of the stages for Philadelphia addressed to mr Bernard M c Mahon , gardener of that place, who will recieve & take care of them & pay the stage transportation. no...
Your favor of Aug. 14. was recieved after an unusual delay of the post. I formerly believed it was best for every country to make what it could make to best advantage, and to exchange it with others for those articles which it could not so well make. I did not then suppose that a whole quarter of the globe could within the short space of a dozen years, from being the most civilized, become the...
I have received your letter of the 14. May 1808. & with it the favor of two Copies of your valuable treatise on the practise of Agriculture. One of them has according to your request been deposited in the library of Congress, where it’s members will have opportunities of being benefited by your experience; the other, by your permission, will be carried with me into that state of retirement to...
On my return here two days ago after an absence of two months in Bedford , I found here your letter of Nov. 25. the cyder which I used to procure from Norfolk was obtained thro’ the channel of Col o Newton member of Congress from that district. he always purchased and shipped it for me. the difficulty I experienced was in getting it brought without being watered by the sailors. I have no doubt...
Davy now brings a cart for the big-tailed ram which Doct r Thornton has been so kind as to offer me. you will be so good as to apply for it, and to instruct Davy how to bring him & take care of him so that he may be in no danger of being hurt. with respect to the Merinos, I had rather put off beginning with them a year or two longer. my farms, which have been leased out d during my absence,...
Your letter of the 4 th came to hand on the 8 inst. but it was not till I could get a list of the Senate that I could do any thing in it. mr E. Coles accompanying the President in on a visit here has furnished me one, and I have immediately written to those members of the present Senate to whom I felt myself at liberty to apply. with some of the others I am not acquainted, and a recommendation...
The bearer of this is an express hired to carry dispatches to the Secretaries of State & of the Navy at Washington. I have engaged him to bring back to me my gigg, which was carried to Washington by mr Randolph & left there. in consideration of this I have promised him lodging & subsistence for himself & horse at the President’s house while in Washington. he has nothing to detain him there but...
Memorandum for Joseph Dougherty. July 19. 08. a check on the bank US. is given of this date for 42.74 to be paid to    Cooper 18.  Henry Ingle 15.  Doctr. Patterson  9.74 42.74 Aug. 7. a check of this date is given for 112.50 to be paid to
Agreeably to the request in your letter of the 8 th I have this day written to mr Sam l H. Smith , recommending you to his recollection in the disposal of any suitable office which may be in his gift. when such an one occurs, you will of course bring yourself to his notice. I am sorry your porter business has failed you from the circumstances of the times; as a dependance on one’s own...
Mr. McMahon of Philadelphia writes me that mr Duane having put off his journey, he should the next day (Apr. 14) send forward the larger box by the stage, & the smaller one by the mail. whether the one you got from the stage office is one of these, or a different one I do not know, but I wish them all to be forwarded by the stage. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
Your’s of the 18 th came to hand on the 24 th . altho’ three posts a week leave Washington for this place Milton , & perform the rout in 2. or 3. days, yet from a negligence somewhere our letters are often a week coming to hand. with respect to the best mode of proceeding with your Merinos, I have no doubt, if you were able that it would be best for you to purchase as many ewes as the rams...
I have recd. yours of the 4th. I am sorry for the misfortunes of Shorter; but am not surprized at them. His habits during the latter period of his service in my family, which my repeated counsels & warnings did not controul, acct. for the ruin he has brought on himself. I wish his sad experience, with your friendly interpositions may have all the good effects you think they promise. I inclose...
Davy sets off tomorrow with a cart for the bigtailed ram D r Thornton was so kind as to promise me. as the post will be with you a day or two earlier I drop you this line to give you earlier notice. I write you more fully by Davy PoC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “M r Joseph Dougherty”; endorsed by TJ. davy : David Hern (1784–after 1829), the son of David Hern
Your’s of the 15 th I have recieved, and am thankful to you for the information as to the broadtailed ram, & shall be particularly so to D r Thornton if he can spare me one, as I have no chance of getting one in this state. mr Howard was mistaken in supposing I was sending for one. there is no such animal nearer than Washington . will you be so good as to inform me whether the one D r Thornton...
When forwarding the other day the memorandum for Capt. or mrs Andrews, I omitted to send the one now inclosed. mr Dougherty will therefore be pleased to deliver it immediately with a request that it be prepared & put in the same box with the other. MHi : Coolidge Collection.